- aggregation methods
- Air Traffic Management
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Assembly
- assembly detection
- Automobile Industry
- Bayesian Networks
- bibtex-import
- Binary Classification
- biology computing
- brain
- Brain modeling
- Classification
- Classification models
- clustering
- Computational Intelligence
- data analysis
- Data Mining
- Data Visualization
- dynamic graphs
- dynamic networks
- elctroencephalography
- Electric potential
- Electrodes
- Enron dataset
- Evolutionary Algorithms
- feature extraction
- Feature Selection
- Frequent Pattern Mining
- frequent temporal patterns
- Fuzzy c-means
- Fuzzy classifiers
- Fuzzy clustering
- Fuzzy Control
- Fuzzy Data Analysis
- Fuzzy decision trees
- fuzzy logic
- Fuzzy neural network
- Fuzzy rule learning
- Fuzzy Rules
- fuzzy SVM
- Fuzzy Systems
- industrial application
- Information Fusion
- Intelligent data analysis
- Interpolation
- Interpretability
- knowledge acquisition
- Knowledge Representation
- Labeling
- Linguistic description
- Luftverkehrssysteme
- M-estimators
- Machine Learning
- Mamdani Control
- Markov networks
- MDSpolar
- Monotonicity Constraints
- Motif Discovery
- multidimensional scaling
- Multiple prototypes
- Multiple-Instance Learning
- Multivariate Time Series Analysis
- neural assemblies online detection
- neural nets
- Neural Networks
- Neuro-fuzzy system
- neurobiologists
- neurobiology
- neuroimaging
- neuron activation
- Neurons
- neuroscience
- Noise clustering
- online algorithms
- Outlier detection
- Pattern Recognition
- point processes
- Precision Agriculture
- Prediction
- Random Sets
- Real-time systems
- Regression
- Robust statistics
- Safety-Related Systems
- Sammon's Mapping
- SMPS2012
- social network analysis
- spike train analysis
- spike trains behavior
- spike-time hypothesis
- stream analysis
- Support Vector Machine
- Support Vector Regression. Multidimensional Scaling
- Trajectory
- vector autoregressive model
- Visual Data Analysis
- Visualization
Publications of Rudolf Kruse
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-300 | 301-350 | 351-400 | 401-450 | 451-500 | 501-534 |
An Uncertainty Representation for Set-Valued Attributes with Hierarchical Domains, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU-08), University of Málaga, Málaga, pages 197--203, 2008 | and ,
Application of Graphical Models in the Automotive Industry, in: Computational Intelligence in Automotive Applications, pages 79--88, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008 | , and ,
Data Mining with Neural Networks for Wheat Yield Prediction, in: Advances in Data Mining -- Medical Applications, E-Commerce, Marketing, and Theoretical Aspects, Leipzig, pages 47--56, Springer Verlag, 2008 | , , and ,
Efficient Visualization of High-Dimensional Data with Polar Coordinates, in: Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, Idea Group Publishing, 2008 | , and ,
Estimation of Neural Network Parameters for Wheat Yield Prediction, in: Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice II, pages 109--118, Springer Boston, 2008 | , , and ,
Fuzzy neural network (2008), in: Scholarpedia, 3:11(6043) | and ,
Gustafson-Kessel-Like Clustering Algorithm Based on Typicality Degrees, in: Uncertainty and Intelligent Information Systems, pages 117--130, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2008 | and ,
Identifying Temporal Trajectories of Association Rules with Fuzzy Descriptions, in: Proc. Conf. North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS 2008), New York City, NY, pages 1--6, 2008 | and ,
Mining frequent temporal patterns in interval sequences (2008), in: International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems (IJUFKS), 16:5(645--661) | , , and ,
Mining Temporal Patterns in an Automotive Environment, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU-08), University of Málaga, Málaga, pages 521--528, 2008 | and ,
Optimizing Wheat Yield Prediction Using Different Topologies of Neural Networks, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU-08), University of Málaga, Málaga, pages 576--582, 2008 | , , and ,
Predicting Future Decision Trees from Evolving Data, in: Proceedings of ICDM '08, Pisa, Italy, pages 33--42, IEEE Computer Society, 2008 | , and ,
Predicting the recognition of natural scenes from single trial MEG recordings of brain activity (2008), in: NeuroImage, 42:3(1056--1068) | , , , , , , and ,
Preferences and Similarities, Springer, CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, 2008 |
Relevance Feedback for Association Rules by Leveraging Concepts from Information Retrieval, in: Research and Development in Intelligent Systems, BCS SGAI, Cambridge, pages 253--266, Springer, 2008 | , , and ,
Similarity Relations and Independence Concepts, in: Preferences and Similarities, pages 179-196, Springer, 2008 | and ,
Tackling Multiple-Instance Problems in Safety-Related Domains by Quasilinear SVM, in: Soft Methods for Handling Variability and Imprecision, pages 409--416, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2008 | , and ,
Unification of Fuzzy SVMs and Rule Extraction Methods through imprecise Domain Knowledge, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU-08), University of Málaga, Torremolinos (Málaga), pages 1527--1534, 2008 | and ,
Visualization of High-Dimensional Data with Polar Coordinates, in: Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, pages 2062--2067, Information Science Reference, 2008 | , and ,
Visualization of Local Dependencies of Possibilistic Network Structures, in: Granular Computing: At the Junction of Rough Sets and Fuzzy Sets, pages 93--104, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008 | and ,
A novel approach to noise clustering for outlier detection (2007), in: Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, 11:5(489--494) | , and ,
An Extended Objective Function for Prototype-less Fuzzy Clustering, in: Proc. Conf. North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS 2007), pages 146--151, 2007 | and ,
FSMTree: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Frequent Temporal Patterns, in: Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Applications, Berlin, Heidelberg, pages 253--260, Springer, 2007 | , and ,
Fundamentals of Fuzzy Clustering, in: Advances in Fuzzy Clustering and its Applications, pages 3--30, John Wiley {\&} Sons, 2007 | , and ,
Intelligent data analysis with fuzzy decision trees (2007), in: Soft Computing: A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, 11:5(439--457) | , , and ,
Modern Data Visualization for Air Traffic Management, in: Proc. Conf. North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS 2007), pages 19--24, 2007 | , , and ,
Multiple Cluster Merging and Multihop Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks, in: Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing, Second International Conference, GPC 2007, Paris, France, May 2-4, 2007, Proceedings, Springer Verlag, 2007 | , , and ,
Relevance Feedback for Association Rules using Fuzzy Score Aggregation, in: Proc. Conf. North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS 2007), pages 54--59, 2007 | , and ,
Single Cluster Visualization to Optimize Air Traffic Management, in: Advances in Data Analysis, pages 319--325, Springer, 2007 | , and ,
Special issue on soft computing for information mining [editorial] (2007), in: Soft Computing: A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, 11:5(397--399) | , , and ,
The role of soft computing in intelligent data analysis, in: Final program and abstracts of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 9--17, 2007 | , , , and ,
Visualisierung Bayesscher Netze zur Diagnoseunterstützung, in: GMA-Kongress 2007 --- Automation im gesamten Lebenszyklus, VDI-Verlag, 2007 | and ,
Visualization of Fuzzy Classifiers (2007), in: International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems (IJUFKS), 15:5(615--624) | , and ,
Visualization of Possibilistic Potentials, in: {Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing}, pages 295--303, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2007 | and ,
Visualizing Interesting Rules through Belief Network Inspection, in: Business Intelligence: Methods and Applications, pages 95--101, Verlag Dr. Kova{\v{c}}, Hamburg, 2007 | and ,
A Framework for Discovering Interesting Business Changes from Data (2006), in: BT Technology Journal, 24:2(219--228) | , , and ,
Data analysis with fuzzy clustering methods (2006), in: Computational Statistics {\&} Data Analysis, 51:1(192--214) | , and ,
Data Summarisation by Typicality-based Clustering for Vectorial and Non Vectorial Data, in: Fuzzy Systems, 2006 IEEE International Conference on, pages 547--554, 2006 | and ,
Decision Theory and Multi-Agent Planning, Springer, 2006 | , , and ,
Detection of Faulty Semiconductor Wafers using Dynamic Growing Self Organizing Map, in: Proceedings of the IEEE Tencon 2005, Melbourne, Australia, IEEE Operations Center, New Jersey, pages 761--766, Piscataway, 2006 | , , , , , and ,
Finding the Number of Fuzzy Clusters by Resampling, in: Proc. 16th IEEE Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'06, Vancouver, Canada), IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2006 | and ,
From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering, Springer, 2006 | , , , and ,
Fuzzy Control: Fundamentals, Stability and Design of Fuzzy Controllers, Springer, 2006 | , , and ,
Graphical Models for Industrial Planning on Complex Domains, in: Decision Theory and Multi-Agent Planning, pages 131--143, Springer, 2006 | , , , and ,
Graphical Models for Industrial Planning on Complex Domains, in: Decision Theory and Multi-Agent Planning, pages 131--143, Springer, 2006 | , , , and ,
Gustafson-Kessel-like clustering algorithm based on typicality degrees, in: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, pages 1300--1307, EDK, Paris, 2006 | and ,
Informationsfusion in Neuro-Fuzzy-Systemen, in: Informationsfusion in der Mess- und Sensortechnik, pages 113--125, Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe, 2006 | , and ,
Planning with Graphical Models, in: Proc. of the 2006 Conference on COGnitive systems with Interactive Sensors (COGIS'06), Paris, France, 2006 | , , and ,
POLARMAP - Efficient Visualisation of High Dimensional Data (2006), in: Proceedings of the conference on Information Visualization(731--740) | , and ,
Prediction of Aircraft Flight Duration, in: Proceedings of the 11th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Delft, Netherlands, 2006 | , , and ,