- aggregation methods
- Air Traffic Management
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Assembly
- assembly detection
- Automobile Industry
- Bayesian Networks
- bibtex-import
- Binary Classification
- biology computing
- brain
- Brain modeling
- Classification
- Classification models
- clustering
- Computational Intelligence
- data analysis
- Data Mining
- Data Visualization
- dynamic graphs
- dynamic networks
- elctroencephalography
- Electric potential
- Electrodes
- Enron dataset
- Evolutionary Algorithms
- feature extraction
- Feature Selection
- Frequent Pattern Mining
- frequent temporal patterns
- Fuzzy c-means
- Fuzzy classifiers
- Fuzzy clustering
- Fuzzy Control
- Fuzzy Data Analysis
- Fuzzy decision trees
- fuzzy logic
- Fuzzy neural network
- Fuzzy rule learning
- Fuzzy Rules
- fuzzy SVM
- Fuzzy Systems
- industrial application
- Information Fusion
- Intelligent data analysis
- Interpolation
- Interpretability
- knowledge acquisition
- Knowledge Representation
- Labeling
- Linguistic description
- Luftverkehrssysteme
- M-estimators
- Machine Learning
- Mamdani Control
- Markov networks
- MDSpolar
- Monotonicity Constraints
- Motif Discovery
- multidimensional scaling
- Multiple prototypes
- Multiple-Instance Learning
- Multivariate Time Series Analysis
- neural assemblies online detection
- neural nets
- Neural Networks
- Neuro-fuzzy system
- neurobiologists
- neurobiology
- neuroimaging
- neuron activation
- Neurons
- neuroscience
- Noise clustering
- online algorithms
- Outlier detection
- Pattern Recognition
- point processes
- Precision Agriculture
- Prediction
- Random Sets
- Real-time systems
- Regression
- Robust statistics
- Safety-Related Systems
- Sammon's Mapping
- SMPS2012
- social network analysis
- spike train analysis
- spike trains behavior
- spike-time hypothesis
- stream analysis
- Support Vector Machine
- Support Vector Regression. Multidimensional Scaling
- Trajectory
- vector autoregressive model
- Visual Data Analysis
- Visualization
Publications of Rudolf Kruse sorted by title
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-300 | 301-350 | 351-400 | 401-450 | 451-500 | 501-534 |
A Clustering Approach for Management Zone Delineation in Precision Agriculture, in: Proceedings of ICPA 2010, International Society of Precision Agriculture, 2010 | , and ,
A Clustering Approach to a Major-Accident Data Set: Analysis of Key Interactions to Minimise Human Errors, in: Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), IEEE, Cape Town, pages 1838-1843, IEEE, 2015 | , , and ,
A Condensed Representation of Itemsets for Analyzing their Evolution over Time, in: 11th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD2009), Springer, 2009 | , and ,
A consistent Variance Estimator in the Presence of Vague Data, in: Proc. First Joint IFSA-EC and EURO-WG Workshop on Progress in Fuzzy sets in Europe, 1986 | and ,
A Critique of Inductive Causation, in: Proc. 5th European Conf. on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty (ECSQARU'99, London, United Kingdom), pages 68--79, Springer-Verlag, 1999 | and ,
A Framework for Discovering Interesting Business Changes from Data (2006), in: BT Technology Journal, 24:2(219--228) | , , and ,
A Fuzzy Controller for Idle Speed Regulation, in: Proc. 1994 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 155--160, 1994 | , and ,
A Fuzzy Idle Speed Controller, in: Proc. 26th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, 1993 | , , and ,
A Fuzzy Neural Network Learning Fuzzy Control Rules and Membership Functions by Fuzzy Error Backpropagation, in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Neural Networks 1993, pages 1022--1027, 1993 | and ,
A Lukasiewicz Logic Based Prolog (1994), in: Mathware and Soft Computing, 1(5--29) | and ,
A modification to improve possibilistic fuzzy cluster analysis, in: Fuzzy Systems, 2002. FUZZ-IEEE'02. Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on, pages 1460--1465, 2002 | and ,
A Neural Fuzzy Controller Learning by Fuzzy Error Propagation, in: Proc. Workshop of North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS92), pages 388--397, 1992 | and ,
A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to Obtain Interpretable Fuzzy Systems for Function Approximation, in: Proc. 7th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'98), pages 1106--1111, 1998 | and ,
A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to Optimise Hierarchical Recurrent Fuzzy Systems (2002), in: Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 1:2(221--248) | , , , and ,
A neuro-fuzzy development tool for fuzzy controllers under MATLAB/SIMULINK, in: Proc. Fifth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT97), pages 1029--1033, 1997 | , , and ,
A neuro-fuzzy method to learn fuzzy classification rules from data (1997), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 89(277--288) | , and ,
A New Approach to Semantical Aspects of Possibilistic Reasoning, in: Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty, Springer Verlag, 1993 | and ,
A new distance function for Prototype-based Clustering Algorithms in High-Dimensional Spaces, in: Proceedings of CLADAG 2011, Pavia, Italy, 2011 | , and ,
A Note on Additive Fuzzy Measures, Fuzzy Sets and Systems (1982), 8(219--222) | ,
A novel approach to noise clustering for outlier detection (2007), in: Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, 11:5(489--494) | , and ,
A Numerical Framework for Possibilistic Abduction, Springer, 1995 | and ,
A Numerical Framework for Possibilistic Abduction, in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU ´94), 1994 | and ,
A Possibilistic Interpretation of Fuzzy Sets by the Context Model, in: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1992 | and ,
A Problem Specific Recurrent Neural Network for the Description and Simulation of Dynamic Spring Models, in: Proc. IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 1998 (IJCNN '98), pages 468--473, 1998 | , and ,
A temporal extension of closed item sets for change mining, School of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg, number 07-08, 2008 | , and ,
A Treatment Outcome Prediction Model of Visual Field Recovery Using Self-Organizing-Maps (2009), in: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 56:3(572--581) | , , , and ,
Abductive Inference with Probabilistic Networks, in: Abductive Reasoning and Learning, Kluwer, 2000 | and ,
Accelerating Convergence in Cartesian Genetic Programming by Using a New Genetic Operator, in: Proceedings of the fifteenth annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference, 2013 | , and ,
Active Learning-Based Identification of Neuronal Assemblies in Parallel Spike Trains, in: Proceedings. 24. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 27.-28. November 2014, pages 155-172, KIT Scientific Publishing, 2014 | and ,
Adaptable Markov Models in Industrial Planning, in: Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (Budapest), IEEE Press, 2004 | , , and ,
Adjusting Monitored Experiments to Real-World Cases by Matching Labeled Time Series Motifs, in: Proceedings 18. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 3. - 5. Dezember 2008, pages 214--223, Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe, 2008 | and ,
Advanced Analysis of Dynamic Graphs in Social and Neural Networks, in: Towards Advanced Data Analysis by Combining Soft Computing and Statistics, pages 205--222, Springer, 2013 | , , , and ,
Advanced Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques Applied To The German Stock Index DAX, in: Proceedings of the 2. European Workshop on Fuzzy Decision Analysis and Neural Networks, EFDAN'97, 1997 | , and ,
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis V, Springer, 2003 |
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis V --- Proc.\ 5th Int.\ Symp.\ on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA2003, Berlin, Germany), Springer-Verlag, 2003 |
An Algorithm for Anticipating Future Decision Trees from Concept-Drifting Data, in: Research and Development in Intelligent Systems, BCS SGAI, London, pages 293--306, Springer, 2009 | , and ,
An Alternating Optimization Approach based on Hierarchical Adaptations of DBSCAN, in: 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2015 | , and ,
An Application of Equality Relations to Idle Speed Control, in: Proc. of the 1. European Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Technologies, 1993 | and ,
An asynchronous BMI for autonomous robotic grasping based on SSVEF detection, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2014, Graz University of Technology, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2014 | , , and ,
An efficient decoder for the recognition of event-related potentials in high-density MEG recordings (2016), in: Computers : open access journal. - Basel : MDPI, 5:2 | , , and ,
An Empirical Investigation of the K2 Metric, in: Proc.\ 6th European Conf.\ on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty (ECSQARU'01, Toulouse, France), pages 240--251, Springer-Verlag, 2001 | and ,
An Extended Objective Function for Prototype-less Fuzzy Clustering, in: Proc. Conf. North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS 2007), pages 146--151, 2007 | and ,
An Extension of Partially Supervised Fuzzy Cluster, in: Proc. of International Conf. of the North American Fuzzy Information (NAFIPS), 2002 | , and ,
An Extension to Possibilistic Fuzzy Cluster Analysis (2004), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 147(3--16) | , , , and ,
An Extension to Possibilistic Fuzzy Cluster Analysis (2004), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 147(3--16) | , , and ,
An Integrating Model of Partial Ignorance, in: Proc. 4rd IFSA Conference, 1991 | and ,
An Integrating Model of Uncertainty and Vagueness, in: Proc. of the NAFIPS-91 Conference, 1991 | and ,
An Uncertainty Representation for Set-Valued Attributes with Hierarchical Domains, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU-08), University of Málaga, Málaga, pages 197--203, 2008 | and ,
Analysis and Visualization of Dynamic Clusterings, in: 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pages 1385-1393, IEEE Computer Society, 2013 | and ,
Analysis of a major-accident dataset by Association Rule Mining to minimise unsafe interfaces, in: Proc. of the 13th International Probabilistic Workshop (IPW 2015), IPW 2015 Organisers, Liverpool, pages 218-230, Research Publishing, 2015 | , , , and ,