- aggregation methods
- Air Traffic Management
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Assembly
- assembly detection
- Automobile Industry
- Bayesian Networks
- bibtex-import
- Binary Classification
- biology computing
- brain
- Brain modeling
- Classification
- Classification models
- clustering
- Computational Intelligence
- data analysis
- Data Mining
- Data Visualization
- dynamic graphs
- dynamic networks
- elctroencephalography
- Electric potential
- Electrodes
- Enron dataset
- Evolutionary Algorithms
- feature extraction
- Feature Selection
- Frequent Pattern Mining
- frequent temporal patterns
- Fuzzy c-means
- Fuzzy classifiers
- Fuzzy clustering
- Fuzzy Control
- Fuzzy Data Analysis
- Fuzzy decision trees
- fuzzy logic
- Fuzzy neural network
- Fuzzy rule learning
- Fuzzy Rules
- fuzzy SVM
- Fuzzy Systems
- industrial application
- Information Fusion
- Intelligent data analysis
- Interpolation
- Interpretability
- knowledge acquisition
- Knowledge Representation
- Labeling
- Linguistic description
- Luftverkehrssysteme
- M-estimators
- Machine Learning
- Mamdani Control
- Markov networks
- MDSpolar
- Monotonicity Constraints
- Motif Discovery
- multidimensional scaling
- Multiple prototypes
- Multiple-Instance Learning
- Multivariate Time Series Analysis
- neural assemblies online detection
- neural nets
- Neural Networks
- Neuro-fuzzy system
- neurobiologists
- neurobiology
- neuroimaging
- neuron activation
- Neurons
- neuroscience
- Noise clustering
- online algorithms
- Outlier detection
- Pattern Recognition
- point processes
- Precision Agriculture
- Prediction
- Random Sets
- Real-time systems
- Regression
- Robust statistics
- Safety-Related Systems
- Sammon's Mapping
- SMPS2012
- social network analysis
- spike train analysis
- spike trains behavior
- spike-time hypothesis
- stream analysis
- Support Vector Machine
- Support Vector Regression. Multidimensional Scaling
- Trajectory
- vector autoregressive model
- Visual Data Analysis
- Visualization
Publications of Rudolf Kruse sorted by title
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-300 | 301-350 | 351-400 | 401-450 | 451-500 | 501-534 |
Information Mining with Fuzzy Methods: Trends and Current Challenges, in: Proc. Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics Information (MMAR'02), pages 117--120, 2002 | and ,
Information Mining with Semi-Supervised Learning, Springer, Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems, 2004 | and ,
Information Mining: Applications in Image Processing, in: SOFSEM2000: Theory and Practice of Informatics, pages 266--285, Springer, 2000 | and ,
Information Mining: Editorial (2003), in: Int.\ Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 32(63--65) | and ,
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Applications., Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science, volume 81, 2010 |
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Theory and Methods., Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science, volume 80, 2010 |
Information Source Modelling for Consistent Data Fusion, in: Proc. of the International Conference on Multisource-Multisensor Information Fusion (FUSION'98), pages 27--34, CSREA Press, 1998 | and ,
Informationsfusion in Neuro-Fuzzy-Systemen, in: Informationsfusion in der Mess- und Sensortechnik, pages 113--125, Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe, 2006 | , and ,
Intelligent Data Analysis - An International Journal, IOSPress, 2004 | , and ,
Intelligent Data Analysis with Fuzzy Decision Trees, in: Soft Computing for Information Mining (Workshop Proceedings 27th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence), 2004 | , , and ,
Intelligent data analysis with fuzzy decision trees (2007), in: Soft Computing: A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, 11:5(439--457) | , , and ,
Intelligente Systeme: Wie geht man mit unvollkommenen Informationen um?, in: Universitätsschriften, Magdeburg, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, 1998 | ,
Interactive Text Retrieval Based on Document Similarities (2000), in: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth(649--654) | , , , , and ,
Interpretation und Analyse von Fuzzy Daten, in: Proc. DGOR, 1991 | , and ,
Interpreting Changes in the Fuzzy Sets of a Self-Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Controller, in: Proc.\ Second Int.\ Workshop on Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems (IFIS'92), pages 146--152, 1992 | and ,
Interpreting Changes in the Membership Functions of a Self Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Controller, in: Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems, 1992 | and ,
Kernel-based outlier preserving clustering, in: Information-Mining und Wissensmanagement in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft - 8. Göttinger Symposium Soft Computing, Universität Göttingen, 2005 | and ,
KI2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2003 |
Knowledge Revision in Markov Networks (2004), in: Mathware \{&} Soft Computing, 11:2-3(93--107) | , , and ,
Learning from Imprecise Data: Possibilistic Graphical Models (2002), in: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 38(449--463) | , , and ,
Learning from Imprecise Data: Possibilistic Graphical Models, in: Proc.\ Int.\ Meeting on Nonlinear Methods and Data Mining (NMDM 2000), pages 190--203, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 2000 | and ,
Learning Graphical Models by Extending Optimal Spanning Trees, in: Intelligent Systems for Information Processing --- From Representation to Applications, pages 339--348, Elsevier, 2003 | and ,
Learning Graphical Models by Extending Optimal Spanning Trees IPMU'02, in: Annecy, 2002 | and ,
Learning Graphical Models with Hypertree Structure Using a Simulated Annealing Approach, in: Proc.\ 10th IEEE Int.\ Conf.\ on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'01, Melbourne, Australia), IEEE Press, 2001 | and ,
Learning in Neuro-Fuzzy Systems with Symbolic Attributes and Missing Values, in: Proc. Sixth International Conference on Information Processing (ICONIP99), pages 142--147, Perth, 1999 | and ,
Learning methods for fuzzy systems, in: Proc. 8th International Symposium on Non-Linear Electromagnetic Systems 1997 (ISEM'97), 1997 | and ,
Learning Methods for Fuzzy Systems, in: Proc. of the 8th International Symposium on Non-Linear Electromagnetic Systems 1997 (ISEM'97), pages 367--372, IOS-Press, 1998 | and ,
Learning Methods for Fuzzy Systems, in: Proc.\ Fuzzy--Neuro--Systeme'95, pages 7--22, 1995 | and ,
Learning of lane information reliability for intelligent vehicles, in: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI), pages 142-147, 2016 | , , , and ,
Learning Possibilistic Graphical Models, in: Proc. 3rd European Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Technologies (EUFIT'95), pages 74--76, 1995 | and ,
Learning Possibilistic Graphical Models from Data (2003), in: IEEE Transaction Fuzzy Systems, 11:2(159--172) | , and ,
Learning Possibilistic Networks from Data, pages 143--153, Springer, Learning from Data, Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 5, Le, volume 112, 1996 | and ,
Learning Possibilistic Networks from Data, in: Proc. 5th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, pages 233--244, 1995 | and ,
Learning Possibilistic Networks from Data, in: Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE / IFES '95, pages 1575--1580, 1995 | and ,
Learning probabilistic and possibilistic networks: Theory and applications, in: Proc. 7th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (IFSA'97), pages 19--24, 1997 | and ,
Learning Verifiable Ensembles for Classification Problems with High Safety Requirements, in: Intelligent Soft Computation and Evolving Data Mining: Integrating Advanced Technology, IGI Global, 2009 | , , and ,
Learning, Networks and Statistics., Springer, 1997 |
Lernen probabilistischer and possibilistischer Netze aus Daten: Theorie und Anwendung (1998), in: KI-Themenheft Data Mining(11--17) | , , , and ,
Local Structure Learning in Graphical Models, in: Planning based on Decision Theory (Proc.\ 6th Int.\ Workshop, Udine, Italy 2002), pages 99--118, Springer-Verlag, 2003 | and ,
Logical Approaches to Uncertainty and Vagueness in the View of the Context Model, in: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1992 | , and ,
M-Estimator induced Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms, in: Proceedings of the 7th conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT-2011) and LFA-2011, European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), Aix-Le-Bains, France, pages 298--304, Atlantis Press, 2011 | , and ,
Machine Learning Methods for Spatial Clustering on Precision Agriculture Data, in: Eleventh Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 40--49, IOS Press, 2011 | and ,
Maschinelles Lernen von validierbaren Klassifikatoren zur autonomen Steuerung sicherheitsrelevanter Systeme (2009), in: at -- Automatisierungstechnik, 57:3(138-145) | , , , , and ,
Mass Distributions on L-Fuzzy Sets and Families of Frames of Discernment, pages 239--250, Wiley, Advances in Dempster-ShaferTheory of Evidence, 1994 | and ,
Mathematical and Statistical Methods in AI, Springer, 1995 |
Mdspolar: A new approach for dimension reduction to visualize high dimensional data, in: Advances inIntelligent Data Analysis VI - Proc. of the 6th Int. Symp. on IDA 2005, Berlin, Heidelberg, pages 316--327, Springer, 2005 | , and ,
Measures of Nonspecificity for Decomposing Possibility Distributions, in: Proc. Biennial Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS '96), pages 177--179, 1996 | and ,
Memory-efficient analysis of dense functional connectomes (2016), in: Frontiers in neuroinformatics Lausanne Frontiers Research Foundation, 10 2016 12 Bd. 10.2016, Art.-Nr. 50, insges. 12 S. | , , , and ,
Mining changing customer segments in dynamic markets (2009), in: Expert Systems with Applications, 36:1(155--164) | , , and ,
Mining Frequent Parallel Episodes with Selective Participation, in: 16th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) 9th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), Atlantis Press, 2015 | , , and ,