All publications sorted by title
Frank Rehm, Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, A novel approach to noise clustering for outlier detection (2007), in: Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, 11:5(489--494) attachment
Jörg Gebhardt and Rudolf Kruse, A Numerical Framework for Possibilistic Abduction, in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU ´94), 1994
Jörg Gebhardt and Rudolf Kruse, A Possibilistic Interpretation of Fuzzy Sets by the Context Model, in: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1992
Andreas Nürnberger, A. Radetzky and Rudolf Kruse, A Problem Specific Recurrent Neural Network for the Description and Simulation of Dynamic Spring Models, in: Proc. IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 1998 (IJCNN '98), pages 468--473, 1998
Georg Ruß, A Relevance Feedback System for Association Rules, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2006 attachment
Sebastian Stober, Matthias Steinbrecher and Andreas Nürnberger, A Survey on the Acceptance of Listening Context Logging for MIR Applications, in: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Learning the Semantics of Audio Signals (LSAS), pages 45--57, 2009
Mirko Böttcher, Martin Spott and Rudolf Kruse, A temporal extension of closed item sets for change mining, School of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg, number 07-08, 2008 attachment
Duc Tam Nguyen, Abbildung des realen Fahrverhaltens mithilfe eines autonomen Lernverfahrens, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg, 2013
Christian Borgelt and Rudolf Kruse, Abductive Inference with Probabilistic Networks, in: Abductive Reasoning and Learning, Kluwer, 2000
Andreas Meier, Mark Gonter and Rudolf Kruse, Accelerating Convergence in Cartesian Genetic Programming by Using a New Genetic Operator, in: Proceedings of the fifteenth annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference, 2013
Christian Braune and Rudolf Kruse, Active Learning-Based Identification of Neuronal Assemblies in Parallel Spike Trains, in: Proceedings. 24. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 27.-28. November 2014, pages 155-172, KIT Scientific Publishing, 2014
Jörg Gebhardt, Frank Rügheimer, Heinz Detmer and Rudolf Kruse, Adaptable Markov Models in Industrial Planning, in: Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (Budapest), IEEE Press, 2004
Christian Moewes and Rudolf Kruse, Adjusting Monitored Experiments to Real-World Cases by Matching Labeled Time Series Motifs, in: Proceedings 18. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 3. - 5. Dezember 2008, pages 214--223, Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe, 2008 attachment
Pascal Held, Christian Moewes, Christian Braune, Rudolf Kruse and Bernhard A. Sabel, Advanced Analysis of Dynamic Graphs in Social and Neural Networks, in: Towards Advanced Data Analysis by Combining Soft Computing and Statistics, pages 205--222, Springer, 2013 attachment
S. Siekmann, Rudolf Kruse and R. Neuneier, Advanced Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques Applied To The German Stock Index DAX, in: Proceedings of the 2. European Workshop on Fuzzy Decision Analysis and Neural Networks, EFDAN'97, 1997
Advances in Data Mining, IBaI Publishing, 2010
Advances in Data Mining, IBaI Publishing, 2011
Mirko Böttcher, Martin Spott and Rudolf Kruse, An Algorithm for Anticipating Future Decision Trees from Concept-Drifting Data, in: Research and Development in Intelligent Systems, BCS SGAI, London, pages 293--306, Springer, 2009 attachment
Alexander Dockhorn, Christian Braune and Rudolf Kruse, An Alternating Optimization Approach based on Hierarchical Adaptations of DBSCAN, in: 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2015
Rudolf Kruse and M. Schröder, An Application of Equality Relations to Idle Speed Control, in: Proc. of the 1. European Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Technologies, 1993