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Frank Klawonn, Rudolf Kruse and Heiko Timm, Fuzzy Shell Cluster Analysis, pages 105--120, Springer, Learning, Networks and Statistics, 1997
Rudolf Kruse, Jörg Gebhardt and María Ángeles Gil, Fuzzy statistics, Wiley, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1997
Rudolf Kruse and Detlef Nauck, Fuzzy Systeme und Neuro-Fuzzy Systeme, pages 35--54, Vieweg, Computational Intelligence, 1998
Fuzzy Systems in Computer Science, Vieweg, Series Artificial Intelligence, 1994
Heiko Timm and Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy-Clusteranalyse mit DataEngine, in: Proc. 4. DataEngine User Meeting, 1998
Christian Borgelt, Jörg Gebhardt and Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy-Methoden in der Datenanalyse, in: {F}uzzy-{T}heorie und {S}tochastik, pages 370--386, Vieweg, 1999
Jörg Gebhardt, Rudolf Kruse and María Ángeles Gil, Fuzzy-set theoretic methods in statistics, Kluwer, Handbook on Fuzzy Sets, Kapitel 10, volume 5, 1997
Rudolf Kruse, Jörg Gebhardt and Frank Klawonn, Fuzzy-Systeme, Teubner, Leitfäden und Monographien der Informatik, 1995
Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy-Systeme, pages 208--212, Oldenbourg Verlag, Kleines Wörterbuch der Informatik, 1995
A. Radetzky and Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy-Systeme - Positive Aspekte der Unvollkommenheit (1996), in: Informatik Spektrum, 19:1(4--11)
Detlef Nauck and Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy-Systeme and Soft Computing, pages 1--19, Franz Vahlen Verlag, Fuzzy Set Theorie in betriebswirtschaftlichen Anwendungen, 1996
Rudolf Kruse and Detlef Nauck, Fuzzy-Systeme und Soft Computing, pages 1--19, Franz Vahlen Verlag, Fuzzy Set Theorie in betriebswirtschaftlichen Anwendungen, 1997
Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy-Systeme: Einige Klarstellungen (1993), in: KI 4, Sparte Pro und Kontra
Detlef Nauck, Ulrike Nauck and Rudolf Kruse, Generating Classification Rules with the Neuro-Fuzzy System (NEFCLASS), in: Proc. Biennial Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society NAFIPS '96, pages 466--470, IEEE, Berkeley, 1996
Pascal Held, Alexander Dockhorn and Rudolf Kruse, Generating Events for Dynamic Social Network Simulations, in: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, pages 46--55, Springer International Publishing, 2014
Frank Klawonn, Detlef Nauck and Rudolf Kruse, Generating Rules from Data by Fuzzy and Neuro--Fuzzy Methods, in: Proc.\ Fuzzy--Neuro--Systeme'95, pages 223--230, 1995
Jörg Gebhardt, Aljoscha Klose, Heinz Detmer, Frank Rügheimer and Rudolf Kruse, Graphical Models for Industrial Planning on Complex Domains, in: Decision Theory and Multi-Agent Planning, pages 131--143, Springer, 2006
Jörg Gebhardt, Aljoscha Klose, Heinz Detmer, Frank Rügheimer and Rudolf Kruse, Graphical Models for Industrial Planning on Complex Domains, in: Decision Theory and Multi-Agent Planning, pages 131--143, Springer, 2006
Marie-Jeanne Lesot and Rudolf Kruse, Gustafson-Kessel-like clustering algorithm based on typicality degrees, in: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, pages 1300--1307, EDK, Paris, 2006 attachment
Marie-Jeanne Lesot and Rudolf Kruse, Gustafson-Kessel-Like Clustering Algorithm Based on Typicality Degrees, in: Uncertainty and Intelligent Information Systems, pages 117--130, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2008
Handbook of Deafesible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems, Kluwer, Abductive Reasoning and Learning, volume 4, 2000
Christian Borgelt, Christian Braune, Marie-Jeanne Lesot and Rudolf Kruse, Handling Noise and Outliers in Fuzzy Clustering, in: Fifty Years of Fuzzy Logic and its Applications, pages 315-335, Springer International Publishing, 2015
Fabian Schmidt, Jörg Gebhardt and Rudolf Kruse, Handling Revision Inconsistencies: Towards Better Explanations, in: Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, pages 257-266, Springer International Publishing, 2015
Steffen Kempe, Häufige Muster in zeitbezogenen Daten, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2008 attachment
Georg Ruß and Martin Schneider, Hierarchical Spatial Clustering for Management Zone Delineation in Precision Agriculture, in: Advances in Data Mining, pages 95--104, IBaI Publishing, 2010 attachment
Rudolf Kruse and Detlef Nauck, How the learning of rule weights affects the interpretability of fuzzy systems, in: Proc. 7th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'98), pages 1235--1240, 1998 attachment
Matthias Steinbrecher and Rudolf Kruse, Identifying Temporal Trajectories of Association Rules with Fuzzy Descriptions, in: Proc. Conf. North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS 2008), New York City, NY, pages 1--6, 2008