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Fuzzy SystemsWinter 2011/12 NewsThe inspection of the written exams will take place in G29-019 on February 24, 2012 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Overview
General InformationThis page contains information about the lecture "Fuzzy Systems" that is read by Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kruse in the winter 2011/12. It is updated during the course. Fuzzy set theory is an extension of the classical set theory that can model imprecise and vague expressions of natural language such as big, small, hot, cold, etc. Fuzzy logic allows to formalize rules that contain such expressions of natural language. These rules can be utilized to support decision processes. The lecture "Fuzzy Systems" offers an introduction to both fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic. Moreover it deals with applications of control engineering, approximate inference and data analysis. Note that since "Fuzzy Systems" is a master course, both lecture and exercise will be given in English. There might be German assignment sheets on request.
Schedule and Rooms
LecturersIf you have questions regarding the lecture or exercise, please contact (via e-mail if possible) one of the persons named below.
Conditions for Certificate ("Schein") and ExamA new assignment sheet containing written and programming assignments is published on this web page every week. The written assignments must me ticked of at the beginning of every exercise. Ticking off an assignment you agree to be able to explain and present the assignment and your solution proposal (which need not to be completely correct. However, you should be prepared thoroughly in order to solve the assignment). Programming assignments must be submitted in electronic form to Christian Moewes before 8 o'clock in the morning of the corresponding exercise day. Late assignments will not be accepted. The programs must run properly on the SUN pool machines in the faculty of computer science. The certificate for this course is issued to students who
Students who want to finish the course with an exam or a marked certificate must
The written exam will be on February 9, 2012 from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. in G29-307.
PrerequisitesYou do not need but should have background knowledge about
Slides from the LectureThe slides from the lecture will be published here incrementally as the course proceeds.
AssignmentsThe collection of assignment sheets will be updated weekly at this location.
Additional MaterialFeel free to check out the following supplementary material that augment the lecture and exercise.