UNI / FIN / IKS Arbeitsgruppe Computational Intelligence |
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Computational Intelligence GroupThe Research Group Computational Intelligence was led by Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kruse from 1996 to 2017. In 2017 he obtained the status of an emeritus professor at the OVGU Magdeburg. A contract allows Rudolf Kruse to be still active in research and teaching, see his webpage for recent activities. His new email address is rudolf.kruse@ovgu.de. The successor as chair of the Computational Intelligence Group is Prof. Dr. Sanaz Mostaghim, please find the CI group website on http://www.is.ovgu.de/. Our MissionIn research, we were mainly interested in performing intelligent data analysis by using computational intelligence methods such as neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary algorithms, Bayesian networks, machine learning and approximate reasoning. Those techniques turn out to be useful for finding robust, convenient and inexpensive solutions to real-world application problems. In teaching we offered a variety of CI-based, well-coordinated lectures, exercises, seminars and internships on subfields of Computational Intelligence. For this purpose, we used books written by our group. Furthermore, our group was actively participating in technology transfer using exposition stands and numerous successful industry projects. Moreover, we offered research management capabilities in the CI area -- especially featuring the organization of international conferences, editorial activities for international journals as well as research councils and academic organizations Book on Computational IntelligenceComputational Intelligence - A Methodological Introduction written by Rudolf Kruse, Christian Borgelt, Christian Braune, Sanaz Mostaghim, Matthias Steinbrecher is now available. All information concerning this book could be found at http://www.computational-intelligence.eu.
News & Announcements 201729.9.2017Rudolf Kruse received the emeritus status from the University of Magdeburg. On this occasion, a festive event and a symposium on the subject of Computational Intelligence took place. See the Colloquium's webpage for schedule, photos, and documents.
11./12.09.2017Pascal Held presented his work on "Behavior-based Relevance Estimation for Social Networks Interaction Relations" at the ENIC 2017. 11.9.2017Prof. Kruse will continue to give lectures on Bayes Networks (WS) and Fuzzy Systems (SS) for the next two years 5.9.2017Our papers on "A Decision Heuristic for MCTS Doppelkopf Agents" and "Using a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Curve Approximation" got accepted at the SSCI 2017. We are looking forward to present our results in Hawaii.
10-14.7.17Rudolf Kruse participated at the ISIPTA-ECSQARU conference in Lugano. He was honored there for his achievements for the ECSQARU conference series. Mr. Kruse was responsible for the program, among others, as Cochair of the first meeting in Marseille in 1991.
21.06.2017Pascal Held was awarded for his exercise on Bayesian Networks with the faculty price "Held der Lehre". Also the seminar "Classification Algorithms" from Christian Braune and Pascal Held was honored. 17.6.2017Mr. Kruse participated at the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards ceremony in Madrid. Winner of the prestigious award in the category Information and Communication Technologies, is the Canadian computer scientist Geoffrey Hinton. He was awarded for his work on Deep Learning with Neural Networks
17.6.17Mr. Kruse receives the IEEE Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award. Pablo A. Estévez, President der IEEE Computational Intelligence Society schreibt: The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Fuzzy Systems Pioneer award recognizes significant contributions to early concepts and sustained developments in the field of fuzzy systems. This award recognizes two types of pioneering contributions: (1) fundamental understanding and (2) engineering application. The prize includes a plaque plus US$2,500 honorarium, plus travel support for each recipient and one companion to attend award presentation in the year of the award. Your award should be conferred at the award banquet during WCCI 2018 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
12.6.2017At the ICAISC 2017 in Zakopane, Rudolf Kruse gave an invited Keynote on „Decomposable Graphical Models in Industrial Applications: On Learning and Revision“.
16.01.2017Rudolf Kruse was again a member of the seven-headed international jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards. Winner of the prestigious award in the category Information and Communication Technologies, is the Canadian computer scientist Geoffrey Hinton. He was awarded for his work on Deep Learning with Neural Networks, see link
11.01.2017Christian Braune and Pascal Held have been awarded for their seminar "Cluster Algorithms" the "Held der Lehre".
News & Announcements 201616.12.2016Mr. Kruse was elected as a full member of the Braunschweigische Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft.
6.12.-9.12.16Alexander Dockhorn and Christian Braune took part at the IEEE-SSCI conference in Athen. Mr. Dockhorn gave a presentation on "Variable Density Based Clustering". Mr. Braune held a presentation on his topic "Fuzzy density based clustering with generalized centroids".
02.12.2016On the 20th anniversary of the working group, we were able to solve difficult puzzles together in the best possible time.
01.12.2016Christoph Reichert has successfully defended his dissertation on the topic Approaches for Improved Brain-Machine Interface Control Using High-Density Magnetoencephalography .
24.-25.11.2016Prof. Kruse took part at the CI-Workshop of the GMA in Dortmund.
12.11.2016Alexander Dockhorn, together with Julian Blank, was awarded as the best computer science graduate of the faculty.
3.11.2016Andreas Meier, Ph.D. student of Rudolf Kruse, has received the renowned Hermann Appel Prize 2016 for his dissertation "Methods for the Pre-Collision Forecast of the Expected Accident of Vehicle Front Collisions" in the vehicle development category. The award ceremony took place on 3.11.16 at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences in Berlin.
24.10.2016At the INNS Conference on Big Data in Thessaloniki (Greece), Rudolf Kruse held the opening talk entitled "Modeling Self-Explanatory Big Data Applications".
21.10.2016Rudolf Kruse attended the doctoral defense of Ramiro Saltos, University of Santiago, Chile, via Video Conference. He wrote a report about Saltos' dissertation.
13.-15.10.2016Christian Braune has presented a poster about "Obtaining Shape Descriptors from a Concave Hull-Based Clustering Algorithm" at the "15th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis 2016".
19.-21.09.2016Tran Nguyen, Jens Spehr, Matthias Uhlemann, Michael Darms, Sebastian Zug, and Rudolf Kruse (joint project between Volkswagen and the FIN) has presented the article "Learning of Lane Information Reliability for Intelligent Vehicles" at the IEEE 2016 International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI), 19-21.9.16 in Baden-Baden, and was awarded one of the best four papers by the nomination for the Best Paper Award. Mr. Nguyen is a doctoral student with Mr. Kruse.
12 -14.09.2016Mr. Kruse has given a lecture on agglomerative fuzzy clustering at the 8th International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics in Rome, 12-14 September 2016.
05.-07.09.2016Pascal Held has presented his work on "Dynamic Clustering in Social Networks using Louvain and Infomap Method" at the "Third European Network Intelligence Conference".
18.-21.08.2016Pascal Held has presented his work "Detecting Overlapping Community Hierarchies in Dynamic Graphs" at the DyNo Workshop of the ASONAM 2016 in Orlando.
18.08.2016Rudolf Kruse held a course on "Decomposable Models" on the 2ND EUROPEAN SUMMER SCHOOL ON FUZZY LOGIC AND APPLICATIONS, AUGUST 14 - 19, 2016, in Ostrava, Czech Republic
16.-19.07.2016Christoph Doell attended the Multi-Konference on Human-Level Artificial Intelligence HLAI 2016 in New York. This included the conference "Artificial General Intelligence" AGI, the fourth "International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition" AIC 2016, the 11th "International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning" NeSy-2016 and the "International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures" BICA 2016. Mr. Doell presented his work "Evaluation of Cognitive Architectures Inspired by Cognitive Biases" at the BICA conference.
12.07.2016Pascal Held received a prize for the lecture "Clustering in Dynamic Graphs" at the PhD student's day of the Faculty of Computer Science.
20.-24.06.2016Pascal Held has published his work on "Online Fuzzy Community Detection by." At the 16th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty Using Nearest Hubs ".
21.06.2016Mr. Kruse has participated as a member of the international jury at the award of the BBVA Foundation "Frontiers of Knowledge Awards" in the category "Information and Communication Technologies" in Madrid. Winner of the prestigious endowed with 500,000 US dollars price in 2015 is Stephen Artur Cook, of the concept as NP-complete ness comes and the first to the question "P = NP?" Formulated, one of the seven Millennium Price problem.
10.06.2016Mr. Kruse participated at the inaugural lecture of his partner Prof. Michael Beer. He was active as professor in the field of Uncertainty in Engineering University of Liverpool, School of Engineering, Centre for Engineering Sustainability. Now he became a professor as Head of the Institute for Computer Science in Civil Engineering of the Leibniz University Hannover.
08.06.2016Christian Braune and Pascal Held have been awarded for their seminar "Classification Algorithms" the "Held der Lehre". Alexander Dockhorn also been recognized for its exercise in "Intelligent Systems".
24.05.2016Mr. Kruse held a plenary lecture on "decomposable Models: On Learning, Fusion, and Revision" at the World Conference on Soft Computing in Berkeley, May 22-25, 2016 on the occasion of the "50th Anniversary of Fuzzy Logic and Its Applications" and "95th Birthday Anniversary of LOTFI A. ZADEH.
20.05.2016Mr. Kruse attended the council meeting of the Department of computer science of the Autouni under the direction of Dr. Karl Teille.
11.05.2016Together with Prof. Michels our group had a technical discussions with Salzgitter Flachstahl about data mining in the steel industry. Michels and Kruse have co-authored a book on Fuzzy Control.
04.06.2016Mr. Kruse attended the council meeting of the Department of computer science of the Autouni under the direction of Dr. Karl Teille.
01.04.2016Our new Institute for Intelligent Cooperating Systems was established from of the two Instituts IVS and IWS.
06.04.2016Raphael Moura of the University of Liverpool visited the work group. The cooperation on the analysis of major accidents continues. 30.01.2016Rudolf Kruse visited his former PhD Student Matthias Steinbrecher in the Innovation Center of SAP in Potsdam. Recently, Mr. Steinbrecher won an award for an analysis-system (Big Data) in the area of cancer research, see Report
13.01.2016Christian Braune and Pascal Held have received an award for there performance at the teaching of the seminar "Clustering Algorithms" from the students council of the faculty of computer science (FaRaFIN). 11.-13.01.2016Pascal Held presented a poster about "Online Community Detection by Using Nearest Hubs" at the Netsci-X 2016.
11.-12.01.2016Rudolf Kruse was member of the international jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards.
Winner of the prestigious, worth 500,000 US dollars Awards in the Information and Communication Technologies category has been the Canadian computer scientist Stephen Artur Cook for his work on computational complexity, especially his concept of NP-completeness. More information here and in this video.
5.-8.01.2016Prof. Kruse and two colleges organized the workshop for soft-computing at the HICSS'49 in Hawaii.
News & Announcements 201512.2015The special edition of the journal "Informatik Spektrum" on the topic "50 years of fuzzy sets"
was published in December 2015. The issue includes a contribution on the topic of
"Relevance of membership degrees in fuzzy technology" (Bedeutung von Zugehörigkeitsgraden in der Fuzzy Technologie) written by C. Borgelt and Prof. Kruse.
8.-10.12.2015Alexander Dockhorn, Christoph Doell and Prof. Kruse took part
at the IEEE-SSCI conferencein Cape Town.
Mr. Dockhorn gave a presentation on his master thesis topic "An Alternating Optimization Approach Based on Hierarchical Adaptations of DBSCAN".
Mr. Doell held a presentation on his topic "A Clustering Approach to a Major-Accident Data Set: Analysis of Key Interactions
to Minimise Human Errors".
Prof. Kruse and two colleges organized the workshop CIES'15 (Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Solutions)
and led in the plenary talk of R. Mikut.
26-27.11.2015From the 26.11.-27.11.2015 Prof. Kruse took part at the CI-Workshop of the GMA in Dortmund.
04-06.11.2015Christoph Doell took part at the 13th International Probabilistic Workshop in Liverpool. There, he presented his "Analysis of a Major-Accident Dataset by Association Rule Mining to Minimise Unsafe Interfaces".
16.10.2015Prof. Kruse and Frank Klawonn have given a talk about Data Mining at the Stadtwerke in Munich.
22.09.2015Pascal Held presented his paper about "Clustering Social Networks using Competing Ant Hives" at the ENIC 2015 in Sweden.
07.-11.09.2015Christoph Doell attended the First European Summer School on Fuzzy Logic and Applications. He presented his current research, there.
02.-05.08.2015Rudolf Kruse attended the Fuzz IEEE 2015 in Istanbul from 2.8.-5.8.15 He chaired the plenary talk by Marie Jeanne Lesot, a former guest researcher of our group. At this conference the list of the 100, most important papers in the field of fuzzy systems in 50 years of research were presented. Our book on Statistics with vague Data is included in this compilation.
18. - 23.07.2015Christian Braune presented his poster titled Detecting Parallel Bursts in in-silico-generated spike train data at this year's annual meeting of the Organization for Computational Neuroscience.
16.07.2015Mr. Kruse took part in the 13th European Conference on "Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty" in Compiègne. Fabian Schmidt, external PhD student in the group of Mr. Kruse, gave a talk about the common attachment "Handling Revision Inconsistencies: Towards Better Explanations".
09.07.2015Andreas Meier defended successfully his dissertation with the title "Verfahren zur vorkollisionären Prognose der zu erwartenden Unfallschwere von Fahrzeugfrontalkollisionen".
02.07.2015Mr. Kruse participated in the 16th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) and the 9th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT). Both meetings were organized in Gijón, Asturias (Spain). There Mr. Kruse got a medal for his consultant activities in the "European Centre for Soft Computing". Also, his membership on the board of EUSFLAT was extended for another two years.
28.06.2015Roland Winkler successfully finished his PhD with the title "Prototype Based Clustering in High-Dimensional Feature Spaces".
23.06.2015Mr. Kruse was member of the internationaly jury of the BBVA Foundation "Frontiers of Knowledge Awards" in the section "Information and Communication Technologies" in Madrid. Awardee of the famous, with 500000 euro endowed, prize in the 2014 is Leonard Kleinrock, one of the internet pioneers.
18. May 2015A new version of the Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence is published. Our working group contributed the chapter "Fuzzy Control".
9. May 2015To mark the 50th anniversary of the research direction "Fuzzy systems", the working group of Prof. Kruse has written some invited contributions to festivities, special editions and anniversary books. Among others the book "Fifty Years of Fuzzy Logic and its Applications" was published by Springer. We contributed the chapter "Handling Noise and Outliers in Fuzzy Clustering".
13.-17. April 2015Prof Kruse gave at the University of Liverpool, Institute for Risk and Uncertainty at the CDT Easter School, several talks about Bayesian Networks gehalten
01. April - 30. September 2015Prof. Kruse has a research sabbatical. Mr. Doell gives the lecture on Neuronal Networks, Mr. Braune the lecture on Intelligent Data Analysis
12-13 January 2015Rudolf Kruse was member of the international jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award, again. Winner of the famous, 500.000 Euro, awards in the Information and Communication Technologies Category is Leonhard Kleinrock. Further Information at http://www.fbbva.es/TLFU/tlfu/ing/microsites/premios/fronteras/galardonados/2014/informacion.jsp
5-8. January 2015Christian Braune presented his paper "Towards Online Detection of Neural Assemblies in Parallel Spike Trains" at the 48th HICSS.
Prof. Kruse organized a Mini Track together with Gabriella Pasi (Mailand) and Jose Alonso with focus on Soft Computing.
News & Announcements 201416.12.2014Prof. Kruse was reviewer and auditor in the process of his former doctoral student Jiang Xueyan. The examination was held at the University of Munich, PhD supervisor is Prof. Dr. Volker Tresp.
09.-12.12.2014Pascal Held participated at the IEEE SSCI conference in Orlando. He presents his paper with the topic "On Merging and Dividing of Barabási-Albert-Graphs". Mr. Kruse organiced the "IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence
for Engineering Solutions" together with international colleagues.
26.-28.11.2014Christian Braune presents his paper with the topic "Active Learning-Based Identification of Neuronal Assemblies in Parallel Spike Trains". Additionally, Prof. Kruse chaired one session.
30.09.2014Mr. Kruse was appointed as a permanent member of the Advisory Board of the Institute of computer science of the Volkswagen AutoUni.
25.09.2014Mr. Kruse gave the opening talk on "Item Planning with Markov Networks" on the 7th IEEE International Conference Intelligent Systems in Warsaw 24.09.2014Mr. Braune and Prof. Kruse participated in the 7th International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics in Warsaw.
Mr. Braune gave a talk about "Using Changes in Distribution to Identify Synchronized Point Processes".
15.-19.07.2014Alexander Dockhorn, one of our students, presents the paper "Generating Events for Dynamic Social Network Simulations" at the IPMU 2014 conference in Montpellier.
26.06.2014Prof. Kruse gave a talk with the topic "Item Planning with Markov Networks" at the "Efficient Variant & Complexity Management" workshop in the Hilton hotel, Berlin.
17.06.2014Mr. Kruse was member of the internationaly jury of the BBVA Foundation "Frontiers of Knowledge Awards" in the section "Information and Communication Technologies" in Madrid. Awardee of the famous, with 400000 euro endowed, prize in the 2013 is Marvin Minsky (MIT), one of the four founder of the Artificial Intelligence area.
27.05.2014Mr. Kruse gave a talk with the topic "Datengetriebene Modellierung mit Bayes-Netzen" at the computer science kolloquium of the University of Bremen.
10-14 March 2014Our workgroup, represented by Pascal Held, Christian Moewes, and Christian Braune demonstrated our software Intelligent Information Miner on the world's largest computer exhibition, the CeBIT 2014 from 10-14 March 2014. It was the 7th and last CeBIT for Christian Moewes since he started as a student in 2005. He will leave the working Group into the industry this April. More than 20 new industrial contacts have been created during the exhibition. Thus in the near future some challenging industrial placements will be available via our workgroup. If required, please contact our staff.
News release.
13-14 January 2014Rudolf Kruse was member of the international jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award. Winner of the famous, 400.000 Euro, awards in the Information and Communication Technologies Category is Marvin Minsky from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Further Information at http://www.fbbva.es/TLFU/tlfu/ing/microsites/premios/fronteras/galardonados/2013/informacion.jsp
13-14. Januar 2014The newspaper "Welt am Sonntag" published an article about Evolutional Algorithms with the title "Digitalen Darwinismus". Professor Kruse was interviewed by the author.
6-9 January 2014Rudolf Kruse participated from 6th to 9th of January 2014 at the HICSS-47. He organized and chaired the Minitrack "Soft Computing and Intelligent Data Analysis".
News & Announcements 20135.-6.12.2013Pascal Held presented his work on "Cluster-based Visualization of Dynamic Graphs" at the 23rd Workshop Computational Intelligence in Dortmund, Germany. Our external doctorate Andreas Meier (Volkswagen AG) was there, too. He gave a talk on his research about "Approximationsverfahren für kollisionsbedingte Geschwindigkeitskurven" (German), i.e., approximation methods for collision-correlated velocity curves.
19.11.-03.12.2013Christian Braune and Christian Moewes were invited to the University of Melbourne Victoria, Australia for two weeks. Their stay was funded by the Group of Eight Australia (Go8) Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme, a collaboration between the German Academic Exchange Service and the Go8 which is a coalition of the 8 leading Australian universities. During their stay they, on the one hand, intensively advised Marco Dankel, a student of our faculty who is supported by the same project. On the other hand they worked out a subsequent application for 2015 together with Prof. Dr. Saman Halgamuge and his team. The goal is to continue the joint research between both universities in Melbourne and Magdeburg. Prof. Dr. Saman Halgamuge and Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kruse share a long-time collaboration of which some FIN students have benefited, too.
13.11.2013Our external doctorate Mirko Böttcher (formerly British Telecom in Ipswich (UK)) successfully defended his PhD thesis about "On Utilizing Change over Time in DataMining". We wish Mirko all the best for his professional career and especially for his private life.
20-22.09.2013Christian Moewes successfully participated at the 5th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence in Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal. He gave a talk on his current research about "The Effects of Edge Weights on Correlating Dynamical Networks". An extended version of this paper will be soon published in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
15.07.2013Today, our former college Matthias Steinbrecher finished his Dissertation successfully. We congratulate to this event.
11.07.2013The awards sponsored by VW for this year's IDA programming contest won Dmitri Bershadskyy, Christian Nywelt, Jens Schneider and Alexander Dockhorn. Congratulations!
19.-21.06.2013Prof. Kruse participated as member of the international jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards at the ceremonie in Madrid, see Report. Winner of the famos, 400.000 Euro Awards in Information and Communication Technologies Category become Lotfi Zadeh from Berkeley, more informations
12.6.2013Prof. Kruse presented together with PD Jörg Gebhardt, Volkswagen, an invited talk to the topic of Datengetriebene Modellierung: Bayes-Netze am Beispiel der Teilebedarfsplanung bei Volkswagen at the VDI-Fachtagung Zustandsüberwachung und Optimierung 2013 - Condition Monitoring und Diagnose in Karlsruhe, Link
3. Mai 2013Rudolf Kruse participated at the Software Competence Centers Hagenberg (Linz, Austria) in the workshop "Data Analysis Systems". Mr. Kruse is part of the scientific advisory board of the SCCH.
30.04.2013Our guest scientist from Poland Kasia Kaczmarek finished her stay here. Now she is working at the University in Warsow. We wish her further success.
March 2013PD Dr. Christian Borgelt offers a 5-day block course on Frequent Pattern Mining this March. Lectures and exercises will take place in G22A-105 from 11-15 March 2013 from 9:00 a.m. until approx. 9 p.m. We cordially invite every student to participate in this course. We also recommend to register via e-mail. The room G22A-105 has not been confirmed yet, so please check LSF from time to time.
5.-9.3.2013Also in this year the computational intelligence working group participated at the CeBIT 2013. We could raise interest with the help of our Information Miner and established some good contacts to industry. Currently we are working on finding some good topics for Bachelor and Master Thesis.
7.-8.3.2013Rudolf Kruse participated in a meeting of the scientific advisory board of the European Centre for Soft Computing in Oviedo. Foxus of the meeting was the evaluation of the research of the center..
14.-15. January 2013Rudolf Kruse was one of the six members od the international jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards. Lotfi Zadeh from Berkley has won the famous, 400.000 Euro doped, awards in the Information and Communication Technologies Category. More informations could be found at this homepage.
7.-10. January 2013Rudolf Kruse and Pascal Held participated from January 7th to 10 in the HICSS-46, a conference which is established for 50 years. Rudolf Kruse organized a minitrack concerning Soft Computing and Intelligent Data Analysis. Pascal Held presented the work with the topic "Analysis and Visualization of dynamic clusterings".
1.1.2013Since 1st of January, Rudolf Kruse is Associate Editor in the international Journal Information Sciences. Also confirmed for 2013 were the associate editor membership for the Journals Computer Aided Engineering, Turkish Journal of Fuzzy Systems, International Journal of Computer and System Science, Journal of Applied Logic, Statistics and Computing, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Applications, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Mathware and Softcomputing, and Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making