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News & Announcements 2012

6./7. Dezember 2012

Prof. Kruse and Pascal Held participated in the Computational Intelligence Workshop which is organized by the GMA in Dortmund. Mr. Held presented the paper with the title[[http:/aigaion/index.php/publications/show/852|Estimating Edge Weights in Dynamic Graphs based on Events].


Frank Rügheimer successfully defendes his PhD.

Winter 2012/2013

We welcome two foreign scientists at our institute. Daria Ryashentseva from Russia will be here from october 2012 till march 2013. Kasia Kaczmarek from Poland will be here from november 2012 till april 2013. We wish them a good time here in Magdeburg.

October 2012

Philos Soft Comput Newsl

In the freely available journal Philos Soft Comput Newsl appeared a 6-sided interview of Rudolf Kruse in volume 4, number 2. It basically relates the past activities of this working group to one part of the success of computational intelligence. This journal is published by the European Centre for Soft Computing and the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.

October 4-6, 2012

SMPS 2012

At the University of Konstanz, the 6th International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics SMPS'2012 took place. It was organized by our group and the IDA Group in Konstanz (Michael R. Berthold). During three days, 70 researchers from Europe, Asia, Afrika and North America discussed about 59 peer-reviewed and 3 invited papers and talks, respectively. The conference proceedings have been published by Springer. The aim of this conference series is to serve as a forum for discussing new trends that enlarge the statistical and uncertainty modeling traditions towards the handling of incomplete, subjective or fuzzy information. A collection of photos can be downloaded from the conference homepage.

September 13, 2012

Colloquium for Rudolf Kruse

On the occasion of Rudolf Kruse's 60th birthday, a scientific colloquium took place in the auditorium of the Faculty of Computer Science of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg on Thursday September 13, 2012 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The invitation was accepted by about 100 participants.

Additional informationen (e.g. about the program or the edited volume at Springer-Verlag which has been editored on this occasion by Christian Moewes and Andreas Nürnberger) are available at the website of the colloquium. There, a collection of selected photos is located which can be downloaded as ZIP archive, too.

June 25-27, 2012

AIS 2012

Rudolf Kruse gave an invited talk on "Exploratory Data Analysis in Dynamic Environments" at the 3rd International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS 2012) in Aveiro, Portugal. This conference was held in conjunction with the 9th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2012). These annual conferences offer a platform for international researchers in the areas of autonomous and intelligent systems, image analysis and pattern recognition.

June 3-17, 2012

Go8/DAAD Project in Melbourne

Rudolf Kruse and Christian Moewes had been in Australia for two weeks. They spent the first week in Melbourne, Victoria within the scope of a joint project funded by the Group of Eight (Go8) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). On June 6, they gave presentations about current research of the working group. During the remaining workdays they were working together with some doctorates from Saman Halgamuge on the creation of possible cooperations. In the second week from June 10-15, they participated at the 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2012) in Brisbane, Queensland.

May 10-13, 2012

ISCAMI 2012 in Malenovice

Christian Moewes gave the first lecture at the first summer school on applied mathematics and informatics on Thursday May 10, 2012. The lecture was dedicated to his current research on "Graph Analysis of Brain Networks". The summer school was part of the International Student Conference on Applied Mathematics and Informatics (ISCAMI 2012) which took place in Malenovice, Czech Republic from May 10-13, 2012.

March 2012

Computer Science

The book Computer Science: The Hardware, Software and Heart of It for which Radim Belohlavek, Rudolf Kruse and Christian Moewes have written a chapter on Fuzzy Logic in Computer Science is available now. The editors Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho are worldwide famous computer scientists. For instance, Alfred Aho became known for the Aho-Corasick algorithm or his legendary books about compilers and data structures.


Rudolf Kruse gave a talk in Rom on the final presentation of the EU funded COST Action IC0702 - SoftStat about Advanced Analysis of Dynamic Graphs in Social and Neural Networks. This talk was based on the same-titled paper for the book Towards Advanced Data Analysis by Combining Soft Computing and Statistics.


Rudolf Kruse participated at a meeting of the academic advisory council of the European Centre for Soft Computing in Oviedo (Spain). Main topic of this meeting was the evaluation of the research work of the center. By now it has four departments with approx. 50 employees in the new building in Mieres. One of the department leaders is Christian Borgelt who habiliated in Magdeburg in our working group. Often he is advisor of bachelor and master's theses of students from Magdeburg who went to Mieres for a guest stay. Also he offers a lecture in Magdeburg regularly.


P. Held, C. Moewes, Minister Prof. Birgitta Wolff

Pascal Held and Christian Moewes presented the Industrial Information Miner at the CeBIT 2012. This interactive Data Mining Environment was concipated during many industrial projects and is still developed further in our working group. This year the Information Miner was even part of the CeBIT Guided Tour All Things Smart. Due to this daily tour and the regular visitors, our group expanded its industrial contacts to approx. 20 new ones. Some topics for possible bachelor and master's theses are developed at the moment. The product HANA Oncolyzer that has been co-developed by our former member Matthias Steinbrecher (now SAP) did create a nationwide media circus at the beginning of the exhibition: Even Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel was interested in the analysis tool on the iPad.


Georg Ruß, Rudolf Kruse

Georg Ruß defended his PhD thesis on Spatial Data Mining in Precision Agriculture on February 23rd, 2012. He will take a position as Project Leader Data Mining at TecData AG, Uzwil, Switzerland from May 1st, 2012.

Januar 2012

Marina Fandoeva is leaving our group after having stayed here for four months. During her stay, she gained further insights into her work on heat wave indices in the southern caucasus region.

News & Announcements from 2011 ---

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Page last modified on January 08, 2013, at 05:52 PM by cmoewes