
Old News



Georg Ruß gave a talk on Feature Selection for Wheat Yield Prediction at the SGAI AI-2009 in Cambridge, UK. The respective proceedings article is available from our publication database.

October 29-31, 2009


Christian Moewes successfully participated in the 2nd International Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing & Statistics in Limassol, Cyprus. The ERCIM Working Group (the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) aims to support collaborative work within the European research community and to increase co-operation with European industry. The presentation of Christian Moewes about "Learning fuzzy rules with arbitrary reference functions using GSVM" catched on with the participants of the track Fuzzy Statistical Analysis. An extended version of his submitted abstract for the workshop will probably be published as article in a special issue of Computational Statistics & Data Analysis.


KI 2009

Matthias Steinbrecher presented his adjacency-matrix-based analysis for so-called cooccurrence graphs at the KI 2009 at Paderborn.

September 2009

Association rule visualization

Matthias Steinbrecher visited the Constance University workgroup of Bioinformatics and Information Mining where the data mining suite KNIME is developed to equip this software with association rules visualization methods that were introduced by our workgroup.

September 2009

Georg Ruß will organize a workshop on Data Mining in Agriculture, co-hosted with the Industrial Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'2010). He was invited by Petra Perner, head of ibai-Institut.

September 2009

Georg Ruß completed a research exchange trip to Australia, which was planned in the scope of our DAAD/Go8 project. He visited the research group around Saman Halgamuge at the University of Melbourne. We currently have a German master's student, Kristian Löwe, for a half-year exchange at the University of Melbourne.

August 2009

Graphical Models, book

The book Graphical Models: Representations for Learning, Reasoning and Data Mining of our working group will appear, in collaboration with Christian Borgelt. Link to our publication database: Graphical Models.



Georg Ruß presented his poster on Visual Data Mining of Agriculture Data at the MLDM 2009. His poster led to further insights into his research topics and could answer numerous questions on the topic of precision agriculture. Further details can be found at his personal research blog.



Georg Ruß was awarded with a VIP award at the ICDM 2009. His work on Data Mining of Agricultural Yield Data: A Comparison of Regression Models yielded lots of personal correspondence and numerous answers for some of the questions that were posed could be found in discussions. Further details can be found at his personal research blog.



Matthias Steinbrecher presents his work on so-called cooccurrence graphs at the biennial IFSA 2009 at Lisbon.


Sebastian Nusser / Rudolf Kruse

Sebastian Nusser has successfully defended his dissertation on Robust Learning in Safety-Related Domains. The work's reviewers are Prof. Rudolf Kruse, Thomas Runkler (Siemens AG, München) and Christian Borgelt (ECSC, Mieres, Spanien).


Euro2009 conference

Christian Moewes presents his work about "An empirical comparison of recent fuzzy rule generators based on kernel machines" at the EURO 2009.

Matthias Steinbrecher participates in EURO 2009 as Session Chair of the Session on "Business Intelligence Applications".


ECSQARU conference

Rudolf Kruse and his doctorate Jörg Beyer presented the Paper Ensemble Learning for Multi-Source Information Fusion at the ECSQARU conference in Verona from 1.7.-3.7.09. The ECSQARU Conferences are, every two years, a major forum for advances in the theory and practice of reasoning under uncertainty. Prof. Kruse organized the first ECSQARU together with P. Siegel, France, in Marseille in 1991. The next ECSQARU will take place in Ireland.


There are open positions at [[ | Siemens Corporate Research]] for internships and diploma/master's theses in Princeton, NJ, USA. The work is focused around large scale decision support systems, with the aid of modern methods from statistics, machine learning, data mining and visualisation. Prospective students may contact our staff members. Further information: siemens-internship2009.pdf.


Prof. Kruse gave an invited talk on "Visual Data Analysis with Computational Intelligence Methods" at the German-Polish DFG-workshop in Kraków. He was invited by the organisers Nagel (Aachen) und Borkowski (Warschau)


Book: Post-Mining of Association Rules

In May 2009, our group has published a book chapter. In Post-Mining of Association Rules our chapter titled From Change Mining to Relevance Feedback: A Unified View on Assessing Rule Interestingness appeared. In this article, we tackle the discovery of relevant and interesting association rules, where the actual rule mining is not changed. We are only concerned with the post mining step which ensues the association rule learning step. The book's table of contents is available from the publisher.


Christian Moewes participated in the COST Action IC0702 Spring School 2009 at the European Centre for Soft Computing in Mieres (Asturias), Spain. In advance, he was selected for one of the 30 grants which were given to international PhD students related to the COST Action IC0702. This year's spring school covered the topic Reasoning and Decision Making under Uncertainty and Imprecision. 15 international lecturers gave interesting presentations to a young audience of approximately 30 PhD students. Whilst those three days, Christian had the great opportunity to get into contact with various established postdoctoral researchers and professors working on similar research problems. He learned about some new concepts in both soft computing and statistics and met old acquaintances from former conferences and the university as well.


Prof. Kruse participated in the second session of the strategic board of the Austrian Software Competence Center Hagenberg (Linz) teil. In addition to nine Austrian researchers, Prof. Broy (München) and Prof. Kruse (Magdeburg) are council members.



Matthias Steinbrecher participated in RoGERs 2009 in Sibiu/Hermannstadt in Romania. He gave a talk on Mining Temporal Patterns in Industry


Kent Steer, a PhD student of the Mechatronics Research Group, led by Prof. Saman Halgamuge at the University of Melbourne, will perform his research work in our working group. He is doing his work under the DAAD/Go8 exchange scheme which our working group has been granted.


ifcs@GfKl, TU Dresden

Georg Ruß is actively participating in the biennial International Federation of Classification Societies Conference, which is held in conjunction with this year's GfKl conference at the TU Dresden teil. He presents his work on the classification of soil heterogeneity indicators.


Our group presents the Intelligent Information Miner at the CeBIT 2009, Hannover, Germany.


Lecture Frequent Pattern Mining

Christian Borgelt's lecture on Frequent Pattern Mining will take place from 23.02.-27.02.2009.


Prof. Kruse has been re-selected as Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. In 2009 he is, among others, associate editor of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, the Soft Computing Journal, the Journal of Applied Logic, Statistics and Computing and Mathware and Soft Computing.


Steffen Kempe's Promotion

Steffen Kempe defended his dissertation on 19.12.2008. His thesis topic is (German) Häufige Muster in zeitbezogenen Daten. His reviewers are Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kruse (Uni Magdeburg), Prof. Dr. Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh (Universität Karlsruhe) and PD Dr. Christian Borgelt (European Centre for Soft Computing, Spain).



Georg Ruß participated in the AI-2008 conference in Cambridge, England. He presented his work on 'Visualization of Agriculture Data Using Self-Organizing Maps'. Furthermore he was given the chance to present his PhD work at the FAIRS2008 workshop to an interesting and interested audience. His work and the presentation slides are available via his research blog. The peer-reviewed publication can be acquired from our publication database: Visualization of Agriculture Data Using Self-Organizing Maps.

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Page last modified on January 11, 2010, at 11:27 AM by russ