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From Change Mining to Relevance Feedback: A Unified View on Assessing Rule Interestingness
Type of publication: Incollection
Citation: boerukrunau2008postmining
Booktitle: Post-Mining of Association Rules: Techniques for Effective Knowledge Extraction
Series: Information Science Reference
Chapter: 2
Year: 2009
Month: May
Pages: 12-37
Publisher: IGI Global
Address: Hershey, New York
ISBN: 978-1-60566-404-0
Userfields: vgwort = {gemeldet am 30.05.2009}
Authors Böttcher, Mirko
Ruß, Georg
Nauck, Detlef
Kruse, Rudolf
Editors Zhao, Yanchang
Cao, Longbing
Zhang, Chengqi
Added by: [ADM]
Total mark: 0
  • boerukrunau2008postmining.pdf