All publications
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-300 | 301-350 | 351-400 | 401-450 | 451-500 | 501-550 | 551-600 | 601-650 | 651-700 | 701-750 | 751-800 | 801-850 | 851-882 |
Recent advances in exploratory data analysis with neuro-fuzzy methods (2004), in: Soft Comput., 8:6(381-382) | and ,
Shape and Size Regularization in Expectation Maximization and Fuzzy Clustering, in: Proc.\ 8th European Conf.\ on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD 2004, Pisa, Italy), pages 52--62, Springer-Verlag, 2004 | and ,
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Soft Computing for Information Mining, in: Workshop-Proceedings 27th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2004 | ,
The Fuzzy Decision Tree Module in the Automatic Data Analysis Platform Spida, in: Information-Mining und Wissensmanagement in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft - 7. Göttinger Symposium Soft Computing, Uni Göttingen, 2004 | , , and ,
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The Inherent Indistinguishability in Fuzzy Systems Logic versus Approximation, pages 6--17, Springer, 2004 | and ,
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis V, Springer, 2003 |
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis V --- Proc.\ 5th Int.\ Symp.\ on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA2003, Berlin, Germany), Springer-Verlag, 2003 |
Classification of Surface Form Deviations for Quality Analysis, in: Intelligent technologies, hybrid systems and their implementation on smart adaptive systems, eunite 2003 (European symposium, Oulu, Finland, July 10--11, 2003), pages 121--129, Verlag Mainz, 2003 | , , and ,
Data Mining with Possibilistic Graphical Models, pages 229--248, IOS Press, Nato Science Series III, Systematic Organisation of Information, volume 184, 2003 | and ,
Differentiated Treatment of Missing Values in Fuzzy Clustering, in: IFSA 2003, pages 354--361, 2003 | , and ,
Fuzzy Rule Generation for Transfer Passenger Analysis, in: Proc. FSKD 2002, 2003 | and ,
Information Mining: Editorial (2003), in: Int.\ Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 32(63--65) | and ,
KI2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2003 |
Learning Graphical Models by Extending Optimal Spanning Trees, in: Intelligent Systems for Information Processing --- From Representation to Applications, pages 339--348, Elsevier, 2003 | and ,
Learning Possibilistic Graphical Models from Data (2003), in: IEEE Transaction Fuzzy Systems, 11:2(159--172) | , and ,
Local Structure Learning in Graphical Models, in: Planning based on Decision Theory (Proc.\ 6th Int.\ Workshop, Udine, Italy 2002), pages 99--118, Springer-Verlag, 2003 | and ,
Neuro-Fuzzy Classification of Surface Form Deviations, in: Proc. FUZZ IEEE 03, pages 902--907, 2003 | , , and ,
Neuro-Fuzzy-Systeme --- Von den Grundlagen künstlicher Neuronaler Netze zu modernen Fuzzy-Systemen, Vieweg, 2003 | , , and ,
Operations and Evaluation Measures for Learning Possibilistic Graphical Models (2003), in: Artificial Intelligence, 148(385--418) | and ,
Planning Based on Decision Theory, Springer, 2003 |
Speeding Up Fuzzy Clustering with Neural Network Techniques, in: Proc.\ 12th IEEE Int.\ Conf.\ on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'03, St.~Louis, MO, USA), IEEE Press, 2003 | and ,
A modification to improve possibilistic fuzzy cluster analysis, in: Fuzzy Systems, 2002. FUZZ-IEEE'02. Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on, pages 1460--1465, 2002 | and ,
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A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to Optimise Hierarchical Recurrent Fuzzy Systems (2002), in: Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 1:2(221--248) | , , , and ,
An Extension of Partially Supervised Fuzzy Cluster, in: Proc. of International Conf. of the North American Fuzzy Information (NAFIPS), 2002 | , and ,
Classification: Neural Net Approaches, Oxford University Press, Handbook of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2002 | , and ,
Clustering of Document Collections to Support Interactive Text Exploration, pages 257--265, Springer, Exploratory Data Analysis in Empirical Research, 2002 | , , , and ,
Data Mining with Graphical Models, in: Proc. DS 2002, pages 2--11, Springer, 2002 | and ,
Extending Neuro Fuzzy systems to Semi-supervised Learning, in: Proc. ICNNCS, 2002 | , and ,
Fuzzy Cluster Analysis of Partially Missing Data Sets (2002), in: Second International Workshop on Hybrid Methods for Adaptive Systems I(426--431) | , and ,
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Fuzzy Clusteranalyse von Daten mit fehlenden Werten, in: Unschärfe in Wirtschaft und Technik, Tagungsband zum 5. Göttinger Symposium Soft Computing, pages 99--112, 2002 | , and ,
Fuzzy-Regler: Grundlagen, Entwurf, Synthese, Springer, 2002 | , , and ,
Graphical Models - Methods for Data Analysis and Mining, Wiley, 2002 | and ,
Information Mining with Fuzzy Methods: Trends and Current Challenges, in: Proc. Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics Information (MMAR'02), pages 117--120, 2002 | and ,
Learning from Imprecise Data: Possibilistic Graphical Models (2002), in: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 38(449--463) | , , and ,
Learning Graphical Models by Extending Optimal Spanning Trees IPMU'02, in: Annecy, 2002 | and ,
Neuro-fuzzy approach to forecast returns of scrapped products to recycling and remanufacturing (2002), in: Knowledge-Based Systems, 15:2(119--128) | , , , and ,
Self-Organising Maps for Interactive Search in Document Databases, Physica-Verlag, Intelligent Exploration of the Web, 2002 | , , and ,
Soft Computing for Automated Surface Quality analysis of Exterior car body Panels (2002), in: Soft Computing Journal | , , and ,
SomAccess - Ein Softwareprototyp zur interaktiven Navigation in Textdatenbanken (2002), in: Künstliche Intelligenz, 3:2(59--64) | , , , and ,
Surface Quality Analysis with Soft Computing, in: Proceedings of the East West Fuzzy Colloquium, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, pages 292--299, IPM, 2002 | , , and ,
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An Empirical Investigation of the K2 Metric, in: Proc.\ 6th European Conf.\ on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty (ECSQARU'01, Toulouse, France), pages 240--251, Springer-Verlag, 2001 | and ,
Data Fusion and Perception, Springer, 2001 |