All publications
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-300 | 301-350 | 351-400 | 401-450 | 451-500 | 501-550 | 551-600 | 601-650 | 651-700 | 701-750 | 751-800 | 801-850 | 851-882 |
Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Controller and Neural Networks, in: Proc. Physiological Aspects of Regulation between Chaos and Reflex, 1992 | , and ,
Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Controllers, and Neural Networks (1992), in: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, R. Medizin, 41:4(99--120) | , and ,
Information Compression in the Context Model, in: Proc. NAFIPS, 1992 | , and ,
Interpreting Changes in the Fuzzy Sets of a Self-Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Controller, in: Proc.\ Second Int.\ Workshop on Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems (IFIS'92), pages 146--152, 1992 | and ,
Interpreting Changes in the Membership Functions of a Self Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Controller, in: Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems, 1992 | and ,
Logical Approaches to Uncertainty and Vagueness in the View of the Context Model, in: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1992 | , and ,
Neural Fuzzy Controller Learning by Fuzzy Error Propagation, in: Proc. NAFIPS, 1992 | and ,
Numerische Methoden zur Verarbeitung unsicherer Informationen in wissensbasierten Systemen. Konzeption und Einsatz von Umweltinformationssystemen, pages 169--176, Springer, Informatik-Fachberichte, 1992 | and ,
On the combination of information sources, pages 24--30, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 521, 1992 | and ,
On the Semantic Foundations of Fuzzy Probability and Fuzzy Statistics, pages 131--135, Akademie Verlag, Modeling Uncertain Data, 1992 | ,
Possibility Theory and the Context Model, in: Proc. IPMU, 1992 | and ,
Prolog - Eine methodische Einführung, Vieweg, 1992 | , , and ,
Reasoning under Uncertainty with Temporal Aspects, pages 572--580, Springer, Industrial and Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligenc, 1992 | , , and ,