UNI / FIN / IKS Arbeitsgruppe Computational Intelligence |
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News & Announcements 201416.12.2014Prof. Kruse was reviewer and auditor in the process of his former doctoral student Jiang Xueyan. The examination was held at the University of Munich, PhD supervisor is Prof. Dr. Volker Tresp.
09.-12.12.2014Pascal Held participated at the IEEE SSCI conference in Orlando. He presents his paper with the topic "On Merging and Dividing of Barabási-Albert-Graphs". Mr. Kruse organiced the "IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence
for Engineering Solutions" together with international colleagues.
26.-28.11.2014Christian Braune presents his paper with the topic "Active Learning-Based Identification of Neuronal Assemblies in Parallel Spike Trains". Additionally, Prof. Kruse chaired one session.
30.09.2014Mr. Kruse was appointed as a permanent member of the Advisory Board of the Institute of computer science of the Volkswagen AutoUni.
25.09.2014Mr. Kruse gave the opening talk on "Item Planning with Markov Networks" on the 7th IEEE International Conference Intelligent Systems in Warsaw 24.09.2014Mr. Braune and Prof. Kruse participated in the 7th International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics in Warsaw.
Mr. Braune gave a talk about "Using Changes in Distribution to Identify Synchronized Point Processes".
15.-19.07.2014Alexander Dockhorn, one of our students, presents the paper "Generating Events for Dynamic Social Network Simulations" at the IPMU 2014 conference in Montpellier.
26.06.2014Prof. Kruse gave a talk with the topic "Item Planning with Markov Networks" at the "Efficient Variant & Complexity Management" workshop in the Hilton hotel, Berlin.
17.06.2014Mr. Kruse was member of the internationaly jury of the BBVA Foundation "Frontiers of Knowledge Awards" in the section "Information and Communication Technologies" in Madrid. Awardee of the famous, with 400000 euro endowed, prize in the 2013 is Marvin Minsky (MIT), one of the four founder of the Artificial Intelligence area.
27.05.2014Mr. Kruse gave a talk with the topic "Datengetriebene Modellierung mit Bayes-Netzen" at the computer science kolloquium of the University of Bremen.
10-14 March 2014Our workgroup, represented by Pascal Held, Christian Moewes, and Christian Braune demonstrated our software Intelligent Information Miner on the world's largest computer exhibition, the CeBIT 2014 from 10-14 March 2014. It was the 7th and last CeBIT for Christian Moewes since he started as a student in 2005. He will leave the working Group into the industry this April. More than 20 new industrial contacts have been created during the exhibition. Thus in the near future some challenging industrial placements will be available via our workgroup. If required, please contact our staff.
News release.
13-14 January 2014Rudolf Kruse was member of the international jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award. Winner of the famous, 400.000 Euro, awards in the Information and Communication Technologies Category is Marvin Minsky from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Further Information at http://www.fbbva.es/TLFU/tlfu/ing/microsites/premios/fronteras/galardonados/2013/informacion.jsp
13-14. Januar 2014The newspaper "Welt am Sonntag" published an article about Evolutional Algorithms with the title "Digitalen Darwinismus". Professor Kruse was interviewed by the author.
6-9 January 2014Rudolf Kruse participated from 6th to 9th of January 2014 at the HICSS-47. He organized and chaired the Minitrack "Soft Computing and Intelligent Data Analysis".