
Old News

News & Announcements 2013


23rd Workshop CI

Pascal Held presented his work on "Cluster-based Visualization of Dynamic Graphs" at the 23rd Workshop Computational Intelligence in Dortmund, Germany. Our external doctorate Andreas Meier (Volkswagen AG) was there, too. He gave a talk on his research about "Approximationsverfahren für kollisionsbedingte Geschwindigkeitskurven" (German), i.e., approximation methods for collision-correlated velocity curves.


C. Braune gives a talk

Christian Braune and Christian Moewes were invited to the University of Melbourne Victoria, Australia for two weeks. Their stay was funded by the Group of Eight Australia (Go8) – Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme, a collaboration between the German Academic Exchange Service and the Go8 which is a coalition of the 8 leading Australian universities. During their stay they, on the one hand, intensively advised Marco Dankel, a student of our faculty who is supported by the same project. On the other hand they worked out a subsequent application for 2015 together with Prof. Dr. Saman Halgamuge and his team. The goal is to continue the joint research between both universities in Melbourne and Magdeburg. Prof. Dr. Saman Halgamuge and Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kruse share a long-time collaboration of which some FIN students have benefited, too.


M. Böttcher and the committee

Our external doctorate Mirko Böttcher (formerly British Telecom in Ipswich (UK)) successfully defended his PhD thesis about "On Utilizing Change over Time in DataMining". We wish Mirko all the best for his professional career and especially for his private life.


C. Moewes at the IJCCI 2013

Christian Moewes successfully participated at the 5th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence in Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal. He gave a talk on his current research about "The Effects of Edge Weights on Correlating Dynamical Networks". An extended version of this paper will be soon published in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).


Dissertation Steinbrecher

Today, our former college Matthias Steinbrecher finished his Dissertation successfully. We congratulate to this event.


IDA Programming Contest Awards

The awards sponsored by VW for this year's IDA programming contest won Dmitri Bershadskyy, Christian Nywelt, Jens Schneider and Alexander Dockhorn. Congratulations!


Prof. Kruse participated as member of the international jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards at the ceremonie in Madrid, see Report. Winner of the famos, 400.000 Euro Awards in Information and Communication Technologies Category become Lotfi Zadeh from Berkeley, more informations


Prof. Kruse presented together with PD Jörg Gebhardt, Volkswagen, an invited talk to the topic of „Datengetriebene Modellierung: Bayes-Netze am Beispiel der Teilebedarfsplanung bei Volkswagen“ at the VDI-Fachtagung „Zustandsüberwachung und Optimierung 2013 - Condition Monitoring und Diagnose“ in Karlsruhe, Link

3. Mai 2013

Rudolf Kruse participated at the Software Competence Centers Hagenberg (Linz, Austria) in the workshop "Data Analysis Systems". Mr. Kruse is part of the scientific advisory board of the SCCH.


Kasia Kaczmarek and the CI group

Our guest scientist from Poland Kasia Kaczmarek finished her stay here. Now she is working at the University in Warsow. We wish her further success.

March 2013

PD Dr. Christian Borgelt offers a 5-day block course on Frequent Pattern Mining this March. Lectures and exercises will take place in G22A-105 from 11-15 March 2013 from 9:00 a.m. until approx. 9 p.m. We cordially invite every student to participate in this course. We also recommend to register via e-mail. The room G22A-105 has not been confirmed yet, so please check LSF from time to time.


Also in this year the computational intelligence working group participated at the CeBIT 2013. We could raise interest with the help of our Information Miner and established some good contacts to industry. Currently we are working on finding some good topics for Bachelor and Master Thesis.


Rudolf Kruse participated in a meeting of the scientific advisory board of the European Centre for Soft Computing in Oviedo. Foxus of the meeting was the evaluation of the research of the center..

14.-15. January 2013

Rudolf Kruse was one of the six members od the international jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards. Lotfi Zadeh from Berkley has won the famous, 400.000 Euro doped, awards in the Information and Communication Technologies Category. More informations could be found at this homepage.

7.-10. January 2013

Rudolf Kruse and Pascal Held participated from January 7th to 10 in the HICSS-46, a conference which is established for 50 years. Rudolf Kruse organized a minitrack concerning Soft Computing and Intelligent Data Analysis. Pascal Held presented the work with the topic "Analysis and Visualization of dynamic clusterings".


Since 1st of January, Rudolf Kruse is Associate Editor in the international Journal „Information Sciences“. Also confirmed for 2013 were the associate editor membership for the Journals Computer Aided Engineering, Turkish Journal of Fuzzy Systems, International Journal of Computer and System Science, Journal of Applied Logic, Statistics and Computing, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Applications, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Mathware and Softcomputing, and Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making

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Page last modified on March 18, 2014, at 02:55 PM by cmoewes