
Old News

News & Announcements


NIPS 2011

Christian Moewes gave a talk about Brain connectivity associated with different damages of the visual system at the sattellite workshop Causal Graphs organized at NIPS Conference in Granada, Spain. This work is based on his current research in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Bernhard A. Sabel.

December 2011

IPMU 2012

The submission deadline for the special session on Mining and Learning from Dynamic Graphical Networks (MLDGN) at the next IPMU 2012 conference in Catania, Italiy has been extended to January 15, 2012.

November 2011

IPMU 2012

Christian Moewes will organize a special session on Mining and Learning from Dynamic Graphical Networks (MLDGN) at the next IPMU 2012 conference in Catania, Italiy. Submission deadline for research papers is December 10, 2011. The call for papers can be found on the website of the special session MLDGN 2012.


Our research group has achieved a grant funded under the DAAD/Go8 cooperation scheme in 2012/2013. The collaboration will take place between our group and the group of Saman Halgamuge at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Prof. Kruse and Prof. Halgamuge have both been introduced into the DAAD/Go8 alumni group. The grant's funding amounts to roughly 15,000 EUR on the German side and an equivalent amount on the Australian side. The grant covers traveling cost for both sides, including post-docs, graduate students and researchers.


Die drei Studenten Meyer, Stange, Schmidt haben ihre Masterarbeit bei BT, bzw. Volkswagen absolviert und Doktorandenstellen bei der Volkswagen AG angenommen.


The three master students Andreas Meier, Dominic Stange and Fabian Schmidt have successfully finished their theses at BT andVolkswagen and have subsequently taken on PhD positions at Volkswagen AG.


Rudolf Kruse gave lectures on Bayesian Networks at the European Centre for Soft Computing in Mieres, Spain.


Rudolf Kruse participated in the Management Committee and Workgroup Meeting of the COST Action IC0702 - SoftStat, a project funded by the ESF. The meeting took place at the University of Lisboa.


Rudolf Kruse participated in the management and strategy board meeting of SCCH in Linz. The Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH) is one of the largest independent research centres on software in Austria.


Rudolf Kruse participated in a session of the European Centre for Soft Computing's scientific council. A core topic of the meeting was the award of the Cajastur Mamdani Prize for Soft Computing.



Zittau Fuzzy Colloquium 2011

Christian Moewes gave two lectures on the subject of Temporal Data Mining at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences within the 18th Zittau Fuzzy Colloquium which was organized by the Institute of Process Technology, Process Automation and Measuring Technology (IPM). It was implemented as biannual summer school since 2009. The goal of this summer school was to familiarize young researchers with methodical basics and current developments in the field of soft computing.


Industrial Conference on Data Mining

Georg Ruß participated in the World Congress on Intelligent Data and Signal Analysis, which was held in New York City, USA. He presented his work on hierarchical clustering for management zone delineation in precision agriculture (Link: http:/aigaion/index.php/publications/show/797). Furthermore, his second workshop on "Data Mining in Agriculture" was hosted with the conference (Link:, where he further elaborated on the above topic and presented more results (http:/aigaion/index.php/publications/show/806). He is co-editor of the workshop proceedings and co-author of another workshop survey publication with Antonio Mucherino.


ICA, special issue

Professor Kruse is guest editor for Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, with a special issue on Data Mining in Engineering.



Professor Kruse joined the EUSFLAT 2011 in Aix-Le-Bains, France. Our group had two talks on M-Estimator induced Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms (Roland Winkler, Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse) and On the usefulness of fuzzy SVMs and the extraction of fuzzy rules from SVMs (Christian Moewes and Rudolf Kruse).



Rudolf Kruse gave a talk at the World Conference in Soft Computing in San Francisco on the topic of "Evolutionary Fuzzy Rules for Ordinal Binary Classification with Monotonicity Constraints" (Link to our publication database). During the conference, the 90th birthday of Fuzzy Set Theory's founding father, Lotfi Zadeh from Baku, (now Berkeley), was celebrated and special tribute was paid to Lotfi by the science minister of Azerbadjan.


SCAI 2011, Trondheim, Norwegen

Georg Ruß participated in the 11th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Trondheim, Norwegen. His publication on Machine Learning Methods for Spatial Clustering on Precision Agriculture Data is available from our publication database.


German-Polish workshop in Toruń, Poland

Christian Moewes participated at the German-Polish workshop in Toruń, Poland about "Innovative methods in neurorehabilitation" at Prof. Dr. Bernhard A. Sabel's invitation. Christian gave a lecture on his current research about "Data mining of brain wave (EEG) activity after brain lesion". The workshop that was organized by Prof. Sabel and Prof. Dr. Elżbieta Szeląg was funded by the DFG.



Prof. Kruse gave an invited talk titled Clustering in Highdimensional Data Spaces at the Second Bilateral German-Polish Symposium on Data Analysis and its Applications (GPSDAA 2011) in Krakau, Poland. This symposium was funded by the DFG.


Pascal Held, Matthias Steinbrecher

Pascal Held defended his master's thesis on "Estimation of hidden driver's properties based on driver's behaviour". On 01.04.2011 he will follow Matthias Steinbrecher, who is going to defend his dissertation soon.


Rudolf Kruse took part in the Management Committee and Work-Group-Meeting of COST Action IC0702 - SoftStat, a project funded by the European Science Foundation. The meeting took place at University of Rotterdam.


Rudolf Kruse took part in the Scientific Council of the European Centre for Soft Computing in Oviedo. The centre has acquired around 50 scientific employees. In the wake of this meeting, he had the role of an external reviewer for the PhD thesis of Aida Jimenez Moscoso del Prado, who defended her thesis on 14.03.2011 in Granada; Topic: Knowledge Discovery in Non-Linear Structures.



Christian Borgelt will give his lecture on "Frequent Pattern Mining" en bloc from 07th to 11th of March, 2011. Further information can be obtained from


CeBIT 2011

Our workgroup, represented by Christian Moewes, demonstrated our software Intelligent Information Miner on the world's largest computer exhibition, the CeBIT 2011 from March 1 to 5, 2011. Approximately 20 new industrial contacts have been created during the exhibition. Thus in the near future some challenging industrial placements will be available via our workgroup. News release.


The Academy of Finland has invited Rudolf Kruse to review selected applications in the Finnish Programme for Centres of Excellence in the area of Computational Science and Signal Processing. The expert panel took place on 14.02./15.02.2011 in Helsinki, Finland.


Lotfi Zadeh, Berkeley, the founder of fuzzy logic, celebrated his 90th birthday. His article on Fuzzy Sets (pdf link) from 1965 has been cited roughly 26,000 times (according to Google Scholar). The journal Applied and Computational Mathematics has provided a special issue in the area of fuzzy systems. Our group's article deals with fuzzy clustering.


Rudolf Kruse and Radim Belohlavek (SUNY Binghamton, New York) are designated guest editors of the special issue on Intelligent Data Analysis of the Journal of Computer and System Sciences. Our group's article deals with visual data analysis.


Professor Kruse has been confirmed on the editorial boards of the following journals:

News & Announcements from 2010 ---

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Page last modified on July 26, 2012, at 04:02 PM by cmoewes