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News & Announcements


Prof. Kruse gave the invited plenary talk on Mining Temporal Data at the Second International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2010) in Paris.


Prof. Kruse attended the scientific committee of the European Centre for Soft Computing. It was followed by the award ceremony for the Cajastur International Prize for Soft Computing, endowed with 20.000 EUR. Furthermore, he gave an invited master course on the topic of Bayesian Networks in the Master Course Soft Computing and Intelligent Data Analysis.


Rudolf Kruse participated in the management committee and work group meeting of COST Action IC0702 - SoftStat, a project funded by the ESF. The meeting took place at the University of Oviedo, along with the 5th International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics. The 6th conference will be organised in 2012 by Michael Berthold, Frank Klawonn und Rudolf Kruse in Konstanz, Germany.


Prof. Kruse @ ICSES

Prof. Kruse gave the invited plenary talk titled Temporal Data Mining at the 7th IEEE International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems (ICSES 2010) in Gliwice (Poland).


NTNU Trondheim, Norway

Georg Ruß gave a talk on Spatial Data Mining in Precision Agriculture at the Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, Database Systems Group. Subtopics were Spatial Regression and Spatial Clustering.


ICPA 2010: Raj Khosla, Georg Ruß, Dwayne Westfall

Georg Ruß has been decorated with the Outstanding Graduate Student Award at the International Conference on Precision Agriculture. The award was granted based on a number of criteria: first, the quality of his submitted article on A Clustering Approach for Management Zone Delineation in Precision Agriculture was consulted. Furthermore, the nomination by a qualified peer scientist was necessary, as well as the quality of further publications on related topics in precision agriculture. Finally, a vision of future developments in this area was required. With regards to the topic of Data Mining it was rather easy to elaborate upon the connection between PA and DM: it is rather easy to see and to anticipate that Precision Agriculture will turn into a strongly data-driven domain. Modeling techniques from data mining and spatial statistics are therefore bound to be applied successfully there. A nomination committee based its decision on those criteria and the award was granted by Raj Khosla (chairman of the conference) and Dwayne Westfall (awards committee) at the ICPA conference in Denver, Colorado, on July 20th, 2010.


IEEE World Congress of Computational Intelligence

Prof. Kruse will be giving a keynote at the 2010 IEEE World Congress of Computational Intelligence in Barcelona. This biennial conference will host around 2000 international researchers.

Call for Papers

ICAE Journal


Special Issue: Data Mining in Engineering

Guest Editors: Rudolf Kruse, Michael Beer and Lotfi A. Zadeh

Advancements in technology are a permanent driver for developments in engineering.
But, at the same time, these advancements have introduced problems of a new type.
One of these problems is the growing amount of data available to derive engineering
decisions. In many practical applications the amount and complexity of data are so
huge that decisive characteristics cannot be retrieved with reasonable effort,
computational resources and time. For example, sensor and monitoring technology can
provide data from engineering processes, systems and structures depending on
spatial and time coordinates with almost arbitrary resolution. Fast or on-line
decision-making or process control is then critical due to a demanding data
analysis. Computational results are increasingly available in form of multi-
dimensional samples from stochastic simulations, which challenges the engineer in
identifying the most important dependencies and effects. Also, decision-making in
management and strategy may involve this problem when pursued with web-based data
collections of almost unlimited size and diversity. Surveillance data in the area
of safety, security and defense possess a complexity which makes a fast evaluation
difficult. To solve these problems, innovative concepts from Computer Science and
Mathematics are increasingly implemented in engineering solutions. This Special
Issue is focused on both theoretical and practical contributions dealing with large
amounts of complex data from an engineering, computer science and mathematics

Further information can be found here: Call For Papers ICAE, Special Issue 2010


DMA 2010 workshop

Georg Ruß is giving his workshop on Data Mining in Agriculture in conjunction with the ICDM conference in Berlin. It's the first workshop of its type, focusing on the clear connection between data-driven precision agriculture on the one hand and the need for data mining in this area on the other hand. Georg Ruß is co-editor of the Workshop Proceedings and will also present his work on Hierarchical Spatial Clustering for Management Zone Delineation in Precision Agriculture (both links to our publication database).


ICDM conference

Georg Ruß participates in the Industrial Conference on Data Mining as a presenting author. The conference takes place in Berlin this year. His publication on Regression Models for Spatial Data: An Example from Precision Agriculture is mainly concerned with the regression modeling differences between spatial and non-spatial data. The article is available via DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-14400-4_35 (Springerlink) or from our publication database.


EURO conference

Christian Moewes participates in the 24rd European Conference on Operational Research as a presenting author. The conference takes place in Lisbon, Portugal. His preliminary work on Evolutionary Fuzzy Rules for Binary Classification Problems with Preferences is going to be presented during the special session on preference learning.


BT Innovation Award

An article from 2009, co-authored by Mirko Böttcher (external PhD student) and Rudolf Kruse as well as Detlef Nauck and Martin Spott (both BT) has been rewarded with the BT Innovation Award. The article, titled Mining changing customer segments in dynamic markets is available from our publication database. The abstract:

Identifying customer segments and tracking their change over time is an
important application for enterprises who need to understand what their
customers expect from them - now and in the future. This in particular is
important for businesses which operate in dynamic markets with customers who,
driven by new innovations and competing products, have highly changing demands
and attitudes. Customer segmentation is typically done by applying some form of
cluster analysis to obtain a set of segments to which future customers are
assigned to. In this paper, we present a system for customer segmentation which
accounts for the dynamics of today's markets. It employs an approach based on
the discovery of frequent itemsets and the analysis of their change over time
which, finally, results in a change-based notion of segment interestingness.
Our approach allows us to detect arbitrary segments and analyse their temporal
development. Thereby, our approach is assumption-free and pro-active and can be
run continuously. Newly discovered segments or relevant changes will be
reported automatically based on the application of several interestingness


IPMU 2010

The 13. International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU) will take place in Dortmund. There are typically 300 researchers participating in this international conference. Prof. Kruse is head of the program committee and co-editor of the three proceedings books: a Springer LNAI book Computational Intelligence for Knowledge-Based System Design and two Springer Proceedings Volumes titled Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (Volume 1, Volume 2), featuring roughly 240 peer-reviewed publications.


Siemens group of Thomas Runkler

Professor Kruse gave an invited talk on the topic of "Temporal Data Mining" in Munich, in conjunction with a talk by Jim Bezdek. The photo shows the Siemens AG group of Thomas Runkler in the discussion session.


Long Night of Science 2010

Christian Moewes performed one presentations for interested people during the Long Night of Science in the fuzzy laboratory G29-037 from 6 pm until 1 am. Topic were again the artificial nine men's morris players that have been developed by students within the programming contest of the lecture Evolutionary Algorithms. Every visitor had the chance to take on evolutionary developed players like Tomate, Mühlhalde, SecondTry or Darwin. Also, the visitors attentively followed Christian's explanations about Darwin's theory of evolution for computer programs. Approximately 60 people actively participated in this laboratory presentation.


IDA 2010 @ Biosphere II

Georg Ruß will present his work on Spatial Variable Importance at the IDA 2010 conference. The symposium takes place at the Biosphere II site, Arizona, USA. The respective article in the conference proceedings is available via Springerlink: Spatial Variable Importance Assessment for Yield Prediction in Precision Agriculture or from our publication database.


invited talk

Georg Ruß will give an invited talk at the University of Waterloo, Canada. His talk will be along the lines of "Spatial Data Mining in Precision Agriculture". A short excerpt from the invitation:

''He will introduce us to the utility of geomatics technologies in precision agriculture,
and present novel spatial data mining tools that can be used to optimize the spatial allocation of
fertilizer and pesticide doses in site-specific crop management. This involves novel statistical
and machine-learning techniques such as the SVM, spatial cross-validation, and spatial clustering
algorithms, as well as lots and lots of high-resolution geodata.''


Open Day of the University

Christian Moewes performed two presentations in the fuzzy laboratory G29-036 for future students during the open day of the university. Topic were the artificial nine men's morris players that have been developed by students within the programming contest of the lecture Evolutionary Algorithms. Every visitor had the chance to take on evolutionary developed players like Mühlhalde or Darwin. Also, the visitors attentively followed Christian's explanations about Darwin's theory of evolution for computer programs.



Rudolf Kruse participated in the Management Committee and Work Group Meeting of the COST Action IC0702 - SoftStat, a project funded by the European Science Foundation. The meeting took place in Vienna, Austria.



Christian Borgelt will give his lecture on "Frequent Pattern Mining" en bloc from 22nd to 26th of March, 2010. Further information can be obtained from


Attach:Aktuellles.2010/put.jpg Δ Δ | PUT At Prof. Roman Słowiński's invitation, Christian Moewes spent one week at the Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS) in Poznań, Poland. He gave a talk within the IDDS seminar entitled "Application of Fuzzy Confirmation Measures to Fuzzy Decision Rules Generated by Kernel Methods" in order to find starting points between both working groups. We agreed on further exchanges and a cooperation that shall lead to a DFG project.



Rudolf Kruse gave an invited talk at the 4th International Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing. The talk's topic was Data Mining Applications in the Automotive Industry. The respective publication is available at the workshop's website: [ | plenary-2.pdf]].


Information Miner @CeBIT 2010

Our group presented the Intelligent Information Miner under the umbrella of future parc at the CeBIT 2010 in Hannover, Germany.


Professor Kruse gave an invited talk on Uncertainty and Vagueness in Knowledge-Based Systems in SFB Transregio 62.


Professor Kruse gave an invited talk on Temporal Pattern Mining at FU Berlin.

News & Announcements from 2009 ---

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Page last modified on December 03, 2012, at 09:47 AM by cmoewes