All publications sorted by author
Kristian Löwe, Dichotomization in FMRI, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg, 2012
Kristian Löwe, Mapping of WDLPS neochromosomes, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2010 attachment
Kristian Löwe, Sarah E. Donohue, Mircea Ariel Schönfeld, Rudolf Kruse and Christian Borgelt, Memory-efficient analysis of dense functional connectomes (2016), in: Frontiers in neuroinformatics Lausanne Frontiers Research Foundation, 10 2016 12 Bd. 10.2016, Art.-Nr. 50, insges. 12 S.
Kristian Löwe, M. Grueschow and Christian Borgelt, Mining Local Connectivity Patterns in fMRI Data., in: Towards Advanced Data Analysis by Combining Soft Computing and Statistics, pages 305--317, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
Andreas Meier, Mark Gonter and Rudolf Kruse, Symbolic Regression for Precrash Accident Severity Prediction, in: Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, pages 133-144, Springer International Publishing, 2014
Andreas Meier, Mark Gonter and Rudolf Kruse, Accelerating Convergence in Cartesian Genetic Programming by Using a New Genetic Operator, in: Proceedings of the fifteenth annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference, 2013
Andreas Meier, Mark Gonter and Rudolf Kruse, Approximationsverfahren für kollisionsbedingte Geschwindigkeitskurven, in: Proceedings of 23. Workshop Computational Intelligence, KIT Scientific Publishing, 2013
Christian Moewes, Application of support vector machines to discriminate vehicle crash events, School of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg, 2007 attachment
Christian Moewes and Rudolf Kruse, On the usefulness of fuzzy SVMs and the extraction of fuzzy rules from SVMs, in: Proceedings of the 7th conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT-2011) and LFA-2011, European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), Aix-les-Bains, France, pages 943--948, Atlantis Press, 2011 attachment
Christian Moewes and Rudolf Kruse, Adjusting Monitored Experiments to Real-World Cases by Matching Labeled Time Series Motifs, in: Proceedings 18. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 3. - 5. Dezember 2008, pages 214--223, Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe, 2008 attachment
Christian Moewes and Rudolf Kruse, Zuordnen von linguistischen Ausdrücken zu Motiven in Zeitreihen (2009), in: at-Automatisierungstechnik, 57:3(146--154) attachment
Christian Moewes and Rudolf Kruse, The Effects of Edge Weights on Correlating Dynamical Networks: Comparing Unweighted and Weighted Brain Graphs of nervus opticus Patients, in: Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, pages 279--284, ScitePress, 2013 attachment
Christian Moewes and Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy Control for Knowledge-Based Interpolation, pages 91--101, Springer-Verlag, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, volume 271, 2012 attachment
Christian Moewes and Rudolf Kruse, Unification of Fuzzy SVMs and Rule Extraction Methods through imprecise Domain Knowledge, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU-08), University of Málaga, Torremolinos (Málaga), pages 1527--1534, 2008 attachment
Christian Moewes and Rudolf Kruse, Evolutionary Fuzzy Rules for Ordinal Binary Classification with Monotonicity Constraints, in: Soft Computing: State of the Art Theory and Novel Applications, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USA, pages 105--112, Springer, 2013 attachment
Christian Moewes, Ralf Mikut and Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy Control, in: Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence (Part B), pages 231--244, Springer, 2015
Christian Moewes and Fabian Mörchen, Time Series Mining (2012), in: WIREs Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery
Computational Intelligence in Intelligent Data Analysis, Springer-Verlag, Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI), volume 445, 2013
Christian Moewes, Clemens Otte and Rudolf Kruse, Simple Machine Learning Approaches to Safety-Related Systems, in: Machine Interpretation of Patterns: Image Analysis and Data Mining, pages 231--249, World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc., 2010
Christian Moewes, Clemens Otte and Rudolf Kruse, Tackling Multiple-Instance Problems in Safety-Related Domains by Quasilinear SVM, in: Soft Methods for Handling Variability and Imprecision, pages 409--416, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2008 attachment
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Uncertainty, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 747, 1993
Raphael Moura, Christoph Doell, Michael Beer and Rudolf Kruse, A Clustering Approach to a Major-Accident Data Set: Analysis of Key Interactions to Minimise Human Errors, in: Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), IEEE, Cape Town, pages 1838-1843, IEEE, 2015