UNI / FIN / IKS Arbeitsgruppe Computational Intelligence |
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News & Announcements 201512.2015The special edition of the journal "Informatik Spektrum" on the topic "50 years of fuzzy sets"
was published in December 2015. The issue includes a contribution on the topic of
"Relevance of membership degrees in fuzzy technology" (Bedeutung von Zugehörigkeitsgraden in der Fuzzy Technologie) written by C. Borgelt and Prof. Kruse.
8.-10.12.2015Alexander Dockhorn, Christoph Doell and Prof. Kruse took part
at the IEEE-SSCI conferencein Cape Town.
Mr. Dockhorn gave a presentation on his master thesis topic "An Alternating Optimization Approach Based on Hierarchical Adaptations of DBSCAN".
Mr. Doell held a presentation on his topic "A Clustering Approach to a Major-Accident Data Set: Analysis of Key Interactions
to Minimise Human Errors".
Prof. Kruse and two colleges organized the workshop CIES'15 (Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Solutions)
and led in the plenary talk of R. Mikut.
26-27.11.2015From the 26.11.-27.11.2015 Prof. Kruse took part at the CI-Workshop of the GMA in Dortmund.
04-06.11.2015Christoph Doell took part at the 13th International Probabilistic Workshop in Liverpool. There, he presented his "Analysis of a Major-Accident Dataset by Association Rule Mining to Minimise Unsafe Interfaces".
16.10.2015Prof. Kruse and Frank Klawonn have given a talk about Data Mining at the Stadtwerke in Munich.
22.09.2015Pascal Held presented his paper about "Clustering Social Networks using Competing Ant Hives" at the ENIC 2015 in Sweden.
07.-11.09.2015Christoph Doell attended the First European Summer School on Fuzzy Logic and Applications. He presented his current research, there.
02.-05.08.2015Rudolf Kruse attended the Fuzz IEEE 2015 in Istanbul from 2.8.-5.8.15 He chaired the plenary talk by Marie Jeanne Lesot, a former guest researcher of our group. At this conference the list of the 100, most important papers in the field of fuzzy systems in 50 years of research were presented. Our book on Statistics with vague Data is included in this compilation.
18. - 23.07.2015Christian Braune presented his poster titled Detecting Parallel Bursts in in-silico-generated spike train data at this year's annual meeting of the Organization for Computational Neuroscience.
16.07.2015Mr. Kruse took part in the 13th European Conference on "Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty" in Compiègne. Fabian Schmidt, external PhD student in the group of Mr. Kruse, gave a talk about the common attachment "Handling Revision Inconsistencies: Towards Better Explanations".
09.07.2015Andreas Meier defended successfully his dissertation with the title "Verfahren zur vorkollisionären Prognose der zu erwartenden Unfallschwere von Fahrzeugfrontalkollisionen".
02.07.2015Mr. Kruse participated in the 16th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) and the 9th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT). Both meetings were organized in Gijón, Asturias (Spain). There Mr. Kruse got a medal for his consultant activities in the "European Centre for Soft Computing". Also, his membership on the board of EUSFLAT was extended for another two years.
28.06.2015Roland Winkler successfully finished his PhD with the title "Prototype Based Clustering in High-Dimensional Feature Spaces".
23.06.2015Mr. Kruse was member of the internationaly jury of the BBVA Foundation "Frontiers of Knowledge Awards" in the section "Information and Communication Technologies" in Madrid. Awardee of the famous, with 500000 euro endowed, prize in the 2014 is Leonard Kleinrock, one of the internet pioneers.
18. May 2015A new version of the Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence is published. Our working group contributed the chapter "Fuzzy Control".
9. May 2015To mark the 50th anniversary of the research direction "Fuzzy systems", the working group of Prof. Kruse has written some invited contributions to festivities, special editions and anniversary books. Among others the book "Fifty Years of Fuzzy Logic and its Applications" was published by Springer. We contributed the chapter "Handling Noise and Outliers in Fuzzy Clustering".
13.-17. April 2015Prof Kruse gave at the University of Liverpool, Institute for Risk and Uncertainty at the CDT Easter School, several talks about Bayesian Networks gehalten
01. April - 30. September 2015Prof. Kruse has a research sabbatical. Mr. Doell gives the lecture on Neuronal Networks, Mr. Braune the lecture on Intelligent Data Analysis
12-13 January 2015Rudolf Kruse was member of the international jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award, again. Winner of the famous, 500.000 Euro, awards in the Information and Communication Technologies Category is Leonhard Kleinrock. Further Information at http://www.fbbva.es/TLFU/tlfu/ing/microsites/premios/fronteras/galardonados/2014/informacion.jsp
5-8. January 2015Christian Braune presented his paper "Towards Online Detection of Neural Assemblies in Parallel Spike Trains" at the 48th HICSS.
Prof. Kruse organized a Mini Track together with Gabriella Pasi (Mailand) and Jose Alonso with focus on Soft Computing.