Publications of Detlef Nauck sorted by title
A Framework for Discovering Interesting Business Changes from Data (2006), in: BT Technology Journal, 24:2(219--228) | , , and ,
A Fuzzy Neural Network Learning Fuzzy Control Rules and Membership Functions by Fuzzy Error Backpropagation, in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Neural Networks 1993, pages 1022--1027, 1993 | and ,
A Neural Fuzzy Controller Learning by Fuzzy Error Propagation, in: Proc. Workshop of North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS92), pages 388--397, 1992 | and ,
A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to Obtain Interpretable Fuzzy Systems for Function Approximation, in: Proc. 7th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'98), pages 1106--1111, 1998 | and ,
A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to Optimise Hierarchical Recurrent Fuzzy Systems (2002), in: Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 1:2(221--248) | , , , and ,
A neuro-fuzzy development tool for fuzzy controllers under MATLAB/SIMULINK, in: Proc. Fifth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT97), pages 1029--1033, 1997 | , , and ,
A neuro-fuzzy method to learn fuzzy classification rules from data (1997), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 89(277--288) | , and ,
Building Neural Fuzzy Controllers with NEFCON--I, in: Fuzzy Systems in Computer Science, pages 141--151, Vieweg, 1994 | ,
Choosing Appropriate Neuro-Fuzzy Models, in: Proc. Second European Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Technologies (EUFIT94), pages 552--557, 1994 | and ,
Combining Neural Networks and Fuzzy Controllers, in: Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence (FLAI93), pages 35--46, Springer--Verlag, 1993 | , and ,
Constructing a Fuzzy Controller from Data (1997), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 85(177--193) | , , and ,
Data Mining mit Neuro-Fuzzy-Systemen, in: Proc.\ Symposium Operations Research (SOR'99, Magdeburg, Germany), 1999 | , and ,
Data Mining with Fuzzy Methods: Status and Perspectives, in: Proc.\ 7th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT'99, Aachen, Germany), Verlag Mainz, 1999 | , and ,
Data Mining with Neuro-Fuzzy Models, pages 1--36, Physica-Verlag, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence, 2001 | , , and ,
Designing Neuro--Fuzzy Systems Through Backpropagation, in: Fuzzy Modelling: Paradigms and Practice, Kluwer, 1996 | and ,
Designing Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Through Backpropagation, Kluwer, Fuzzy Modelling: Paradigms and Practice, 1995 | and ,
Erlernen von Fuzzy-Regeln (1997), in: Informatik, Forschung und Entwicklung, 12:1(2--6) | , and ,
Flexible Fuzzy Clustering for Data Analysis as a Plug-In Library for Data Engine, in: Proc. 1st International Data Analysis Symposium, pages 67--71, 1997 | , , and ,
Foundations of Neuro--Fuzzy Systems, Wiley, 1996 | , and ,
Foundations of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, Wiley, 1997 | , and ,
From Change Mining to Relevance Feedback: A Unified View on Assessing Rule Interestingness, in: Post-Mining of Association Rules: Techniques for Effective Knowledge Extraction, pages 12-37, IGI Global, 2009 | , , and ,
Function approximation by NEFPROX, in: Proc. Second European Workshop on Fuzzy Decision Analysis and Neural Networks for Management, Planning, and Optimization (EFDAN'97), pages 160--169, 1997 | and ,
Fusing Expert Knowledge and Information from Data with NEFCLASS, in: Proc. Second International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION'99), pages 386--393, Sunnyvale, CA, 1999 | and ,
Fuzzy Classification Rules Using Categorical and Metric Variables, in: Fuzzy-Neuro Systems 1999 - Computational Intelligence (FNS'99), pages 133--144, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 1999 | and ,
Fuzzy Data Analysis: Challenges and Perspectives, in: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE '99, Seoul, South Korea), pages 1211--1216, IEEE Press, 1999 | , and ,
Fuzzy Decision Trees - A new CI-Method for the Automatic Data Analysis Platform SPIDA, in: Proc. 14. Workshop Fuzzy-Systeme und Computational Intelligence, Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe, 2004 | , , and ,
Fuzzy Neuro Systems: An Overview, in: Fuzzy Systems in Computer Science, pages 91--107, Vieweg, 1994 | ,
Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Controller and Neural Networks, in: Proc. Physiological Aspects of Regulation between Chaos and Reflex, 1992 | , and ,
Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Controllers, and Neural Networks (1992), in: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, R. Medizin, 41:4(99--120) | , and ,
Fuzzy Systeme und Neuro-Fuzzy Systeme, pages 35--54, Vieweg, Computational Intelligence, 1998 | and ,
Fuzzy-Systeme and Soft Computing, pages 1--19, Franz Vahlen Verlag, Fuzzy Set Theorie in betriebswirtschaftlichen Anwendungen, 1996 | and ,
Fuzzy-Systeme und Soft Computing, pages 1--19, Franz Vahlen Verlag, Fuzzy Set Theorie in betriebswirtschaftlichen Anwendungen, 1997 | and ,
Generating Classification Rules with the Neuro-Fuzzy System (NEFCLASS), in: Proc. Biennial Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society NAFIPS '96, pages 466--470, IEEE, Berkeley, 1996 | , and ,
Generating Rules from Data by Fuzzy and Neuro--Fuzzy Methods, in: Proc.\ Fuzzy--Neuro--Systeme'95, pages 223--230, 1995 | , and ,
How the learning of rule weights affects the interpretability of fuzzy systems, in: Proc. 7th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'98), pages 1235--1240, 1998 | and ,
Improving the Clarity of Neuro-Fuzzy Classifiers, in: AFN-Berichte 1999, 1999 | , , and ,
Information Compression in the Context Model, in: Proc. NAFIPS, 1992 | , and ,
Information Fusion in Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, pages 77--90, Springer, Data Fusion and Perception, 2001 | and ,
Informationsfusion in Neuro-Fuzzy-Systemen, in: Informationsfusion in der Mess- und Sensortechnik, pages 113--125, Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe, 2006 | , and ,
Intelligent Data Analysis with Fuzzy Decision Trees, in: Soft Computing for Information Mining (Workshop Proceedings 27th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence), 2004 | , , and ,
Intelligent data analysis with fuzzy decision trees (2007), in: Soft Computing: A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, 11:5(439--457) | , , and ,
Interpretation und Analyse von Fuzzy Daten, in: Proc. DGOR, 1991 | , and ,
Interpreting Changes in the Fuzzy Sets of a Self-Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Controller, in: Proc.\ Second Int.\ Workshop on Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems (IFIS'92), pages 146--152, 1992 | and ,
Interpreting Changes in the Membership Functions of a Self Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Controller, in: Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems, 1992 | and ,