Topic: All Publications of Rudolf Kruse

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Publications for topic "All Publications of Rudolf Kruse" sorted by first author
Pascal Held and Rudolf Kruse, Online Fuzzy Community Detection by Using Nearest Hubs, in: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: 16th International Conference, IPMU 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 20 - 24, 2016, Proceedings, Part II, Cham, pages 678-689, Springer International Publishing, 2016
Pascal Held and Rudolf Kruse, Estimation of hidden driver properties based on the driving behavior, in: Proceedings of 21. Workshop Computational Intelligence, pages 1-14, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, 2011 attachment
Pascal Held, Christian Moewes, Christian Braune, Rudolf Kruse and Bernhard A. Sabel, Advanced Analysis of Dynamic Graphs in Social and Neural Networks, in: Towards Advanced Data Analysis by Combining Soft Computing and Statistics, pages 205--222, Springer, 2013 attachment
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Theory and Methods., Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science, volume 80, 2010
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Applications., Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science, volume 81, 2010
Computational Intelligence for Knowledge-Based System Design, Springer, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, volume 6178, 2010
Steffen Kempe, Jochen Hipp and Rudolf Kruse, FSMTree: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Frequent Temporal Patterns, in: Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Applications, Berlin, Heidelberg, pages 253--260, Springer, 2007 attachment
Steffen Kempe, Jochen Hipp, Carsten Lanquillon and Rudolf Kruse, Mining frequent temporal patterns in interval sequences (2008), in: International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems (IJUFKS), 16:5(645--661) attachment
Steffen Kempe and Rudolf Kruse, Mining Temporal Patterns in an Automotive Environment, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU-08), University of Málaga, Málaga, pages 521--528, 2008 attachment
Jens Kinzel, Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, Modifications of Genetic Algorithms for Designing and Optimizing Fuzzy Controllers, in: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pages 28--33, 1994
Jens Kinzel, Rudolf Kruse and Frank Klawonn, Anpassung Genetischer Algorithmen zum Erlernen und Optimieren von Fuzzy-Reglern, in: Proc. of the 4. Dortmunder Fuzzy-Tage, Springer Verlag, 1994
Frank Klawonn, Jörg Gebhardt and Rudolf Kruse, The Context Model from the Viewpoint of Logic, pages 288--295, Springer, Operations research Proceedings 1992, 1993
Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, From Fuzzy Sets to Indistinguishability and Back, in: Proceedings of the International ICSC Symposium on Fuzzy logic, A57-A59, 1995
Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, Automatic Generation of Fuzzy Controllers by Fuzzy Clustering, in: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1995
Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, A Lukasiewicz Logic Based Prolog (1994), in: Mathware and Soft Computing, 1(5--29)
Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy Partitions and Transformations, in: Proc.of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1994
Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy Control as Interpolation on the Basis of Equality Relations, in: Proc. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy systems, 1993
Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, Clustering Methods in Fuzzy Control, pages 195--202, Springer, From Data to Knowledge: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Cla, 1995
Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, Derivation of Fuzzy Classificatio Rules from Multidimensional Data, pages 90--94, The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis, 1995
Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, Similarity Relations and Independence Concepts, in: Preferences and Similarities, pages 179-196, Springer, 2008
Frank Klawonn, Rudolf Kruse and Heiko Timm, Fuzzy Shell Cluster Analysis, pages 105--120, Springer, Learning, Networks and Statistics, 1997
Frank Klawonn, Detlef Nauck and Rudolf Kruse, Generating Rules from Data by Fuzzy and Neuro--Fuzzy Methods, in: Proc.\ Fuzzy--Neuro--Systeme'95, pages 223--230, 1995
Aljoscha Klose, Frank Klawonn, Rudolf Kruse and Detlef Nauck, Constructing a Fuzzy Controller from Data (1997), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 85(177--193)
Aljoscha Klose and Rudolf Kruse, Semi-supervised learning in knowledge discovery (2005), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 149(209--233) attachment
Aljoscha Klose and Rudolf Kruse, Information Mining with Semi-Supervised Learning, Springer, Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems, 2004
Aljoscha Klose, Rudolf Kruse, H. Gross and U. Thoennessen, Automatische Adaption Struktureller Bildanalysealgorithmen unter Verwendung von Data Mining Techniken, in: Proc. Computational Intelligence im industriellen Einsatz (CI'2000), pages 91--96, VDI-Verlag, 2000
Aljoscha Klose, Andreas Nürnberger, Detlef Nauck and Rudolf Kruse, Data Mining with Neuro-Fuzzy Models, pages 1--36, Physica-Verlag, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence, 2001
Rudolf Kruse, Soft Computing for Information Mining, in: Workshop-Proceedings 27th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2004
Rudolf Kruse, Information Mining, in: Proc. of the Int. Conf. of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT 2001), pages 6--9, De Montfort University, 2001
Rudolf Kruse, Wie geht man mit unscharfen Informationen um? H. Hischer, pages 79--83, Franzbecker Verlag, Modellbildung, Computer und Mathematikunterricht, 2000
Rudolf Kruse, Neuro-Fuzzy-Systeme in der Datenanalyse (1999), in: Magdeburger Wissenschaftsjournal, 2
Rudolf Kruse, Intelligente Systeme: Wie geht man mit unvollkommenen Informationen um?, in: Universitätsschriften, Magdeburg, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, 1998
Rudolf Kruse, On the Extension of Probability Theory and Statistics to the Handling of Fuzzy Data, in: Proc. of the 4th Conference on the International Federation of Classification Societies, 1993
Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy Logic at the University of Braunschweig (1993), in: La Lettre Logique Floue, 4