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Heinz Detmer, Jörg Gebhardt, Christian Borgelt and Rudolf Kruse, Knowledge Revision in Markov Networks (2004), in: Mathware \{&} Soft Computing, 11:2-3(93--107)
Anne Dobritz, Georg Ruß, Nico Ganter and Jürgen Edelmann-Nusser, Vergleich von MATLAB® und DataEngine® bei der Modellierung von Wettkampfleistungen im Schwimmen, in: Workshop Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis 6 (Hirschegg), Aachen, pages 217-226, Shaker, 2008 attachment
Alexander Dockhorn, Christian Braune and Rudolf Kruse, Variable Density Based Clustering, in: 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), IEEE, Athen, pages 1-8, IEEE, 2016
Alexander Dockhorn, Christian Braune and Rudolf Kruse, An Alternating Optimization Approach based on Hierarchical Adaptations of DBSCAN, in: 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2015
Christoph Doell, Pascal Held, Raphael Moura, Rudolf Kruse and Michael Beer, Analysis of a major-accident dataset by Association Rule Mining to minimise unsafe interfaces, in: Proc. of the 13th International Probabilistic Workshop (IPW 2015), IPW 2015 Organisers, Liverpool, pages 218-230, Research Publishing, 2015
Christoph Doell and Sophie Siebert, Evaluation of Cognitive Architectures Inspired by Cognitive Biases (2016), in: Procedia Computer Science, Volume 88(155–162)
Christian Döring, Christian Borgelt and Rudolf Kruse, Effects of Irrelevant Attributes in Fuzzy Clustering, in: Proc. 14th IEEE Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'05, Reno, NV), CD-ROM, pages 862--866, IEEE Press, 2005
Christian Döring, Christian Borgelt and Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy Clustering of Quantitative and Qualitative Data, in: Proc.\ Conf.\ North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS 2004, Banff, Alberta, Canada), pages 84--89, IEEE Press, 2004
Christian Döring, Rudolf Kruse, Heiko Timm and Christian Borgelt, Fuzzy Cluster Analysis with Cluster Repulsion, in: Proc. Of the 1st International Workshop on Hybrid Methods for Adaptive Systems (EUNITE  ´01), 2001
Christian Döring, Marie-Jeanne Lesot and Rudolf Kruse, Data analysis with fuzzy clustering methods (2006), in: Computational Statistics {\&} Data Analysis, 51:1(192--214) attachment
A. Eichhorn, Christian Döring, Aljoscha Klose and Rudolf Kruse, Classification of Surface Form Deviations for Quality Analysis, in: Intelligent technologies, hybrid systems and their implementation on smart adaptive systems, eunite 2003 (European symposium, Oulu, Finland, July 10--11, 2003), pages 121--129, Verlag Mainz, 2003
A. Eichhorn, Daniela Girimonte, Aljoscha Klose and Rudolf Kruse, Surface Quality Analysis with Soft Computing, in: Proceedings of the East West Fuzzy Colloquium, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, pages 292--299, IPM, 2002 attachment