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Roland Winkler, Frank Klawonn, Frank Höppner and Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy Cluster Analysis of Larger Data Sets, in: Scalable Fuzzy Algorithms for Data Management and Analysis: Methods and Design, pages 302--331, IGI Global, 2009
Roland Winkler, Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, Problems of Fuzzy c-Means Clustering and Similar Algorithms with High Dimensional Data Sets, pages 79-87, Springer, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, 2012 attachment
Roland Winkler, Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, M-Estimator induced Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms, in: Proceedings of the 7th conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT-2011) and LFA-2011, European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), Aix-Le-Bains, France, pages 298--304, Atlantis Press, 2011 attachment
Roland Winkler, Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy Clustering with Polynomial Fuzzifier Function in connection with M-Estimators, in: Zeitschrift: Applied and Computational Mathematics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, pages 146-163, 2011 attachment
Roland Winkler, Frank Rehm and Rudolf Kruse, Clustering with Repulsive Prototypes, in: Advances in Data Analysis, Data Handling and Business Intelligence, Proc. 32nd Annual Conf. of the GfKl e.V., Joint Conference with the British Classif. Soc. and the Dutch/Flemish Classif. Soc., pages 207--215, Springer Verlag, 2010 attachment
Roland Winkler, Annette Temme, Christoph Bösel and Rudolf Kruse, Clustering radar tracks to evaluate efficiency indicators, in: Proceedings of the second ENRI Workshop on ATM and CNS 2010, pages 71--94, The Second ENRI International Workshop on ATM/CNS (EIWAC2010), 2010 attachment
Jan Zelmer, Interpersonelle multimodale Aktivit\"{a}tserkennung, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg, 2012