All publications sorted by author
Rudolf Kruse, On the Entropy of Additive Fuzzy Measures (1987), in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 122(589--595)
Rudolf Kruse, On the Variance of Random Sets (1987), in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 122:2(469--473)
Rudolf Kruse, On a Software Tool for Statistics with Linguistic Data (1987), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 24(377--383)
Rudolf Kruse, Statistical Estimation with Linguistic Data (1984), in: Information Sciences, 33(197--207)
Rudolf Kruse, Probabilistische Mengen (1984), in: Wiss. Abh. der Braunschweigischen wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, 36(7--13)
Rudolf Kruse, On the Entropy of Fuzzy Events (1983), in: Kybernetes, 12(53--57)
Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy Integrals and Conditional Fuzzy Measures (1983), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 10(309--313)
Rudolf Kruse, Schätzfunktionen für Parameter von unscharfen Zufallsvariablen, Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig, 1983
Rudolf Kruse, On the Construction of Fuzzy Measures (1982), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 8(323--327)
Rudolf Kruse, The strong law of large numbers for fuzzy random variables (1982), in: Information sciences, 28(233--241)
Rudolf Kruse, Zur Konstruktion von unscharfen, lambda-additiven Maßen, Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig, 1980
Rudolf Kruse, On the Semantic Foundations of Fuzzy Probability and Fuzzy Statistics, pages 131--135, Akademie Verlag, Modeling Uncertain Data, 1992
Data Mining in Engineering, IOS Press, 2011
Rudolf Kruse and Christian Borgelt, Information Mining: Editorial (2003), in: Int.\ Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 32(63--65)
Rudolf Kruse and Christian Borgelt, Data Mining with Graphical Models, in: Proc.\ Computer Science for Environmental Protection (12th Int.\ Symp.\ ``Informatik für den Umweltschutz'', Bremen, Germany), pages 17--30, 1998
Rudolf Kruse and Christian Borgelt, Evaluation measures for learning probabilistic and possibilistic networks, in: Proc. 6th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'97), pages 669--676, 1997 attachment
Rudolf Kruse and Christian Borgelt, Some experimental results on learning probabilistic and possibilistic networks with different evaluation measures, in: Proc. 1st International Joint Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning (ECSQARU/FAPR'97), pages 71--85, 1997
Rudolf Kruse, Christian Borgelt, Christian Braune and Kristian Löwe, Mining Frequent Parallel Episodes with Selective Participation, in: 16th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) 9th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), Atlantis Press, 2015
Rudolf Kruse and Christian Borgelt, Data Mining with Graphical Models, in: Proc. DS 2002, pages 2--11, Springer, 2002
Rudolf Kruse, Christian Borgelt and Detlef Nauck, Data Mining with Fuzzy Methods: Status and Perspectives, in: Proc.\ 7th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT'99, Aachen, Germany), Verlag Mainz, 1999 attachment
Rudolf Kruse, Christian Borgelt and Detlef Nauck, Data Mining mit Neuro-Fuzzy-Systemen, in: Proc.\ Symposium Operations Research (SOR'99, Magdeburg, Germany), 1999
Rudolf Kruse, Christian Borgelt and Detlef Nauck, Fuzzy Data Analysis: Challenges and Perspectives, in: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE '99, Seoul, South Korea), pages 1211--1216, IEEE Press, 1999
Rudolf Kruse, Christian Borgelt and Detlef Nauck, Problems and Prospects in Fuzzy Data Analysis, in: Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems: Prospects, Tools and Applications, pages 95--109, Springer-Verlag, 2000
Rudolf Kruse, Christian Borgelt, Detlef Nauck, N.J. van Eck and and Matthias Steinbrecher, The role of soft computing in intelligent data analysis, in: Final program and abstracts of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 9--17, 2007
Rudolf Kruse, Christian Döring and Marie-Jeanne Lesot, Fundamentals of Fuzzy Clustering, in: Advances in Fuzzy Clustering and its Applications, pages 3--30, John Wiley {\&} Sons, 2007 attachment
Rudolf Kruse, The strong law of large numbers for fuzzy random variables, pages 272--276, Morgan Kaufmann, Readings in Fuzzy Sets for Intelligent Systems, 1993
Rudolf Kruse, J. Freckmann and M. Eike, Ein Programmsystem für statistische Untersuchungen mit unscharfen Daten, in: Proc. der 4. Konferenz über die wissenschaftliche Anwendung von Statistik-Software, 1987
Rudolf Kruse, J. Freckmann and M. Eike, Ein Programmsystem für statistische Untersuchungen mit unscharfen Daten, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Fortschritte der Statistik Software, volume 1, 1988
Rudolf Kruse and Jörg Gebhardt, Book-review: Expert systems and probabilistic network models (1998), in: Mathematical Methods of Operations Research(337--339)
Rudolf Kruse and Jörg Gebhardt, New Methods in Statistics with Vague Data, in: Proc. 4rd IFSA Conference, 1991
Rudolf Kruse and Jörg Gebhardt, Fuzzy Probability Theory and Fuzzy Statistics, pages 605--610, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Softstat ´93: Advances in Statistical Software, 1993
Rudolf Kruse and Jörg Gebhardt, Background and perspectives of possibilistic graphical models, pages 108--121, Springer, Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning: ECSQARU/FAPR'9, 1997
Rudolf Kruse, Jörg Gebhardt and María Ángeles Gil, Fuzzy statistics, Wiley, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1997
Rudolf Kruse, Jörg Gebhardt and Frank Klawonn, Fuzzy-Systeme, Teubner, Leitfäden und Monographien der Informatik, 1995
Rudolf Kruse, Jörg Gebhardt and Frank Klawonn, On the Interpretation of Fuzzy Controllers, in: Proc. of the 5th IFSA World Congress, 1993
Rudolf Kruse, Jörg Gebhardt and Frank Klawonn, A Fuzzy Controller for Idle Speed Regulation, in: Proc. 1994 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 155--160, 1994 attachment
Rudolf Kruse, Jörg Gebhardt and Frank Klawonn, Reasoning with Mass Distributions and the Context Model, in: Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Uncertainty, Springer Verlag, 1991