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Petra Perner
First name(s): Petra
Last name(s): Perner

Publications of Petra Perner sorted by recency
Advances in Data Mining, IBaI Publishing, 2011
Georg Ruß and Rudolf Kruse, Exploratory Hierarchical Clustering for Management Zone Delineation in Precision Agriculture, in: Advances in Data Mining, Applications and Theoretical Aspects, pages 161--173, Springer, 2011 attachment
Advances in Data Mining, IBaI Publishing, 2010
Georg Ruß and Rudolf Kruse, Regression Models for Spatial Data: An Example from Precision Agriculture, in: Advances in Data Mining. Applications and Theoretical Aspects, pages 450--463, Springer, 2010 attachment
Georg Ruß, Rudolf Kruse, Martin Schneider and Peter Wagner, Visual Data Mining of Agriculture Data, in: Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, 6th International Conference (MLDM 2009), Leipzig, Germany, pages 30--44, IBaI publishing, 2009 attachment
Georg Ruß, Data Mining of Agricultural Yield Data: A Comparison of Regression Models, in: Advances in Data Mining -- Applications and Theoretical Aspects, Berlin, Heidelberg, pages 24--37, Springer, 2009 attachment
Georg Ruß, Rudolf Kruse, Peter Wagner and Martin Schneider, Data Mining with Neural Networks for Wheat Yield Prediction, in: Advances in Data Mining -- Medical Applications, E-Commerce, Marketing, and Theoretical Aspects, Leipzig, pages 47--56, Springer Verlag, 2008 attachment