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All publications sorted by journal and type
Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Rudolf Kruse, On a Software Tool for Statistics with Linguistic Data (1987), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 24(377--383)
Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy Integrals and Conditional Fuzzy Measures (1983), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 10(309--313)
Rudolf Kruse, On the Construction of Fuzzy Measures (1982), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 8(323--327)
Handbuch der modernen Datenverarbeitung
IEEE Transaction Fuzzy Systems
Christian Borgelt, Guido Lindner and Rudolf Kruse, Learning Possibilistic Graphical Models from Data (2003), in: IEEE Transaction Fuzzy Systems, 11:2(159--172)
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
Informatik Spektrum
A. Radetzky and Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy-Systeme - Positive Aspekte der Unvollkommenheit (1996), in: Informatik Spektrum, 19:1(4--11)
Informatik, Forschung und Entwicklung
Rudolf Kruse, Frank Klawonn and Detlef Nauck, Erlernen von Fuzzy-Regeln (1997), in: Informatik, Forschung und Entwicklung, 12:1(2--6)
Information Sciences
Rudolf Kruse, Statistical Estimation with Linguistic Data (1984), in: Information Sciences, 33(197--207)
Information sciences
Rudolf Kruse, The strong law of large numbers for fuzzy random variables (1982), in: Information sciences, 28(233--241)
Int. J. of Approximate Reasoning
Int. Journal of Approximate Reasoning
Rudolf Kruse and E. Schwecke, Fuzzy Reasoning in a Multidimensional Space of Hypotheses (1990), in: Int. Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 4(47--68)