- aggregation methods
- Air Traffic Management
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Assembly
- assembly detection
- Automobile Industry
- Bayesian Networks
- bibtex-import
- Binary Classification
- biology computing
- brain
- Brain modeling
- Classification
- Classification models
- clustering
- Computational Intelligence
- data analysis
- Data Mining
- Data Visualization
- dynamic graphs
- dynamic networks
- elctroencephalography
- Electric potential
- Electrodes
- Enron dataset
- Evolutionary Algorithms
- feature extraction
- Feature Selection
- Frequent Pattern Mining
- frequent temporal patterns
- Fuzzy c-means
- Fuzzy classifiers
- Fuzzy clustering
- Fuzzy Control
- Fuzzy Data Analysis
- Fuzzy decision trees
- fuzzy logic
- Fuzzy neural network
- Fuzzy rule learning
- Fuzzy Rules
- fuzzy SVM
- Fuzzy Systems
- industrial application
- Information Fusion
- Intelligent data analysis
- Interpolation
- Interpretability
- knowledge acquisition
- Knowledge Representation
- Labeling
- Linguistic description
- Luftverkehrssysteme
- M-estimators
- Machine Learning
- Mamdani Control
- Markov networks
- MDSpolar
- Monotonicity Constraints
- Motif Discovery
- multidimensional scaling
- Multiple prototypes
- Multiple-Instance Learning
- Multivariate Time Series Analysis
- neural assemblies online detection
- neural nets
- Neural Networks
- Neuro-fuzzy system
- neurobiologists
- neurobiology
- neuroimaging
- neuron activation
- Neurons
- neuroscience
- Noise clustering
- online algorithms
- Outlier detection
- Pattern Recognition
- point processes
- Precision Agriculture
- Prediction
- Random Sets
- Real-time systems
- Regression
- Robust statistics
- Safety-Related Systems
- Sammon's Mapping
- SMPS2012
- social network analysis
- spike train analysis
- spike trains behavior
- spike-time hypothesis
- stream analysis
- Support Vector Machine
- Support Vector Regression. Multidimensional Scaling
- Trajectory
- vector autoregressive model
- Visual Data Analysis
- Visualization
Publications of Rudolf Kruse
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-300 | 301-350 | 351-400 | 401-450 | 451-500 | 501-534 |
Logical Approaches to Uncertainty and Vagueness in the View of the Context Model, in: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1992 | , and ,
Neural Fuzzy Controller Learning by Fuzzy Error Propagation, in: Proc. NAFIPS, 1992 | and ,
Numerische Methoden zur Verarbeitung unsicherer Informationen in wissensbasierten Systemen. Konzeption und Einsatz von Umweltinformationssystemen, pages 169--176, Springer, Informatik-Fachberichte, 1992 | and ,
On the combination of information sources, pages 24--30, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 521, 1992 | and ,
On the Semantic Foundations of Fuzzy Probability and Fuzzy Statistics, pages 131--135, Akademie Verlag, Modeling Uncertain Data, 1992 | ,
Possibility Theory and the Context Model, in: Proc. IPMU, 1992 | and ,
Prolog - Eine methodische Einführung, Vieweg, 1992 | , , and ,
Reasoning under Uncertainty with Temporal Aspects, pages 572--580, Springer, Industrial and Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligenc, 1992 | , , and ,
Zur Interpretation von Fuzzy Controllern, in: Proc. VDE-Fachtagung Technische Anwendungen von Fuzzy Systemen, 1992 | and ,
An Integrating Model of Partial Ignorance, in: Proc. 4rd IFSA Conference, 1991 | and ,
An Integrating Model of Uncertainty and Vagueness, in: Proc. of the NAFIPS-91 Conference, 1991 | and ,
ESPRIT-Projekt DRUMS: Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems (1991), in: KI, 5:4(47--49) | ,
Interpretation und Analyse von Fuzzy Daten, in: Proc. DGOR, 1991 | , and ,
Modellierung von Vagheit und Unsicherheit- Fuzzy Logic und andere Kalküle (1991), in: KI, 4 | , , and ,
New Methods in Statistics with Vague Data, in: Proc. 4rd IFSA Conference, 1991 | and ,
On a Tool for Reasoning with Mass Distributions, in: Proc. 12. Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1991 | , and ,
On the Context Model, in: Proc. of the DRUMS RP2 Workshop, Blanes, 1991 | ,
Reasoning with Mass Distributions, in: Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Proc.7th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, pages 182--187, 1991 | , and ,
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Reasoning with Mass Distributions and the Context Model, in: Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Uncertainty, Springer Verlag, 1991 | , and ,
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Uncertainty, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 548, 1991 |
Uncertainty and Vagueness in Knowledge Based Systems: Numerical Methods, Springer, Series Artificial Intelligence, 1991 | , and ,
Belief Functions and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, TU Braunschweig, 1990 | , and ,
Fuzzy Reasoning in a Multidimensional Space of Hypotheses (1990), in: Int. Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 4(47--68) | and ,
On the Combination of Information Sources, in: Proc. 3rd IPMU Conference, 1990 | and ,
On the Interpretation of Conditioning Concepts for Belief Functions, in: Proc. FAW Workshop Uncertainty in Knowledge Based Systems, Reisensburg, Günzburg, 1990 | and ,
On the Representation of Uncertain Knowledge in the Context of Belief Functions, in: Proc. 8th International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, 1990 | and ,
Prolog - Eine methodische Einführung, Vieweg, 1990 | , , and ,
Some New Aspects of Testing Hypotheses in Fuzzy Statistics, in: Proc. of the NAFIPS Conference, 1990 | and ,
Specialization, A New Concept for Uncertainty Handling with Belief Function (1990), in: International Journal of General Systems, 18:1(49--58) | and ,
Das Salzgittermodell - Ein Beispiel für die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Hochschule und Industrie bei der Entwicklung komplexer Software-Systeme, in: Proc. 8. GI-Fachgespräch über Rechenzentren, 1989 | , and ,
On a Dialog System for Modelling and Statistical Analysis of Linguistic Data, in: Proc. 3rd IFSA Congress, 1989 | and ,
On Calculating the Covariance in the Presence of Vague Data, Kluwer, Progress in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1989 | and ,
On the Treatment of Cyclic Dependencies in Causal Networks, in: Proc. 3rd IFSA Congress, 1989 | and ,
Über ein integriertes Informationssystem für die Landwirtschaft (1989), in: Mitteilungen der TU Braunschweig, 24 | , and ,
Vages Wissen in Expertensystemen, in: Proc. 5. MBB/ERNO Symposium Künstliche Intelligenz, Bremen, 1989 | ,
Confidence Intervals for the Parameters of a Linguistic Random Variable, pages 113--123, Springer, Combining Fuzzy Imprecision with Probabilistic Uncertainty in De, 1988 | and ,
Ein Modell zur Integration von praxisnahen Softwareprojekten in die Informatikausbildung (1988), in: Handbuch der modernen Datenverarbeitung | , and ,
Ein Programmsystem für statistische Untersuchungen mit unscharfen Daten, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Fortschritte der Statistik Software, volume 1, 1988 | , and ,
Evidential Reasoning in Product Spaces, in: Proc. FAW Invitational Workshop on Mathematics and AI, Reisensburg, Günzburg, 1988 | ,
Fuzzy Reasoning in a Multidimensional Space of Hypotheses, in: Proc. of the NAFIPS Conference, pages 147--151, 1988 | and ,
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On a Dialog System for Modelling and Statistical Analysis of Linguistic Data, Anton Hain Verlag, Methods of Operations Research, volume 60, 1988 | , and ,
On a Dialog System for Modelling and Statistical Analysis of Linguistic Data, in: Proc. of the 13. Symposium of Operations Research, Paderborn, 1988 | , and ,
On Calculating the Covariance in the Presence of Vague Data, in: Proc. IFSA-EC EURO-WG Meeting, 1988 | and ,
Prolog - Eine methodische Einführung, Vieweg, 1988 | , , and ,
Statistische Untersuchungen anhand von vagen Daten, in: Operations Research Proceedings, 17te DGOR-Jahrestagung, Springer Verlag, 1988 | and ,
Ein Programmsystem für statistische Untersuchungen mit unscharfen Daten, in: Proc. der 4. Konferenz über die wissenschaftliche Anwendung von Statistik-Software, 1987 | , and ,
Fuzzy Markov Chains and their Application to Processor Power Considerations, in: Proc. of the XIth Polish Conference in the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 1987 | and ,
On a Software Tool for Statistics with Linguistic Data (1987), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 24(377--383) | ,
On Linguistic Modelling and Linguistic Approximation in the Presence of Vague Data, in: Proc. of the International Symposium on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Engineering, 1987 | and ,
On the Entropy of Additive Fuzzy Measures (1987), in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 122(589--595) | ,