Preliminary Program
PDF version of the preliminary program
9:00 - 12:00 |
(in parallel, free for all registered attendees) |
12:00 - 13:30 |
Lunch Break |
13:30 - 14:00 |
Opening Address, Room 101
Prof. D. Lenzen,
President of the Free University of Berlin
Prof. H. Bester,
Dean of the Faculty of Economics
Prof. H.-J. Lenz,
General Chairman of IDA 2003 |
14:00 - 15:30 |
Machine Learning 1
Pruning for Monotone Classification Trees
A. Feelders and M. Pardoel |
Regularized Learning with Flexible Contraints
E. Hüllermeier |
Learning to Answer Emails
A. Lüneburg, M. Kockelkorn,
and T. Scheffer |
15:30 - 16:00 |
Coffee Break |
16:00 - 17:30 |
Probability and Topology
Learning Dynamic Bayesian Networks from Multivariate
Time Series with Changing Dependencies
A. Tucker and X. Liu |
Topology and Intelligent Data Analysis
V. Robins, J. Abernethy, N. Rooney,
and L. Bradley |
Coherent Conditional Probability as a Measure of
Information of the Relevant Conditioning Events
G. Coletti and R. Scozzafava |
19:30 - |
Dinner on the Reichstag
Departure from the conference site: 18:30 hours.
Please have a passport or an id card ready at the entrance.
9:00 - 10:00 |
Keynote Talk 1
A Virtual Cup-Tester for Coffee Quality Assessment
G. della Riccia
| |
10:00 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:00 |
Classification and Pattern Recognition
Learning Linear Classifiers Sensitive to
Example Dependent and Noisy Costs
P. Geibel and F. Wysotzki |
An Effective Associative Memory
for Pattern Recognition
B. Kryzhanovsky, L. Litinskii,
and A. Fonarev |
Similarity Based Classification
A.E. Bernal, K. Hovsepian, T. Karadeniz,
and J.-L. Lassez |
12:00 - 13:00 |
Lunch Break |
13:00 - 14:30 |
Machine Learning 2
A Semi-supervised Method for Learning the Structure
of Robot Environment Interaction
A. Grossmann, M. Wendt, and J. Wyatt |
Using Domain Specific Knowledge
for Automated Modeling
L. Todorovski and S. Dzeroski |
Resolving Rule Conflicts with Double Induction
T. Lindgren and H. Boströom
| |
14:30 - 14:45 |
Coffee Break |
14:45 - 16:15 |
What is Fuzzy about Fuzzy Clustering? Understanding
and Improving the Concept of the Fuzzifier
F. Klawonn and F. Höppner |
A Mixed Model Approach for Binned Data Clustering
A. Same, C. Ambroise, and G. Govaert |
16:15 - 16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30 - 17:30 |
Poster Spotlight Presentations |
17:30 - 19:00 |
Poster Presentations
Machine Learning |
A Novel Partial-Memory Learning Algorithm based on
Grey Relational Structure
C.-C. Huang and H.-M. Lee |
Classification and Pattern Recognition |
Numerical Attributes in Decision Trees:
A Hierarchical Approach
F. Berzal, J.-C. Cubero, N. Marin,
and D. Sanchez |
Similarity-based Neural Networks for Applications
on Symbol Strings
I. Fischer |
Combining Pairwise Classifiers with Stacking
P. Savicky and J. Fuernkranz |
Clustering |
Fuzzy Clustering based Segmentation of Time-series
J. Abonyi, B. Feil, S. Nemeth,
and P. Arva |
An Iterated Local Search Approach for Minimum
Sum-Of-Squares Clustering
P. Merz |
Data Clustering in Tolerance Space
C.-H. Tzeng and F.-S. Sun |
Probability and Topology |
Very Predictive Ngrams for Space-Limited
Probabilistic Models
P. Cohen and C. Sutton |
Interval Estimation Naïve Bayes
V. Robles, P. Larrañaga, J.M. Peña,
E. Menasalvas, and M.S. Pérez |
Modeling |
A Multiagent-Based Constructive Approach for
Feedforward Neural Networks
C.A.M. Lima, A.L.V. Coelho,
and F.J. Von Zuben |
Evolutionary System Identification via Descriptive
Takagi Sugeno Fuzzy Systems
I. Renners and A. Grauel |
Minimum Message Length Criterion for Second-order
Polynomial Model Selection Applied to Tropical Cyclone
Intensity Forecasting
G.W. Rumantir and C.S. Wallace |
On the Use of the GTM Algorithm for Mode Detection
S. Vegas-Azcarate and J. Muruzabal |
(Data) Preprocessing |
A Logical Formalisation of the Fellegi-Holt Method
of Data Cleaning
A. Boskovitz, R. Gore, and M. Hegland |
Compression Technique Preserving Correlations of a
Multivariate Temporal Sequence
A. Chouakria-Douzal |
Condensed Representations in Presence
of Missing Values
F. Rioult and B. Cremilleux |
Applications |
Genome-wide Prokaryotic Promoter Recognition based on
Sequence Alignment Kernel
L. Gordon, A. Chervonenkis, A. Gammerman,
I. Shahmuradov, and V. Solovyev |
Towards Automated Electrocardiac Map Interpretation:
An Intelligent Contouring Tool based on Spatial
L. Ironi and S. Tentoni |
Gaussian Mixture Density Estimation
Applied to Microarray Data
C. Steinhoff, T. Müuller, U. Nuber,
and M. Vingron |
19:00 - |
Barbeque |
9:00 - 10:00 |
Keynote Talk 2
Distributed Learning for the Analysis
of Extreme Data Sets
L.O. Hall
| |
10:00 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:00 |
Applications (Bioinformatics)
Selective Sampling with a
Hierarchical Latent Variable Model
H. Mamitsuka |
Obtaining Quality Microarray Data
via Image Reconstruction
P. O'Neill, G.D. Magoulas, and X. Liu |
Large Scale Mining of Molecular Fragments
with Wildcards
H. Hofer, C. Borgelt, and M. Berthold |
12:00 - 13:00 |
Lunch Break |
13:00 - 14:00 |
Poster Spotlight Presentations |
14:00 - 15:30 |
Poster Presentations
Machine Learning |
Constructing Hierarchical Rule Systems
T.R. Gabriel and M.R. Berthold |
Text Categorization Using
Hybrid Multiple Model Schemes
I.-C. Kim, S.-H. Myoung |
Classification and Pattern Recognition |
APRIORI-SD: Adapting Association Rule Learning
to Subgroup Discovery
B. Kavsek, N. Lavrac, V. Jovanoski |
Solving Classification Problems using
Infix Form Genetic Programming
M. Oltean and C. Grosan |
Clustering |
Refined Shared Nearest Neighbors Graph for Combining
Multiple Data Clusterings
H. Ayad and M. Kamel |
Clustering Mobile Trajectories for Resource Allocation
in Mobile Environments
D. Katsaros, A. Nanopoulos, M. Karakaya, G. Yavas,
U. Ulusoy, and Y. Manolopoulos |
Fuzzy Clustering of Short Time Series and Unevenly
Distributed Sampling Points
C. Moeller-Levet, F. Klawonn, K.-H. Cho,
and O. Wolkenhauer |
Combining and Comparing Cluster Methods
in a Receptor Database
E.V. Samsonova, T. Baeck, M.W. Beukers,
A.P. Ijzerman, and J.N. Kok |
Probability and Topology |
Mining Networks and Central Entities in Digital
Libraries: A Graph Theoretic Approach applied to
Co-Author Networks
P. Mutschke |
Modeling |
Regularization Methods for Additive Models
M. Avalos, Y. Grandvalet,
and C. Ambroise |
Automated Detection of Influenza Epidemics with
Hidden Markov Models
T. Rath, M. Carreras, and P. Sebastiani |
Guided Incremental Construction of Belief Networks
C. Sutton, B. Burns, C. Morrison,
and P. Cohen |
Distributed Regression For Heterogeneous Data Sets
Y. Xing, M.G. Madden, J. Duggan,
and G. Lyons |
(Data) Preprocessing |
Measures of Rule Quality for Feature Selection
in Text Categorization
E. Montañées, J. Fernández,
I. Díaz, E.F. Combarro,
and J. Ranilla |
Genetic Approach to Constructive Induction Based on
Non-algebraic Feature Representation
L. Shafti and E. Perez |
Active Feature Selection based on a Very Limited Number
of Entities
Y. Sinohara and T. Miura |
Applications |
Classification of Protein Localisation Patterns
via Supervised Neural Network Learning
A.D. Anastasiadis, G.D. Magoulas,
and X. Liu |
Applying Intelligent Data Analysis to Coupling
Relationships in Object-oriented Software
S. Counsell, X. Liu, R. Najjar, S. Swift,
and A. Tucker |
The Smaller the Better: Comparison of Two Approaches
for Sales Rate Prediction
M. Lauer, M. Riedmiller, T. Ragg, W. Baum,
and M. Wigbers |
17:30 - |
Boat Trip
Departure from the conference site: 16:30 hours