Instructions for Poster Presenters
Each poster will be introduced by a short, 3 minute oral summary
presentation during the Spotlight session. After these oral
presentations, 90 minutes are reserved for the posters of that session.
The audience will then have time to discuss details with each author
individually. Therefore the spotlight presentation will only briefly
describe an overview of your work and motivate the audience to later
discuss it in more detail throughout the main poster session.
For the spotlight talk you will need to prepare a set of no more
than 3 transparencies (note that you will not be able to use
any electronic files as it would be too time consuming to change laptops
for each presenter!). The chair of the spotlight session will introduce
you and the title of your paper so you can use the entire 3 minutes to
concentrate on motivating your work and why the audience should consider
looking at your poster afterwards. We suggest that you use the three
slides for a motivation, a brief summary of the underlying technology
and an overview of the results you were able to achieve. Since we will
have about 20 presentations per spotlight session we will strictly
enforce the 3 minute limit. A timer will be set to guarantee that
every presenter has the same amount of time for his/her spotlight
presentation. Please make sure ahead of time that your presentation
fits into this time limit! Remember that you are trying to get people
to come to your poster, not to explain everything relevant about your
work in those 3 minutes.
For the poster itself we will provide poster walls that hold posters
of sizes up to DIN A0 (portrait/upright!), that is, a maximum size of
85 cm/33 inch (width) by 119 cm/47 inch (height).
We encourage you to put up your poster before the spotlight session so
that no time will be wasted to put up posters during the poster session
To summarize, you will need:
- 3 slides for an overhead projector for your
3 min spotlight presentation,
- a well-prepared spotlight presentation, and
- a poster no larger than 85 cm x 119 cm
(or 33 inch x 47 inch)
We look forward to your presentation and exciting and productive
discussions during the IDA poster sessions. See you in Berlin.