
Topic: All Publications of Rudolf Kruse
Publications for topic "All Publications of Rudolf Kruse"
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-300 | 301-350 | 351-400 | 401-450 | 451-500 | 501-530 |
Inference Methods, in: Handbook of Fuzzy Computation, Institute of Physics Publishing, 1998 | , and ,
Informatik'98: Informatik zwischen Bild und Sprache, Springer, 1998 |
Information Source Modelling for Consistent Data Fusion, in: Proc. of the International Conference on Multisource-Multisensor Information Fusion (FUSION'98), pages 27--34, CSREA Press, 1998 | and ,
Intelligente Systeme: Wie geht man mit unvollkommenen Informationen um?, in: Universitätsschriften, Magdeburg, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, 1998 | ,
Learning Methods for Fuzzy Systems, in: Proc. of the 8th International Symposium on Non-Linear Electromagnetic Systems 1997 (ISEM'97), pages 367--372, IOS-Press, 1998 | and ,
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Lernen probabilistischer and possibilistischer Netze aus Daten: Theorie und Anwendung (1998), in: KI-Themenheft Data Mining(11--17) | , , , and ,
Modelling and Simulating a Time-Dependent Physical System Using Fuzzy Techniques and a Recurrent Neural Network, in: Fuzzy-Neuro Systems '98 - Computational Intelligence, Proc. 5th International Workshop (FNS'98), pages 306--313, infix, 1998 | , and ,
NEFCLASS-X - a soft computing tool to build readable fuzzy classifiers (1998), in: BT Technology Journal, 16:3(180--190) | , and ,
Neuere Entwicklungen im Data Mining mit Bayesschen Netzen, in: Seminar zu Anwendungen von Fuzzy-Technologien und Neuronalen Netzen (Wernigerode, Germany), MIT GmbH, 1998 | and ,
Neural Networks in Applications NN'98, in: Proceedings of the Third International Conference, pages 278, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Magdeburg, 1998 | , , and ,
Neuro-Fuzzy Classification, in: Advances in Data Science and Classification, Proc. of the 6th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS-98), pages 287--294, Springer-Verlag, 1998 | , and ,
Neuro-Fuzzy Methods in Finance Applied to the German Stock Index DAX, Physica-Verlag, Springer, Risk Measurement, Econometrics and Neural Networks, Contribution, 1998 | , and ,
Neuro-fuzzy methods in fuzzy rule generation, Kluwer, Approximate Reasoning and Fuzzy Information Systems, Handbook of, 1998 | and ,
Neuro-fuzzy systems, pages 230--259, Springer, Computational Intelligence: Soft Computing and Fuzzy-Neuro Integ, 1998 | and ,
Neuro-fuzzy systems, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd., Handbook of Fuzzy Computation, 1998 | and ,
Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques under MATLAB/SIMULINK Applied to a Real Plant, in: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 1998 (FUZZ-IEEE '98), pages 572--576, 1998 | and ,
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Parallel combination of information sources, pages 329--375, Kluwer Academic, Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Syst, volume 3, 1998 | and ,
Possibilistic Graphical Models, in: Proc. ISSEK'98 (Udine, Italy), 1998 | , and ,
Possibilistic Networks with Local Structure, in: Proc.\ 6th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT'98, Aachen, Germany), pages 634--638, Verlag Mainz, 1998 | and ,
Possibilistic Networks: Data Mining Applications, in: Proc.\ 6th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT'98, Aachen Germany), pages 603--607, Verlag Mainz, 1998 | and ,
Probabilistic and Possibilistic Networks and How to Learn Them from Data, in: Computational Intelligence: Soft Computing and Fuzzy-Neuro Integration with Applications, pages 403--426, Springer-Verlag, 1998 | and ,
Proceedings des Workshops Data Mining und Data Warehousing am Rande der Informatik'98, Universität Magdeburg, 1998 | and ,
Rule Weights in Fuzzy Systems, in: Fuzzy-Neuro Systems '98 - Computational Intelligence, Proc. 5th International Workshop (FNS'98), 1998 | and ,
Tägliche Prognose des Deutschen Aktienindex DAX mit Neuro-Fuzzy-Methoden, Vieweg, Betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungen des Soft Computings, Computa, 1998 | , and ,
The Simulation of Elastic Tissues in Virtual Laparoscopy using Neural Networks, in: Proc. Neural Networks in Applications (NN'98), pages 167--174, 1998 | , , and ,
A neuro-fuzzy development tool for fuzzy controllers under MATLAB/SIMULINK, in: Proc. Fifth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT97), pages 1029--1033, 1997 | , , and ,
A neuro-fuzzy method to learn fuzzy classification rules from data (1997), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 89(277--288) | , and ,
Advanced Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques Applied To The German Stock Index DAX, in: Proceedings of the 2. European Workshop on Fuzzy Decision Analysis and Neural Networks, EFDAN'97, 1997 | , and ,
Background and perspectives of possibilistic graphical models, pages 108--121, Springer, Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning: ECSQARU/FAPR'9, 1997 | and ,
Concepts of fuzzy-valued statistics, pages 35, Kluwer, International Handbook on Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory, volume 4, 1997 | , and ,
Constructing a Fuzzy Controller from Data (1997), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 85(177--193) | , , and ,
Erlernen von Fuzzy-Regeln (1997), in: Informatik, Forschung und Entwicklung, 12:1(2--6) | , and ,
Evaluation measures for learning probabilistic and possibilistic networks, in: Proc. 6th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'97), pages 669--676, 1997 | and ,
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Flexible Fuzzy Clustering for Data Analysis as a Plug-In Library for Data Engine, in: Proc. 1st International Data Analysis Symposium, pages 67--71, 1997 | , , and ,
Flexible Fuzzy Clustering for Data Analysis as a Plug-In Library for Data Engine, in: Proc. AFN Jahrestagung 1997 (AFN'97), pages 91--96, 1997 | , and ,
Foundations of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, Wiley, 1997 | , and ,
Function approximation by NEFPROX, in: Proc. Second European Workshop on Fuzzy Decision Analysis and Neural Networks for Management, Planning, and Optimization (EFDAN'97), pages 160--169, 1997 | and ,
Fuzzy queries in conventional databases for succession planning, in: Lectures on Fuzziness and Databases, 5th Series, 1997 | and ,
Fuzzy Shell Cluster Analysis, pages 105--120, Springer, Learning, Networks and Statistics, 1997 | , and ,
Fuzzy statistics, Wiley, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1997 | , and ,
Fuzzy-set theoretic methods in statistics, Kluwer, Handbook on Fuzzy Sets, Kapitel 10, volume 5, 1997 | , and ,
Fuzzy-Systeme und Soft Computing, pages 1--19, Franz Vahlen Verlag, Fuzzy Set Theorie in betriebswirtschaftlichen Anwendungen, 1997 | and ,
Learning methods for fuzzy systems, in: Proc. 8th International Symposium on Non-Linear Electromagnetic Systems 1997 (ISEM'97), 1997 | and ,
Learning probabilistic and possibilistic networks: Theory and applications, in: Proc. 7th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (IFSA'97), pages 19--24, 1997 | and ,
Learning, Networks and Statistics., Springer, 1997 |
Neuro-fuzzy control based on the NEFCON model under MATLAB/SIMULINK, Springer, Soft Computing in Engineering Design and Manufacturing, 1997 | , and ,
Neuro-Fuzzy in der Finanzanalyse. In Tagungsband des 2.Workshops Neuronale Netze in Ingenieursanwendungen, in: Am Institut für Statik und Dynamik der Luft- und Raumfahrtkonstruktionen, pages 67--78, Universität Stuttgart, 1997 | , and ,
Neuro-fuzzy methods in finance applied to the German stock index DAX, in: Tagungsband des 6. Karlsruher Ökonometrie-Workshops, 1997 | , and ,
Neuro-fuzzy systems, pages 241--270, Springer, NATO ASI Series F, 1997 | and ,
Neuro-fuzzy systems for function approximation, in: Proc. 4th Int. Workshop Fuzzy-Neuro-Systeme '97 (FNS'97), Proceedings in Artificial Intelligence, pages 316--323, 1997 | and ,