- aggregation methods
- Air Traffic Management
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Assembly
- assembly detection
- Automobile Industry
- Bayesian Networks
- bibtex-import
- Binary Classification
- biology computing
- brain
- Brain modeling
- Classification
- Classification models
- clustering
- Computational Intelligence
- data analysis
- Data Mining
- Data Visualization
- dynamic graphs
- dynamic networks
- elctroencephalography
- Electric potential
- Electrodes
- Enron dataset
- Evolutionary Algorithms
- feature extraction
- Feature Selection
- Frequent Pattern Mining
- frequent temporal patterns
- Fuzzy c-means
- Fuzzy classifiers
- Fuzzy clustering
- Fuzzy Control
- Fuzzy Data Analysis
- Fuzzy decision trees
- fuzzy logic
- Fuzzy neural network
- Fuzzy rule learning
- Fuzzy Rules
- fuzzy SVM
- Fuzzy Systems
- industrial application
- Information Fusion
- Intelligent data analysis
- Interpolation
- Interpretability
- knowledge acquisition
- Knowledge Representation
- Labeling
- Linguistic description
- Luftverkehrssysteme
- M-estimators
- Machine Learning
- Mamdani Control
- Markov networks
- MDSpolar
- Monotonicity Constraints
- Motif Discovery
- multidimensional scaling
- Multiple prototypes
- Multiple-Instance Learning
- Multivariate Time Series Analysis
- neural assemblies online detection
- neural nets
- Neural Networks
- Neuro-fuzzy system
- neurobiologists
- neurobiology
- neuroimaging
- neuron activation
- Neurons
- neuroscience
- Noise clustering
- online algorithms
- Outlier detection
- Pattern Recognition
- point processes
- Precision Agriculture
- Prediction
- Random Sets
- Real-time systems
- Regression
- Robust statistics
- Safety-Related Systems
- Sammon's Mapping
- SMPS2012
- social network analysis
- spike train analysis
- spike trains behavior
- spike-time hypothesis
- stream analysis
- Support Vector Machine
- Support Vector Regression. Multidimensional Scaling
- Trajectory
- vector autoregressive model
- Visual Data Analysis
- Visualization
Publications of Rudolf Kruse sorted by recency
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-300 | 301-350 | 351-400 | 401-450 | 451-500 | 501-534 |
Interactive Text Retrieval Based on Document Similarities (2000), in: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth(649--654) | , , , , and ,
Semi-supervised learning in knowledge discovery (2005), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 149(209--233) | and ,
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Equality Relations as a Basis for Fuzzy Control (1993), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 54(147--156) | , and ,
A Lukasiewicz Logic Based Prolog (1994), in: Mathware and Soft Computing, 1(5--29) | and ,
Constructing a Fuzzy Controller from Data (1997), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 85(177--193) | , , and ,
Knowledge Revision in Markov Networks (2004), in: Mathware \{&} Soft Computing, 11:2-3(93--107) | , , and ,
Neuro-fuzzy approach to forecast returns of scrapped products to recycling and remanufacturing (2002), in: Knowledge-Based Systems, 15:2(119--128) | , , , and ,
Different approaches to fuzzy clustering of incomplete datasets (2004), in: International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 35(239--249) | , , and ,
An Extension to Possibilistic Fuzzy Cluster Analysis (2004), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 147(3--16) | , , , and ,
The Context Model: An Integrating View of Uncertainty and Vagueness (1993), in: Int. J. of Approximate Reasoning | , and ,
Fuzzy Control on the Basis of Equality Relations with Example from Idle Speed Control (1995), in: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 3:3(336--356) | , and ,
Soft Computing for Automated Surface Quality analysis of Exterior car body Panels (2002), in: Soft Computing Journal | , , and ,
Obtaining Interpretable Fuzzy Classification Rules from Medical Data (1999), in: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 16(149--169) | , and ,
Neuro-Fuzzy Systems for Function Approximation (1999), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 101(261--271) | , and ,
Probabilistische graphische Modelle und ihre Anwendung in der Automobilindustrie (2004), in: Datenbank Spektrum - Zeitschrift für Datenbanktechnologie, 4:9 | , , and ,
Lernen probabilistischer and possibilistischer Netze aus Daten: Theorie und Anwendung (1998), in: KI-Themenheft Data Mining(11--17) | , , , and ,
Learning from Imprecise Data: Possibilistic Graphical Models (2002), in: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 38(449--463) | , , and ,
Learning Possibilistic Graphical Models from Data (2003), in: IEEE Transaction Fuzzy Systems, 11:2(159--172) | , and ,
A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to Optimise Hierarchical Recurrent Fuzzy Systems (2002), in: Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 1:2(221--248) | , , , and ,
Neuro-Fuzzy Control Based on the NEFCON-Model (1999), in: Soft Computing, 2:4(182--186) | , , and ,
SomAccess - Ein Softwareprototyp zur interaktiven Navigation in Textdatenbanken (2002), in: Künstliche Intelligenz, 3:2(59--64) | , , , and ,