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Intelligent data analysis with fuzzy decision trees
Type of publication: Article
Citation: Wang_et_al_fuzzy_decision_trees_2007
Journal: Soft Computing: A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications
Volume: 11
Number: 5
Year: 2007
Month: March
Pages: 439--457
ISSN: 1432-7643
URL: http://springerlink.metapress....
DOI: 10.1007/s00500-006-0108-0
Abstract: Intelligent data analysis has gained increasing attention in business and industry environments. Many applications are looking not only for solutions that can automate and de-skill the data analysis process, but also methods that can deal with vague information and deliver comprehensible models. Under this consideration, we present an automatic data analysis platform, in particular, we investigate fuzzy decision trees as a method of intelligent data analysis for classification problems. We present the whole process from fuzzy tree learning, missing value handling to fuzzy rules generation and pruning. To select the test attributes of fuzzy trees we use a generalized Shannon entropy. We discuss the problems connected with this generalization arising from fuzzy logic and propose some amendments. We give a theoretical comparison on the fuzzy rules learned by fuzzy decision trees with some other methods, and compare our classifiers to other well-known classification methods based on experimental results. Moreover, we show a real-world application for the quality control of car surfaces using our approach.
Keywords: Classification models, Fuzzy decision trees, Fuzzy rule learning, Intelligent data analysis
Authors Wang, Xiaomeng
Nauck, Detlef
Spott, Martin
Kruse, Rudolf
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  • wang2007softcomputing.pdf