All Publications of Rudolf Kruse
Topic: Book Chapters

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Publications for topic "Book Chapters" sorted by recency
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Christian Moewes, Ralf Mikut and Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy Control, in: Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence (Part B), pages 231--244, Springer, 2015
Rudolf Kruse, Pascal Held and Christian Moewes, On Fuzzy Data Analysis, chapter 49, pages 351--356, Springer-Verlag, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, volume 298, 2013 attachment
Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, Similarity Relations and Independence Concepts, in: Preferences and Similarities, pages 179-196, Springer, 2008
Mirko Böttcher, Georg Ruß, Detlef Nauck and Rudolf Kruse, From Change Mining to Relevance Feedback: A Unified View on Assessing Rule Interestingness, in: Post-Mining of Association Rules: Techniques for Effective Knowledge Extraction, pages 12-37, IGI Global, 2009 attachment
Rudolf Kruse and Detlef Nauck, Fuzzy-Systeme und Soft Computing, pages 1--19, Franz Vahlen Verlag, Fuzzy Set Theorie in betriebswirtschaftlichen Anwendungen, 1997
Andreas Nürnberger, Rudolf Kruse and Detlef Nauck, Neuro-fuzzy control based on the NEFCON model under MATLAB/SIMULINK, Springer, Soft Computing in Engineering Design and Manufacturing, 1997
Rudolf Kruse and Detlef Nauck, Fuzzy Systeme und Neuro-Fuzzy Systeme, pages 35--54, Vieweg, Computational Intelligence, 1998
Rudolf Kruse and Detlef Nauck, Neuro-fuzzy methods in fuzzy rule generation, Kluwer, Approximate Reasoning and Fuzzy Information Systems, Handbook of, 1998
Frank Klawonn, Jörg Gebhardt and Rudolf Kruse, The Context Model from the Viewpoint of Logic, pages 288--295, Springer, Operations research Proceedings 1992, 1993
Detlef Nauck and Rudolf Kruse, Neuro-fuzzy systems, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd., Handbook of Fuzzy Computation, 1998
Rudolf Kruse, S. Siekmann and R. Neuneier, Neuro-Fuzzy Methods in Finance Applied to the German Stock Index DAX, Physica-Verlag, Springer, Risk Measurement, Econometrics and Neural Networks, Contribution, 1998
Philippe Smets and Rudolf Kruse, The Transferable Belief Model for Belief Representation, in: Uncertainty Management in Information Systems: From Needs to Solutions, pages 343-368, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996
S. Siekmann, R. Neuneier and Rudolf Kruse, Neuro-Fuzzy Methods Applied to the German Stock Index DAX, Physica-Verlag, Soft Computing in Financial Engineering, 1999
S. Siekmann, Rudolf Kruse and R. Neuneier, Tägliche Prognose des Deutschen Aktienindex DAX mit Neuro-Fuzzy-Methoden, Vieweg, Betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungen des Soft Computings, Computa, 1998
S. Siekmann, Rudolf Kruse and R. Neuneier, Neuro-Fuzzy Methods For Data Analysis, Physica-Verlag, Computing with Words in Information/Intelligent Systems 2, 1999
Rudolf Kruse and Philippe Smets, The transferable belief model for belief representation, Kluwer, Uncertainty Management in Information Systems, 1997
Rudolf Kruse, J. Freckmann and M. Eike, Ein Programmsystem für statistische Untersuchungen mit unscharfen Daten, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Fortschritte der Statistik Software, volume 1, 1988
Rudolf Kruse, Jörg Gebhardt and María Ángeles Gil, Fuzzy statistics, Wiley, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1997
Rudolf Kruse, Jörg Gebhardt and J. Knop, On a Dialog System for Modelling and Statistical Analysis of Linguistic Data, Anton Hain Verlag, Methods of Operations Research, volume 60, 1988
Rudolf Kruse, Jörg Gebhardt and Frank Klawonn, Numerical and Logical Approaches to Fuzzy Set Theory by the Context Model, pages 365--376, Kluwer, Theory and Decision Library, Series D, 1993
Rudolf Kruse and Jörg Gebhardt, Background to and perspectives on possibilistic graphical models, pages 397--415, Springer, Applications of Uncertainty Formalisms, 1998
Rudolf Kruse and Jörg Gebhardt, Parallel combination of information sources, pages 329--375, Kluwer Academic, Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Syst, volume 3, 1998
Rudolf Kruse and Jörg Gebhardt, Background and perspectives of possibilistic graphical models, pages 108--121, Springer, Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning: ECSQARU/FAPR'9, 1997
Christian Borgelt and Rudolf Kruse, Attributauswahlmaße für die Induktion von Entscheidungsbäumen: Ein Überblick, pages 77--98, Physica-Verlag, Data Mining: Theoretische Aspekte und Anwendungen, 1998
Detlef Nauck and Rudolf Kruse, Information Fusion in Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, pages 77--90, Springer, Data Fusion and Perception, 2001
Detlef Nauck and Rudolf Kruse, Designing Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Through Backpropagation, Kluwer, Fuzzy Modelling: Paradigms and Practice, 1995
Detlef Nauck and Rudolf Kruse, Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Research and Applications outside of Japan (in japanischer Sprache), pages 108--134, Asakura Publ. Verlag, Soft Computing Series, 1996
Detlef Nauck and Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy-Systeme and Soft Computing, pages 1--19, Franz Vahlen Verlag, Fuzzy Set Theorie in betriebswirtschaftlichen Anwendungen, 1996
Detlef Nauck and Rudolf Kruse, NEFCLASS-J --- A JAVA-Based Soft Computing Tool, pages 139--160, Springer, Intelligent Systems and Soft Computing: Prospects, Tools and App, 2000
M. Schröder, R. Petersen, Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, Two paradigms of automotive fuzzy logic applications, Prentice Hall, Applications of Fuzzy Logic - Towards High Machine Intelligence, 1997
Rudolf Kruse and E. Schwecke, On the combination of information sources, pages 24--30, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 521, 1992
Rudolf Kruse and K. D. Meyer, On Calculating the Covariance in the Presence of Vague Data, Kluwer, Progress in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1989
Rudolf Kruse and K. D. Meyer, Confidence Intervals for the Parameters of a Linguistic Random Variable, pages 113--123, Springer, Combining Fuzzy Imprecision with Probabilistic Uncertainty in De, 1988
Rudolf Kruse and Frank Klawonn, Mass Distributions on L-Fuzzy Sets and Families of Frames of Discernment, pages 239--250, Wiley, Advances in Dempster-ShaferTheory of Evidence, 1994
Rudolf Kruse and Jörg Gebhardt, Fuzzy Probability Theory and Fuzzy Statistics, pages 605--610, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Softstat ´93: Advances in Statistical Software, 1993
Rudolf Kruse, Wie geht man mit unscharfen Informationen um? H. Hischer, pages 79--83, Franzbecker Verlag, Modellbildung, Computer und Mathematikunterricht, 2000
Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy-Systeme, pages 208--212, Oldenbourg Verlag, Kleines Wörterbuch der Informatik, 1995
Rudolf Kruse, Beiträge zum Thema Fuzzy-Logik und Approximatives Schließen, Klett-Cotta-Verlag, Wörterbuch der Kognitionswissenschaft, 1996
Rudolf Kruse, Characteristics of Linguistic Random Variables, pages 219--230, TÜV Rheinland, Topics in the Mathematics of Fuzzy Systems, 1986
Rudolf Kruse, Wissensbasierte Systeme, TU Braunschweig, Wissenschaft als Zukunftskultur, 1996
Rudolf Kruse, The strong law of large numbers for fuzzy random variables, pages 272--276, Morgan Kaufmann, Readings in Fuzzy Sets for Intelligent Systems, 1993
Rudolf Kruse, On the Semantic Foundations of Fuzzy Probability and Fuzzy Statistics, pages 131--135, Akademie Verlag, Modeling Uncertain Data, 1992
Frank Klawonn and Rudolf Kruse, Derivation of Fuzzy Classificatio Rules from Multidimensional Data, pages 90--94, The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis, 1995
Jörg Gebhardt, Aljoscha Klose, Heinz Detmer, Frank Rügheimer and Rudolf Kruse, Graphical Models for Industrial Planning on Complex Domains, in: Decision Theory and Multi-Agent Planning, pages 131--143, Springer, 2006
J. Grabmeier, J. Buhmann, Rudolf Kruse and Heiko Timm, Segmentierende und clusterbildende Methoden, pages 299-353, Vieweg, Handbuch Data Mining im Marketing. Knowledge Discovery in Market, 2001
Jörg Gebhardt and Rudolf Kruse, Some Notes on Possibilistic Learning, pages 23--32, Springer, Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Artificial Intelligence, 1995
Jörg Gebhardt and Rudolf Kruse, Learning Possibilistic Networks from Data, pages 143--153, Springer, Learning from Data, Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 5, Le, volume 112, 1996
Jörg Gebhardt and Rudolf Kruse, POSSINFER - A Software Tool for Possibilistic Inference, pages 407--418, Wiley, Fuzzy Set Methods in Information Engineering - A Guided Tour of, 1996
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