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Alexander Dockhorn
First name(s): Alexander
Last name(s): Dockhorn

Publications of Alexander Dockhorn sorted by title
Alexander Dockhorn, Christian Braune and Rudolf Kruse, An Alternating Optimization Approach based on Hierarchical Adaptations of DBSCAN, in: 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2015
Pascal Held, Alexander Dockhorn, Benjamin Krause and Rudolf Kruse, Clustering Social Networks Using Competing Ant Hives, in: Network Intelligence Conference (ENIC), 2015 Second European, pages 67-74, IEEE, 2015
Pascal Held, Alexander Dockhorn and Rudolf Kruse, Generating Events for Dynamic Social Network Simulations, in: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, pages 46--55, Springer International Publishing, 2014
Pascal Held, Alexander Dockhorn and Rudolf Kruse, On Merging and Dividing of Barabasi-Albert-Graphs, in: Evolving and Autonomous Learning Systems (EALS), 2014 IEEE Symposium on, Orlando USA, pages 17-24, IEEE, 2014 attachment
Pascal Held, Alexander Dockhorn and Rudolf Kruse, On Merging and Dividing Social Graphs (2015), in: Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research, 5:1(23-49) attachment
Alexander Dockhorn, Christian Braune and Rudolf Kruse, Variable Density Based Clustering, in: 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), IEEE, Athen, pages 1-8, IEEE, 2016