All Publications of Rudolf Kruse

Topic: 1990
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Publications for topic "1990" sorted by journal and type
Int. Journal of Approximate Reasoning
Fuzzy Reasoning in a Multidimensional Space of Hypotheses (1990), in: Int. Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 4(47--68) | and ,
International Journal of General Systems
Specialization, A New Concept for Uncertainty Handling with Belief Function (1990), in: International Journal of General Systems, 18:1(49--58) | and ,
Publications of type Book
Prolog - Eine methodische Einführung, Vieweg, 1990 | , , and ,
Publications of type Inproceedings
On the Combination of Information Sources, in: Proc. 3rd IPMU Conference, 1990 | and ,
On the Interpretation of Conditioning Concepts for Belief Functions, in: Proc. FAW Workshop Uncertainty in Knowledge Based Systems, Reisensburg, Günzburg, 1990 | and ,
On the Representation of Uncertain Knowledge in the Context of Belief Functions, in: Proc. 8th International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, 1990 | and ,
Some New Aspects of Testing Hypotheses in Fuzzy Statistics, in: Proc. of the NAFIPS Conference, 1990 | and ,
Publications of type Techreport
Belief Functions and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, TU Braunschweig, 1990 | , and ,