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Analyzing the Similarity of Association Rules over Time
Type of publication: Techreport
Citation: kauschka2009studienarbeit
Year: 2009
Month: December
Institution: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Abstract: Many companies nowadays collect huge amount of data which have to be analyzed in order to gain crucial advantages in highly competitive market environments. Association rule change mining has been suggested as one technique to cover this task. The amount of the resulting association rules however is usually too vast to be investigated manually. This thesis reviews the use of distance measures in order to help human experts to find interesting rules and suggests own measures for this task. It especially focuses on the use of rule histories for those distance measures. The use of the interchange format PMML to incorporate the distance measures is investigated. The results finally were implemented in a software called IDEAL.
Authors Kauschka, Stephan
Added by: [GR]
Total mark: 0
  • kauschka2009studienarbeit.pdf