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All Publications of Rudolf Kruse
Topic: 2003

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  • 15 publications (0 read)
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Publications for topic "2003" sorted by recency
Rudolf Kruse and Christian Borgelt, Information Mining: Editorial (2003), in: Int.\ Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 32(63--65)
Christian Borgelt and Rudolf Kruse, Speeding Up Fuzzy Clustering with Neural Network Techniques, in: Proc.\ 12th IEEE Int.\ Conf.\ on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'03, St.~Louis, MO, USA), IEEE Press, 2003
Christian Borgelt and Rudolf Kruse, Local Structure Learning in Graphical Models, in: Planning based on Decision Theory (Proc.\ 6th Int.\ Workshop, Udine, Italy 2002), pages 99--118, Springer-Verlag, 2003
Christian Borgelt and Rudolf Kruse, Learning Graphical Models by Extending Optimal Spanning Trees, in: Intelligent Systems for Information Processing --- From Representation to Applications, pages 339--348, Elsevier, 2003
Christian Borgelt and Rudolf Kruse, Data Mining with Possibilistic Graphical Models, pages 229--248, IOS Press, Nato Science Series III, Systematic Organisation of Information, volume 184, 2003
Christian Borgelt, Guido Lindner and Rudolf Kruse, Learning Possibilistic Graphical Models from Data (2003), in: IEEE Transaction Fuzzy Systems, 11:2(159--172)