All Publications of Rudolf Kruse
Topic: 1980-1989

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Publications for topic "1980-1989" sorted by first author
Jörg Gebhardt and Rudolf Kruse, Statistische Untersuchungen anhand von vagen Daten, in: Operations Research Proceedings, 17te DGOR-Jahrestagung, Springer Verlag, 1988
Rudolf Kruse, Vages Wissen in Expertensystemen, in: Proc. 5. MBB/ERNO Symposium Künstliche Intelligenz, Bremen, 1989
Rudolf Kruse, Evidential Reasoning in Product Spaces, in: Proc. FAW Invitational Workshop on Mathematics and AI, Reisensburg, Günzburg, 1988
Rudolf Kruse, On the Entropy of Additive Fuzzy Measures (1987), in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 122(589--595)
Rudolf Kruse, On the Variance of Random Sets (1987), in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 122:2(469--473)
Rudolf Kruse, On a Software Tool for Statistics with Linguistic Data (1987), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 24(377--383)
Rudolf Kruse, Statistical Estimation with Linguistic Data (1984), in: Information Sciences, 33(197--207)
Rudolf Kruse, Probabilistische Mengen (1984), in: Wiss. Abh. der Braunschweigischen wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, 36(7--13)
Rudolf Kruse, On the Entropy of Fuzzy Events (1983), in: Kybernetes, 12(53--57)
Rudolf Kruse, Fuzzy Integrals and Conditional Fuzzy Measures (1983), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 10(309--313)
Rudolf Kruse, Schätzfunktionen für Parameter von unscharfen Zufallsvariablen, Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig, 1983
Rudolf Kruse, On the Construction of Fuzzy Measures (1982), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 8(323--327)
Rudolf Kruse, The strong law of large numbers for fuzzy random variables (1982), in: Information sciences, 28(233--241)
Rudolf Kruse, Zur Konstruktion von unscharfen, lambda-additiven Maßen, Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig, 1980
Rudolf Kruse, J. Freckmann and M. Eike, Ein Programmsystem für statistische Untersuchungen mit unscharfen Daten, in: Proc. der 4. Konferenz über die wissenschaftliche Anwendung von Statistik-Software, 1987
Rudolf Kruse, J. Freckmann and M. Eike, Ein Programmsystem für statistische Untersuchungen mit unscharfen Daten, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Fortschritte der Statistik Software, volume 1, 1988
Rudolf Kruse, Jörg Gebhardt and J. Knop, On a Dialog System for Modelling and Statistical Analysis of Linguistic Data, in: Proc. of the 13. Symposium of Operations Research, Paderborn, 1988
Rudolf Kruse, Jörg Gebhardt and J. Knop, On a Dialog System for Modelling and Statistical Analysis of Linguistic Data, Anton Hain Verlag, Methods of Operations Research, volume 60, 1988
Rudolf Kruse and K. D. Meyer, Statistics with Vague Data, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1987
Rudolf Kruse and K. D. Meyer, Fuzzy Markov Chains and their Application to Processor Power Considerations, in: Proc. of the XIth Polish Conference in the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 1987
Rudolf Kruse and K. D. Meyer, Parametric Statistics in the Presence of Vague Data, in: Proc. of the Second IFSA Congress, 1987
Rudolf Kruse and K. D. Meyer, On Linguistic Modelling and Linguistic Approximation in the Presence of Vague Data, in: Proc. of the International Symposium on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Engineering, 1987
Rudolf Kruse and K. D. Meyer, Statistics with Fuzzy Data, in: Proc. of the NAFIPS Conference, 1986
Rudolf Kruse and K. D. Meyer, Confidence Intervals for the Parameter of the Normal Distribution in the Presence of Vague Data, in: Proc. of the Polish Symposium on Interval and Fuzzy Mathematics, 1986
Rudolf Kruse and K. D. Meyer, A consistent Variance Estimator in the Presence of Vague Data, in: Proc. First Joint IFSA-EC and EURO-WG Workshop on Progress in Fuzzy sets in Europe, 1986
Rudolf Kruse and K. D. Meyer, On Calculating the Covariance in the Presence of Vague Data, Kluwer, Progress in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1989
Rudolf Kruse and K. D. Meyer, Confidence Intervals for the Parameters of a Linguistic Random Variable, pages 113--123, Springer, Combining Fuzzy Imprecision with Probabilistic Uncertainty in De, 1988
Rudolf Kruse, Characteristics of Linguistic Random Variables, pages 219--230, TÜV Rheinland, Topics in the Mathematics of Fuzzy Systems, 1986
Rudolf Kruse and E. Schwecke, Fuzzy Reasoning in a Multidimensional Space of Hypotheses, in: Proc. of the NAFIPS Conference, pages 147--151, 1988 attachment
Rudolf Kruse and E. Schwecke, Propagation von Unschärfe, in: Informatik-Fachbericht, TU Braunschweig, 1987