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On the usefulness of fuzzy SVMs and the extraction of fuzzy rules from SVMs
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Citation: moewes_usefulness_2011
Booktitle: Proceedings of the 7th conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT-2011) and LFA-2011
Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems Research
Volume: 17
Year: 2011
Month: July
Pages: 943--948
Publisher: Atlantis Press
Location: Aix-les-Bains, France
Organization: European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT)
Address: Amsterdam / Paris
ISSN: 1951-6851
ISBN: 978-90-78677-00-0
DOI: doi:10.2991/eusflat.2011.46
Abstract: In this paper we reason about the usefulness of two recent trends in fuzzy methods in machine learning. That is, we discuss both fuzzy support vector machines (FSVMs) and the extraction of fuzzy rules from SVMs. First, we show that an FSVM is identical to a special type of SVM. Second, we categorize and analyze existing approaches to obtain fuzzy rules from SVMs. Finally, we question both trends and conclude with more promising alternatives.
Keywords: Binary Classification, Classification, Fuzzy Rules, fuzzy SVM, Support Vector Machine
Authors Moewes, Christian
Kruse, Rudolf
Editors Galichet, Sylvie
Montero, Javier
Mauris, Gilles
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