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Single Cluster Visualization to Optimize Air Traffic Management
Type of publication: Incollection
Citation: rehm_clustervis_2007
Booktitle: Advances in Data Analysis
Year: 2007
Pages: 319--325
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 978-3-540-70980-0
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-70981-7_36
Abstract: In this paper we present an application of single cluster visualization (SCV) a technique to visualize single clusters of high-dimensional data. This method maps a single cluster to the plane trying to preserve the relative distances of feature vectors to the corresponding prototype vector. Thus, fuzzy clustering results representing relative distances in the form of a partition matrix as well as hard clustering partitions can be visualized with this technique. The resulting two-dimensional scatter plot illustrates the compactness of a certain cluster and the need of additional prototypes as well. In this work, we will demonstrate the visualization method on a practical application.
Userfields: citeulike-article-id={1995904}, priority={0},
Keywords: bibtex-import
Authors Rehm, Frank
Klawonn, Frank
Kruse, Rudolf
Editors Lenz, Hans-Joachim
Decker, Reinhold
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