B. Reusch
First name(s): B.
Last name(s): Reusch

Publications of B. Reusch sorted by journal and type
Publications of type Incollection
Christian Borgelt, Heiko Timm and Rudolf Kruse, Probabilistic Networks and Fuzzy Clustering as Generalizations of Naive Bayes Classifiers, in: Computational Intelligence in Theory and Practice, pages 121--138, Physica-Verlag, 2001
Publications of type Inproceedings
Jens Kinzel, Rudolf Kruse and Frank Klawonn, Anpassung Genetischer Algorithmen zum Erlernen und Optimieren von Fuzzy-Reglern, in: Proc. of the 4. Dortmunder Fuzzy-Tage, Springer Verlag, 1994