All Publications of Rudolf Kruse

Topic: Book Chapters
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Publications for topic "Book Chapters" sorted by title
| 1-50 | 51-75 |
On the combination of information sources, pages 24--30, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 521, 1992 | and ,
On the Semantic Foundations of Fuzzy Probability and Fuzzy Statistics, pages 131--135, Akademie Verlag, Modeling Uncertain Data, 1992 | ,
Parallel combination of information sources, Kluwer, Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Syst, volume 1, 1997 | and ,
Parallel combination of information sources, pages 329--375, Kluwer Academic, Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Syst, volume 3, 1998 | and ,
Possibilistische graphische Modelle, pages 55--69, Vieweg, Modellbildung und Simulation im Umweltbereich, 1997 | and ,
POSSINFER - A Software Tool for Possibilistic Inference, pages 407--418, Wiley, Fuzzy Set Methods in Information Engineering - A Guided Tour of, 1996 | and ,
Probabilistic and Possibilistic Networks and How to Learn Them from Data, Springer, NATO ASI Series 7, 1997 | and ,
Probabilistic Networks for Abductive Inference, Kluwer, Abductive Reasoning and Learning, 2000 | and ,
Reasoning under Uncertainty with Temporal Aspects, pages 572--580, Springer, Industrial and Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligenc, 1992 | , , and ,
Segmentierende und clusterbildende Methoden, pages 299-353, Vieweg, Handbuch Data Mining im Marketing. Knowledge Discovery in Market, 2001 | , , and ,
Self-Organising Maps for Interactive Search in Document Databases, Physica-Verlag, Intelligent Exploration of the Web, 2002 | , , and ,
Sequential Optimization of Multidimensional Controllers Using Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Situations, pages 419--444, Physica-Verlag, Genetic Algorithms and Soft Computing, 1996 | , and ,
Similarity Relations and Independence Concepts, in: Preferences and Similarities, pages 179-196, Springer, 2008 | and ,
Some Notes on Possibilistic Learning, pages 23--32, Springer, Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Artificial Intelligence, 1995 | and ,
Tägliche Prognose des Deutschen Aktienindex DAX mit Neuro-Fuzzy-Methoden, Vieweg, Betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungen des Soft Computings, Computa, 1998 | , and ,
Techniques and applications of control systems based on knowledge based interpolation, pages 431-460, Academic Press, 1997 | and ,
Techniques and Applications of Control Systems Based on Knowledge-Based Interpolation, Academic Press, Fuzzy Theory Systems, volume 1, 1999 | and ,
The Context Model from the Viewpoint of Logic, pages 288--295, Springer, Operations research Proceedings 1992, 1993 | , and ,
The Inherent Indistinguishability in Fuzzy Systems Logic versus Approximation, pages 6--17, Springer, 2004 | and ,
The strong law of large numbers for fuzzy random variables, pages 272--276, Morgan Kaufmann, Readings in Fuzzy Sets for Intelligent Systems, 1993 | ,
The transferable belief model for belief representation, Kluwer, Uncertainty Management in Information Systems, 1997 | and ,
The Transferable Belief Model for Belief Representation, in: Uncertainty Management in Information Systems: From Needs to Solutions, pages 343-368, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996 | and ,
Two paradigms of automotive fuzzy logic applications, Prentice Hall, Applications of Fuzzy Logic - Towards High Machine Intelligence, 1997 | , , and ,
Wie geht man mit unscharfen Informationen um? H. Hischer, pages 79--83, Franzbecker Verlag, Modellbildung, Computer und Mathematikunterricht, 2000 | ,
Wissensbasierte Systeme, TU Braunschweig, Wissenschaft als Zukunftskultur, 1996 | ,
| 1-50 | 51-75 |