
Topic: All Publications of Rudolf Kruse
Publications for topic "All Publications of Rudolf Kruse" sorted by recency
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-300 | 301-350 | 351-400 | 401-450 | 451-500 | 501-530 |
Clustering of Document Collections to Support Interactive Text Exploration, pages 257--265, Springer, Exploratory Data Analysis in Empirical Research, 2002 | , , , and ,
Information Mining with Semi-Supervised Learning, Springer, Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems, 2004 | and ,
Self-Organising Maps for Interactive Search in Document Databases, Physica-Verlag, Intelligent Exploration of the Web, 2002 | , , and ,
Data Mining with Neuro-Fuzzy Models, pages 1--36, Physica-Verlag, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence, 2001 | , , and ,
Fuzzy Systems in Computer Science, Vieweg, Series Artificial Intelligence, 1994 |
Informatik'98: Informatik zwischen Bild und Sprache, Springer, 1998 |
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis V, Springer, 2003 |
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Uncertainty, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 747, 1993 |
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Uncertainty, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 548, 1991 |
Computational Intelligence in Data Mining, Springer, 2000 |
Mathematical and Statistical Methods in AI, Springer, 1995 |
Data Fusion and Perception, Springer, 2001 |
Planning Based on Decision Theory, Springer, 2003 |
Learning, Networks and Statistics., Springer, 1997 |
Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning: ECSQARU/FAPR'97, Springer, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, volume 1244, 1997 |
Handbook of Deafesible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems, Kluwer, Abductive Reasoning and Learning, volume 4, 2000 |
KI2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2003 |
Fuzzy-Systeme, Teubner, Leitfäden und Monographien der Informatik, 1995 | , and ,
Foundations of Fuzzy Systems, Wiley, 1994 | , and ,
Uncertainty and Vagueness in Knowledge Based Systems: Numerical Methods, Springer, Series Artificial Intelligence, 1991 | , and ,
Prolog - Eine methodische Einführung, Vieweg, 1992 | , , and ,
Fuzzy Control: Fundamentals, Stability and Design of Fuzzy Controllers, Springer, 2006 | , , and ,
From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering, Springer, 2006 | , , , and ,
Statistics with Vague Data, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1987 | and ,
Fuzzy-Regler: Grundlagen, Entwurf, Synthese, Springer, 2002 | , , and ,
Evolutionäre Algorithmen, Vieweg, 2004 | , and ,
Decision Theory and Multi-Agent Planning, Springer, 2006 | , , and ,
Fuzzy Clustering, Wiley, 1999 | , , and ,
Fuzzy-Clusteranalyse. Verfahren für die Bilderkennung, Klassifikation und Datenanalyse, Vieweg, Computational Intelligence, 1996 | , and ,
Neuronale Netze und Fuzzy-Systeme, Vieweg, Series Artificial Intelligence, 1996 | , and ,
Foundations of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, Wiley, 1997 | , and ,
Graphical Models - Methods for Data Analysis and Mining, Wiley, 2002 | and ,
Fusion: General Concepts and Characteristics (2001), in: Intl. J. of Intelligent Systems, 10(1107--1134) | , , , , , , , , , and ,
Information Fusion in the Context of Stock Index Prediction (2001), in: International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 11(1285--1298) | , , , and ,
Processor Power Considerations - an Application of Fuzzy Markov Chains (1987), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 21(289--299) | , and ,
Modellierung von Vagheit und Unsicherheit- Fuzzy Logic und andere Kalküle (1991), in: KI, 4 | , , and ,
Automated Construction of Possibilistic Networks from Data (1996), in: Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 3:6(101--136) | and ,
Erlernen von Fuzzy-Regeln (1997), in: Informatik, Forschung und Entwicklung, 12:1(2--6) | , and ,
Neuronale Fuzzy-Systeme (1997), in: Spektrum der Wissenschaft:4(92--99) | , , and ,
A neuro-fuzzy method to learn fuzzy classification rules from data (1997), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 89(277--288) | , and ,
NEFCLASS-X - a soft computing tool to build readable fuzzy classifiers (1998), in: BT Technology Journal, 16:3(180--190) | , and ,
Neuro-fuzzy systems for function approximation, Fuzzy Sets and Systems (1999), 101(261--271) | , and ,
Ein softwaretechnisches Praktikum: Kooperation zwischen Hochschule und Industrie (1986), in: Angewandte Informatik, 3(124--126) | , , and ,
Using Recurrent Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques for the Identification and Simulation of Dynamic Systems (2001), in: Neurocomputing, 36(123--147) | , , and ,
Numerical Stability Analysis for Fuzzy Control (1997), in: International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | and ,
Specialization, A New Concept for Uncertainty Handling with Belief Function (1990), in: International Journal of General Systems, 18:1(49--58) | and ,
Fuzzy Reasoning in a Multidimensional Space of Hypotheses (1990), in: Int. Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 4(47--68) | and ,
The strong law of large numbers for fuzzy random variables (1982), in: Information sciences, 28(233--241) | ,
On the Construction of Fuzzy Measures (1982), in: Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 8(323--327) | ,
A Note on Additive Fuzzy Measures, Fuzzy Sets and Systems (1982), 8(219--222) | ,