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New Algorithms for Finding Approximate Frequent Item Sets
Type of publication: Article
Journal: Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications
Volume: 16
Number: 2
Year: 2012
Month: April
Pages: 903-917
ISSN: 1432-7643 (Print), 1433-7479 (On
Abstract: In standard frequent item set mining a transaction supports an item set only if all items in the set are present. However, in many cases this is too strict a requirement that can render it impossible to find certain relevant groups of items. By relaxing the support definition, allowing for some items of a given set to be missing from a transaction, this drawback can be amended. The resulting item sets have been called approximate, fault-tolerant or fuzzy item sets. In this paper we present two new algorithms to find such item sets: the first is an extension of item set mining based on cover similarities and computes and evaluates the subset size occurrence distribution with a scheme that is related to the Eclat algorithm. The second employs a clustering-like approach, in which the distances are derived from the item covers with distance measures for sets or binary vectors and which is initialized with a one-dimensional Sammon projection of the distance matrix. We demonstrate the benefits of our algorithms by applying them to a concept detection task on the 2008/2009 Wikipedia Selection for schools and to the neurobiological task of detecting neuron ensembles in (simulated) parallel spike trains.
Authors Borgelt, Christian
Braune, Christian
Kötter, Tobias
Grün, Sonja
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