%Aigaion2 BibTeX export from Bibliography Database of the Working Group on Computational Intelligence %Sunday 23 February 2025 08:39:12 PM @INCOLLECTION{Kruse_et_al_FuzzyClustering_2007, author = {Kruse, Rudolf and D{\"{o}}ring, Christian and Lesot, Marie-Jeanne}, editor = {de Oliveira, Jose Valente and Pedrycz, Witold}, month = apr, title = {Fundamentals of Fuzzy Clustering}, booktitle = {Advances in Fuzzy Clustering and its Applications}, chapter = {1}, year = {2007}, pages = {3--30}, publisher = {John Wiley {\&} Sons}, isbn = {978-0-470-02760-8}, url = {http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470027606,descCd-tableOfContents.html}, doi = {10.1002/9780470061190.ch1} }