New Features of the FCM Release 1.5
The following features have been added to the FCM 1.5:
- DDE support
The FCM may be operated as a DDE server and as a DDE client now.
- Export and import of rules
Rules may be exported and imported from the table input window of the
FCM. The rules are transferred as ASCII text in a table-style format and
may be used, displayed, analysed, or modified by other applications.
- Emphasizing of undefined areas in the 3D diagram
Undefined output values within the data mountains (no rule fires) are
marked by a special color.
- Time writer window
This is an additional graphical display window (like the data writer)
which performs recording of exact real time stamps. Successive simulations
will be recorded seperately and may be saved to different files. Data export
is also possible by copying to the clipboard and by "drag & drop".
- DLL improvement
A new DLL window is provided for all DLL-related user operations.
- Portable Code (PCode)
A new code generator exports the fuzzy controller as a data array which
can be processed by an interpreter loop on the target system. With the
new online monitor window, it is even possible to download the PCode
automatically to the target system after modifying the fuzzy system. Because
the FCM is able to read back the PCode, the PCode may be used for external
optimization of the fuzzy project.
- Optimizing window
An integrated neuro optimizer will optimize a fuzzy system according
to a given learning file which represents the desired system properties.
Like a Neural Network, the optimizer uses a modified backpropagation
- Online documentation
The manual is available by online help now.
FCM description ·
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